What's your personality type Sup Forums?

What's your personality type Sup Forums?


entp a master race reporting

What's bad about intp?

Is this Sup Forums approved?

>it's another introverts pretend they are master race episode.

Fuck you're a cunt. Up extrovert stat and assertiveness.

ENTP master race here as well.

INTJ here
All I want to do is hurt people

No h8


Sounds right.

>tfw the only difference from that for entps is that you make a fool out of yourself in front of people frequently

consider yourself lucky

We over analyze, but it's what makes us happy. Satisfaction isn't something we get very often, relationships don't last.

why contain it


Sounds aboot right.

we are, statistically, the least happy MBTI type.

Extremely INTJ

Tism' 2: Personality Boogaloo

I had to capitalize the fake movie title and even check to see if I spelt boogaloo correctly.

INTP here

I feel like we're autistic or something.

back to loser /soc/


Commander checking in...

>almost everyone -NTP
I smell delusion.

INFP-A master race

ISTP here

What does Sup Forums think of me?

I'd rather be autistic and get an actual dispensation from the world for being the way that I am.
As is I just get to enjoy being an awkward asshole with no friends who's self aware of his own awkwardness but unable to effectively change it.

>will never accomplish anything

Well, at least you're serious about being a useless piece of shit ;^)

Into Self Programming?
Was the horoscope less scientific for you?
Do you want to let your live be dictated by something some semi serious looking test gave you?
Dudes just think abou yourselves and talk with somebody you trust when you not know how you are

ESTP last time I took it.

Intp-a. Right there with you senpai. Surprised capcha still doesn't know I'm not a robot.

Where are my ENTJ bros at?

Autism is extremely prevalent on Sup Forums.

I feel your pain my friend. I just took the test again for the first time in a few years and it's the same as all the others.

I do care about people. A small handful I really care about but when it comes down to it sometimes I say or do things that are apparently awful but I can't fully see it. I think there is hope for us if we find someone who can understand we are basically autists.

I'm like I, 55:45 N:S, T, 60:40 P:J.

Where's my HOLY ORDER master race?

INTP who wants to be more human. Sucks man

forgot pic related

Why. We're all paranoid autists that hate people and don't want others to have a window into our lives. Are you surprised we congregate on an anonymous forum?

Ayo senpai
ENTJ master race

Bro this ain't no forum it's a Bangladeshi basket weaving and throat singing image board.

>autistic phd candidate.

INFP-A Spookbuster Brigade are go

I'm a leo.

And you're all faggots.

judge me faggots

thats because we are

we are at minecraft level of autism.



Am i fucked

What the fuck is this bullshit you gay fag fuck you

You are practically an insecure faggot.

I got that too

What I meant is that anons are answering based on how they want to be, ideologically to fit a stereotypical macho Sup Forums image rather than honestly. Fearless tough guys in their heads you know?

I am INTP, But mixed with INFP. so it's an even worse hell because I have feelings attached to what my analytical brain processes

Best and rarest personality

I'm pretty alpha, I guess.

I'm INTP but feel I belong more to INFP because I prefer writing and daydreaming over mathematics and science.

Being an idiot.

is nothing to brag about.




It wasn't meant to be like this

Ha ha! Time for brooding!

INFP master race

I got ENTJ which is a 'commander.'

>Is this good?

>daydreaming over mathematics and science

I'm INTP too, but that sounds autistic as fuck.

ENTP-T reporting in

>Being an awkward asshole with no friends who's self aware of his own awkwardness but unable to effectively change it.

This is my life. When I engage in socialising I can sense my own strangeness but the more I try to fix it the stranger I become. It's better to just be yourself and genuine. People will respect that.

Autism, drive, and ambition.

Yes, yes it is.

Honestly thought I'd get INTJ.

I legitimately don't care tbqh, I wouldn't let these labels define you.


INTP-A, ''The Logician'', Analyst, confident individualism. Sounds about right.
Says here we make up 3% of the population which would explain why I feel like I can't connect sometimes.




You're basically the kid who wore all black in school that was nice at heart, but noone 'got'.

ENFP here. co own a Binary Options platform and made my first million at 24. ENFP is the master race. Anything with an I infront is Aspergerland

based. Now join us in laughing at all the INTPs in this thread

master race gather together

As an INTP I've learned to be happy by just cooling down and relaxing.
If I try to be happy by any other means then I fail, mostly.

Commander master race, everyone else is a minion.

If these test were accurate, then every person on /pol would be an autistic INTP like myself.

Praise kek, Trump 2016!

Why? I just like to come up with stories and sometimes write them down.

Masterrace INFP. feelsgoodman.

fucking retard.


Just fuck my shit up, this is the most punishing MB type.

Go to bed, Adolf.




audible kek

"Master race"
Iiterally an insecure faggot

Enfp master race

You're just INTPs except you act like faggots more in public. Literally noone likes being around you.

Well yea we are awkward assholes, but it's more due to the fact that we choose not to change.
I (We) make friends incredibly easily but it's just such a pain in the ass having a social life I tend to forget I had them or just blow them off when they invite me out.
I'd rather sit around and play in my imagination or read a fantasy/science/sci Fi novel.

INTP Libra sun/moon Scorpio asc Wood Rat master race here, come at me plebs.

Oh fuck.
Said a zika infected southnigger

So from what I read the commander one is an alpha with no emotions and a lot of drive and ambition. That actually sums me up perfectly.

the only thing I disagree with is the nature part, I definitely think a whole bunch more than I feel.

ISFJ. I hate when people use me as a tool but I'm prone to that happening.

Putin pals

You're a fucking idiot, and a hindrance to society.

What about my qualities makes me a manchild with down syndrome?
Please explain.

INTPs are literally autistic.

Us ENTPs have the sharp mind of an INTP but are also blessed with a wide range of social skills and tremendous self confidence.

Stay jealous.


I used to be the same-- If I had to guess I'd say you are actually INFP.

INFPs are pretty analytical, thanks to the combination of Ne and Te. They can be practical and methodical to a greater degree than an INTP. It just takes a lot of energy for them and can't really be sustained. INTPs tend to be *slightly* more outgoing, and their thinking is introverted, meaning they are very concerned with integrity of their logical frameworks (where INFPs are internal frameworks are moral or personal-- something dealing with people). Insulting an INTPs intelligence is the easiest way to get to them, whereas to piss off an INFP the easiest way is to force them to accept something they see as unfair.

Anyway, admit the truth to yourself, whatever that is. It makes everything else easier. There's nothing that prevents an INFP from being whatever kind of person they damn want to be.


Debaters are the alphas