Trump proudly boasts of his ARYAN blood

Trump proudly boasts of his ARYAN blood.

This is a call to action to all ANGLOS on this board. It is our duty to stop this man, who is a threat to ANGLO hegemony, by supporting publicly and online - and encouraging others to do the same - the only person who can stop him.

I have almost finished blueprints for a blood refinery

We will not rest until the streets run red with ARYAN blood.

You call yourself an anglo?
Kys you fucking moron

>implying lizards are white

What else would I be?

Looks like our last plot to KILL THE ARYAN menace didn't work. I propose building an ARYAN soul sucking machine and we'll use it on Trump at one of his rallies

Why cant you foreigners just stay out of our elections?

Hillary is an Anglo. We have an obligation to protect her regardless of her morality.

Wow this is a real eye opener. I thought trump was Anglo. Was a trumpfan from the start But now im against him because he is an eternal kraut. Gonna message the americans i convinced to vote trump to vote hillary or third party now.

Well trump is half Scottish so basically an Anglo

Global ARYANDIED when, fellow ANGLOS?
We've got to exterminate the ARYAN diaspora. We can't let even a single one escape now that we've successfully doomed the ARYAN homeland with rapefugees.

Reinforcements from double chan /brit/pol arriving. We cannot risk giving a Kraut nuclear weapons.

>not welsh
how do you get that wrong?

Kill yourself you fucking moron, the fact that I've got to share an island with a dim-witted untermenschen like you makes me despair.

Wow trump thinks highly of himself
I am literally shaking
Drumpf btfo
Fuck drunmph and fuck white people

>Dresden never happened

What an unfortunate TYPHUS outbreak that was.

divide and conquer huh?

go home muhammad


I love this meme.

Don't worry, Krauts, we won't rape your women. We'll just get the darkest Africans to do it.


>0.1% dutch

So does this mean i should vote for Hillary instead?

>memeing so hard that foreigners actually think the Anglo/Aryan thing is real


I've got like a tiny bit of West Slav blood (Czech) in me but other than that I'm Anglo, is that okay?

she is an anglo race traitor

Aryan-anglo ftw


Hillary Clinton's grandfather was born in my city - Newcastle-upon-Tyne before migrating to USA.

Not sure how I feel about that.