So how do we recognize each other on the battle field?
So how do we recognize each other on the battle field?
It will be easy, we will have American flags on our shoulders others will be Russian or Chinese
We will likely have some sort of callsign, most likely something regarding kek.
Praise be unto....
If they say Allah we kill them.
With this
I'm not gonna kill Russian bros fro hillary.
i've been thinking about this for a while
pepe, kek, /poltard/ could be shibboleths, what else?
What if their far away? And gunshots will make it hard to hear each other.
Well, I bought a Nazi armband today. That'll be my sign.
It's dangerous to go alone.
Take this.
That actually genius. Because there will be enough light at night from the radioactive glow to still do this.
I'll be the guy with my waifu sewn onto my battlejacket.
Don't shoot til you see the blue in their hair.
Newfag please.
pfff idk, let's all shave one vertical line in our left eyebrow?
look for other white, fat, ugly loser-types wearing baseball caps. If there is a pickup truck nearby that is a good indicator as well.
I say we have pepe arm bands...
No one will be my friend. I will just keeping dispatching targets and running until I die. Probably better that way. No sense in trying to start over after it all comes crumbling down.
what's this?
tell me more about this. i thought it was just a /k/ thing
This one should work during the day
>code phrase could be "Fucking normies get off my board"
Then we'll know they're Hillfags
but what if it is dark?
Carry one of these.
look at the Sup Forums logo ya dingus
and "path of light" is a shibboleth
KEK badges
Normie get out
THIS. I actually do this.
If you don't have a card, be prepared to ask and answer:
What is your card?
My card is the four of clubs.
See for code phrase
>also carry a flashlight or your mutant food
hats, obviously
It's going to be pretty hard to recognize anyone once a drone drops a bomb on them user. Don't be silly
>I'm new
>spoonfeed me
It's the path of light = p.o.l. = Sup Forums.
It's Sup Forums's "covert" symbol, a 4 of clubs card. It's supposed to be used for identification of fellow Sup Forumsacks if shit hits the fan.
These are the correct answers, guys
>So how do we recognize each other on the battle field?
By the sign of the cross
if someone is wearing a huge tinfoil hat hes one of ours
what are the contingencies? premade meetup spots?
is "ron paul will make anime real" still a thing
when you see fedora wearing 400lbs manchildren emitting a foul and repulsive odor, you'll know you've stumbled upon Sup Forums division
Perhaps we shouldn't talk about these things while CTR is so rampant
how did you get so fat
Shout Shadilay
No one wants to, that's why druggies, fatties, and trannies are now allowed in because they support the leftists. Not saying they will be combat effective at all, our remote operated tech will be all we will have.
Sup Forumsacks will understand like pretty much the rest of Sup Forums to.
Quote FBI from the Dark Knight
Why would you post this
Shouldn't you be helping Sweden de-cuck itself right about now?
Stop talking.
Found the new fag
4 of clubs, 4for Sup Forums, clover bc that's the symbol of Sup Forums
Show each other our secret Huna feet pic.
Doesn't that make us like mudslims?
If we shout Lord Kek everytime, it's literally same thing
Sad but true
Race > Flag > Attire > Stance
Nah we'll just annex them once they've burned their country to the ground
When does the narwhal bacon? XD
For those who are in Nippon when it happens. Then again, those rice niggers will kill you nevertheless.
Does the card have to be white? Is pic related ok?
Wrapped in bacon and wearing a frog mask
I'll be wearing a cape
gtfo newfag.
Would kill you. Nothing personal, just principal for being an edgy fag.
How can we see that from a distance?
by the pee pee poo poo pants
Wear your red maga hat, or buy a camo one
The color of our skin and hair. We're the whites with normal hair color. Anyone not white who isn't wearing a MAGA hat or has blue hair or looks like a tranny goes into the oven.
I will be cunningly disguised as a stoat.
>from a distance
I was going to ask you not to snipe me, but then I realized you were British.
We should scream "Kek u Akhbar" at the top of our voices so they know we do it for kek
My family lives on a farm and has a nice collection of guns.
My uncle's ex SBS.
I can get my hands on a Winchester or a mosin nagent fairly easily.
a scarlet T. like that fag on twitter suggested
Does anyone have the nuke map of the US? I'm wondering if I'll end up crisp toast or not.
So? We used to praise god after our bountiful conquests over the shitskins and the death of their shitty gods. Religions help create and sustained cultural unity among disparate sects of people.
Praise KeK, or greet everyone with "Shadilay."
Those in the know will understand where your loyalties lie.
Nukes aint shit anyway, chances are you will be ok unless you live in a CBD or millitary base
>"Oh shit that guy is from Sup Forums and he insulted me yesterday, goddamn bong"
>Shot in the head
>"Get some you motherfucked, praise kek"
4 of Clubs, like always.
How new are you?
I was just memeing, mate.
But seriously, please don't snipe me. I'll find a way to wear the card openly.
oh my god i'm cumming inside of beyonce rigt nw
Our guys will be the ones having assault weapons and milsurp clothing
homemade maga hats
i;ll cu inside of your gypsy mother you AQUAT
If there is a military that lets me wear the Bedborne Division logo on my uniform, I will join it.
you hard me the 8th time you silly fucking jippo
I will dual wield big black dildoes.
>What is radioactive luminosity?
thats racist
achmad and jamal have names you know SWEDISH MEATBALL CUNT
"You're a big guy."
"For you."
outdated fucking trash
Face paint
These make the most sense, better to do all three.
Path of light
>hurrrr let's make it dicks out for harambe so more people get it
Im getting pepe patches made.
We won't have bears and male pattern balding.
this. if you're too new to already know about the 4 of clubs it's too late for you to be saved anyway
>One yells SHADILAY
>One responds LA MIA LIBERTA
It's not the same because Kek is a real god