> phase 3 is a lie and assange is dead.
Sure man, sure.
I mean, right?
As always it will be fucking nothing. Even FBI couldnt take Hillary down. Drumpf is finished, its over for him.
Any photoshop fags? We need an army.
Unless you have audio recording of Hillary being a bitch or child pornography w/ elites. You got nothing, Assange. You deserve a drone strike!
trump will win
>Clinton campaign: If 'whopper' email is published by WikiLeaks in next 2 days, 'it's probably a fake'
>“Friends, please remember that if you see a whopper of a Wikileaks in next two days - it’s probably a fake,” tweeted Jennifer Palmieri, the communications director for the Clinton campaign.
fu non-country
You're stupid Assange just released a video interview
Im currently occupied with my own burgers, when im done eating il help you burgers.
Will contribute when I get home
1) There's nothing in the video to give an indication of when it was actually recorded.
2) People have been asking for a message signed with his PGP key for days now with no response.
#2 seems damning to me.
Stop bad mouthing one of the greatest Patriots America has ever seen.
Its not his fault the FBI decided not to do anything more with the server. Lets hope they have transitioned to the pedo shit instead.
In the meanwhile Stop FUCKING BASHING THE HERO
There are no more happenings. Win on November 8th.
Hey, I'm legit hoping he does start this "phase 3" tomorrow.
We don´t know the real date of that video so Assange could be pretty much dead.
My only hope on Phase 3 is that they were waiting to FBI to say "Clinton is innocent" to release the last batch of emails showing the opposite and making the system look corrupt, people could get mad if FBI lied to them.
Assange did promise shit that would get her indicted.
And he died for it.
gg no re
This is understandable, Trump is getting so desperate that he'll just make some shit up. It's getting pretty pathetic, now with Hillary cleared of charges.
Nah bru.
Trump =/= wikileaks.
phase 3 is nothing. phase 3 is accepting defeat.
Maybe they knew Comey would bitch out like the little cuck he is.
33k emails incoming.
Feds dont want trump.
>Assange found dead in his room in the embassy after committing suicide by shooting himself in the back of his head 13 times
phase 1: collect emails
phase 2: leak
phase 3:
Perhaps wikileaks was waiting for this, it would show how corrupt is by showing how they lied and protect a criminal.
Weren't they supposed to release a video of Bill Clinton raping a kid a few days ago?
What? Who?
>You can contribute
Awesome plan, wait until the day before the election to release highly incriminating evidence. At which point a large portion of early votes have already been cast and it will be too late for the news media to spread the information to the remaining voters.
Phase 3: ????
Phase 4: Profit!!!
Wikileaks will kill Hillary's Campaign any day now.
No, that was just a joke that an anonymous asshole posted onto an anime website, good job.
I feel so dirty and desperate hoping for phase 3...
I mean Trump should win big w/o that shit mang
You know what at this point? Fuck him. Him and O'Keefe and FBI and all of the other little shitstains kept on jerking about how good their shit is when their shit is literally nothing at all. It would've been better if they'd never said anything.
My God you people are delusional.
The video Assange is questioned about his Internet being cut off.
He addresses how Clinton is blaming the Russians.
So you think he knew that his internet would be cut off in advance?!?
Seriously I feel like you guys either have autism and ADHD and can't pay attention to a 25 minute interview or you didn't watch it in the first place
too fucking late you cunts
wikileaks just dropped the big one
new leaked email reveals Hillary asking Huma to DVR modern family for her
the email passed through the ILLEGAL SERVER
Kill her campaign or her presidency?
>why not both
This got me thinking. What if the Clinton campaign wanted the FBI to charge her, so Obama could immediately give her a pardon and thus continue to be "elected" as president. The DoJ is full of Clinton shills, but they would "charge" Clinton on a made-up crime so Obama can pardon her.
Since Comey did nothing today. It allows WikiLeaks to release the emails and what else they have on Clinton and the government.
If the FBI really has information on a government Pedo ring, this would make sense.
Phase 3 was this past week, retard. From Monday 31st October onwards.
There is nothing left in the tank. No ammo. They won.
You have 2 options
>take the blue pill (go back to normie life)
>take the cyanide pill (move on to the afterlife)
>Hey I know this is illegal
>but can we move forward with the plan
>kill all white people
i want to believe
Jesus Christ you fucking cry babies.
O'Keefe showed the DNC literally breaking Election laws and HRC breaking Election laws by her involvement in requesting the PACs coordinate Donald Duck Taxes shit.
He showed additional laws being broken, but the system in America is so fucked up that even when the Proof for illegal activity is handed to them on a silver platter they don't do shit about it.
Look at Wikileaks and how they showed Donna Brazzile giving debate and townhall questions Twice in advance yet Hillary gets away with it.
Just face the Facts, we could show the Government a video of Hillary Clinton raping and murdering a 5 year old kid and they would ignore it.
This is America, stop blaming O'Keefe and Assange when they did more any all of us combined, they did and continue to expose the corruption but our government is so fucked it isn't going to do shut about it.
It's time for us to take the power back and out of their hands, this is the last option left for America
You got font or some template showing how it should look? I could make a photoshop template with the bars and anyone with photoshop could just open it, change the picture and quote etc.
She could kill a person in a live television with bare hands and they would let her walk.
Don't rely on external factors to help Trump anymore. Assange has good intentions, but our people will not pay enough attention to him. Trust in Trump's message, that's the only thing that's going to make us win.
If Trump doesn't win we need to organize storming the White House and taking America back
What makes you think Trump were gonna win? perhaps they will already sure that he was going to lose with rigged votes.
Atleast that´s what I want to think, they are doing this to hit Hillary really hard in her presidency.
this this this
>30 oct
do burger weeks really start on sundays? so by "next week" they meant the week of 7 nov?
But they just continued the same Podesta leak count.
Obviously "next week" applied to the week starting tomorrow.
Did you actually see his face talking in the video?
Have you seen the new Adobe VoCo software? It can make someone say anything you want them too, in their own voice.
If adobe is just releasing it to the public it means the govt has had used it for years
Sort of gets my synapses snappin about the grab the pussy tapes too
Anyone else like to see that Assange homosexual take a bullet to the face?
Hopefully, someone brave in England will charge in there and kill that fucker.
seriously fuck off
Does the software exist or not?
My God... watch the video Assange is Alive.
Clinton is a corrupt and horrible person who deserves prison but Assange is ok trust me.
>Sort of gets my synapses snappin about the grab the pussy tapes too
That's fucking retarded because Trump apologized for the tape. You obviously aren't thinking this shit through. /x/ calls, m8.
He gave a phone interview to some Argentinan thing last week. He was talking about his internet being cut.
Any fucking day now... Literally they should have posted this shit a week ago...
Why the fuck did they wait until now?
If the bomb is big enough tomorrow, it'll get the job done.
Cernovich is delivering the killshot on 11/11
comeon WikiLeaks go for the glory. end it!
>Game Over
the tape could be real but if it's fake then trump could have forgotten whether he said 'pussy' or if he knew he didn't say it then it'd still be better to let it slide and apologize because he'd look insane if he didn't have solid proof to show it's fake
It doesn't matter what the fuck it is because the media can easily censor it for a day (which is all they need before voting begins).
What makes you think i thought Trump is going to win? Assange himself has said that there was no possibility of Trump winning this election because of all the vested interests that want to HRC in power.
>End Game
>Kek has blessed us
This is horseshit. There's no way this could be sincere. Something else is up.
What if it's a Trump leak?
No one could post this in the face of how such a comment sounds and not have something up their sleeve
If you wanted to REALLY fuck over the system, you'd wait until she was elected, wouldn't you? Can you imagine the utter shit storm that would ensue if Wikileaks released real proof of Hillary and Kaine being involved in a pedo ring on Jan 22nd?
What a clown.
You gotta admire Hillary. Everyone from serial rapist Julian Assange to the Russian Government is trying to defame her but she still stands tall.
who do they think they're fooling lmfao
Phase 3 was the "winding down" phase I guess.
Phase 1: Have 400 lb russian give you emails
Phase 2: Slowly release these emails
Phase 3: ?????????
Phase 4: Profit
>Phase 3
Is Wikileaks run by the Free Syrian Army or sumthing?
You forgot menstrual blood
I wonder what Burger King has to do with Hillary.
And pig blood.
And statues of little children when you are filming that stand in for the real ones.
Hmm, always thought Assange was more of a McDonalds guy
>no cheese
Not a burger.
Even Hannity didn't fall for this shit. How dumb can you be?
Says the Belgian who has to eat disgusting QUICK sandwiches who are bland, dry as shit and fall apart the minute you take the first bite.
I don't envy you m8.
Quick was getting replaced by burger king over here, last I heard.
Here is a transcript of letter of hacker Gucifer who read the Hillary Clinton emails - the ones she deleted:
“The Romenian authorities query that I have to be sent back home “right away”, is a silly, hasty move, by the way.
I will not leave this beautiful country without saying that the “Guccifer Project” was a failed project. My will / intention was to fully expose the Illuminati / the Council, and their crimes, but I failed!
“Hillary Rodham Diane Clinton is one of the high priests, a goddess of this ocult, satanic, shadow group. One must see their evil and profoundly corrupt nature to understand what I am talking about.
“Though I know I invested a great deal of time & effort trying to expose the crimes of the Rockefellers, the Bush klan, the Clinton, and many others, maybe my skills (or lack of skills?) were NOT matching my faith.
“So, I apologize in front of the unknown soldiers who struggle to take this fight against these monsters to a glorious end. Many of ’em are risking their lives, while doing this behind the computer screens, from inside or outside the system.”
Really? Fucking finally!
When I lived there for several years quite a few years back there only was one MacDonald in the centre of Bxl and only quick elsewhere.
Nice to hear.