OOSH Sup Forums BTFO


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The white kids are aiming at the ceiling, somewhere safe

The coons are pointing them at eachother.

There is something wrong with one photo, but not the other.

Must mean im racist right?


Statistics don't lie.

I have an issue with both not having trigger discipline

Niggers are more prone to irrational violence.

You do see how this blade cuts both ways right?


Both those pictures are making me angry. No trigger discipline.

>no trigger discipline on any of them

didn't take long for this autist to show up



those black boys will use those guns for protection
that white boy will shoot up his school

The ones one top kill people innocent people

Both of these images equally upset me.


Alright Tyrone

>Some abbo intellectual looks down on gun safety.
What a cunt.

I think those evil cis-white privileged monsters should not have firearms!

Does that make me an asshole?

And this is why Aussies are the best shitposters.

TRigger Discipline XDD lol

nicely meme'd fellow Sup Forumsacks! ))))

You're damn right I have a problem.

Why do those black kids only have BB guns? The fuck is that shit?

Get them quality firearms you pieces of shit REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

we get it faggot you dont know much about guns so you meme it up about trigger discipline because you heard someone say it on reddit

The dindu's are all holding airguns. Probably took the pic right before liberating some snacks from 7-11.

It's the most basic principle of gun safety that your dad teaches you when you're fucking five years old shooting his beer cans in the woods. You rest your finger on the guard until you're pointed at the thing you want dead.


>There's something wrong with pointing your gun at a coon

I have a problem with the child in the red sweater not knowing proper gun safety and pointing his gun at the other child.
He should not be allowed to hold a guy until he learns the basics of handling firearms.

>nigglets up top have cheap budget firearms
>no trigger discipline
>kiddos on bottom have gucci modern sporting rifles
>no trigger discipline
both make me angry

Came here to post this

> that terrible trigger discipline
> pointing them at each other

I'm pretty sure anyone that is in a brain-dead liberal would find some sort of problem with the first picture

well in one foto the middle kid is not pointing the gun at THE OTHER BACK

gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8
and now fuck off

My problem with the above photo is the total lack of muzzle awareness.

Hmmm... my country is right about in the middle

>They only got BB guns for Christmas


yea, niggers shoot way more ppl


>ever safe

Pick one.

>niggers gonna use the guns to kill other niggers in a turf war
>whites are gonna use the guns to kill niggers breaking into their house
no problems here

t. butthurt noguns

Why do niggers not understand trigger discipline?

White kids:
We are nationalist, protect our country exercise our rights.

Black kids:
Imma fucking gangsta, what you don believe me I'll cap your white ass you muthafukin raysis.

what the fuck does middlenigger even have? It looks like the barrel sticks out of both ends of the gun

The only problem is that the black kids look low class and therefore prone to crime whereas the white kids look at least middle class and therefore not prone to crime. If the black boys were wearing formal clothing with a better background there'd be nothing wrong with it

Here is why I have a problem with one photo and not the other. Look at Europe. Atleast this video poses a solution...even if its a final one.

>No trigger discipline in either
>Niggers pointing their guns toward each other

that middle black isnt handling his weapon very safely

Both have shit for trigger discipline. Plus the middle kid in the top pic is muzzle sweeping. REEEEEEE

Whites are armed to the tits while the blacks have BB guns.


I have a problem with both photos actually.

I have no qualms with statistics.


Also this!

>implying Sup Forums is a racist board

Those look like fairly assimilated blacks holding good firearms for beginners. I have no problem with this. Who's BTFO?

you really they are going have ammo when taking a picture?

Its a spring powered pellet gun. Arm on the back is the cocking mechanism. Also fires small darts.

The nogs are holding pellet/bb guns, the whiteys are wielding the real deal.

Great let's all have guns. Niggers are garbo shooters anyway.

>Dat trigger discipline on both pics
>Middle nigger pointing his gun at the other nig

They all have terrible trigger discipline

One is 80ish% more likely to use them for violent crimes, the other is a group of future violent niggers.

Does anyone know the statistics of a nigger posting pics with a gun's tendency toward violent crime vs. a whites tendency having posted a pic with a gun.

As if being an asshole in the US is some wierd thing.

Leave it to a Virginian to be butthurt about proper gun safety.