Prove you're not a kike

Prove you're not a kike.

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Will this do?

im poor

here are some retail receipts

There's literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.

Say what you like.
I'm still not a kike

Don't need to prove shit to you, faggot

nobody in my family is a jeweler, lawyer, banker, or works in show business


Prove by giving Steve Austin the Cold Stone Stunner

i eat pork.

my penis is whole

I'm black

I donate my own money to actual charities.

that some sort of casket count?


Jesus Christ is Son of God and Saviour

I have a uncut penis.

I'm not American or Israeli

I wish every nation well and don't want to wreck any

I'm German

It ain't me, I ain't God's Chosen Son, no!

I really don't care about money or power, I just live within my means and am content.

I love my country.

I don't know the compound interest formula by heart.

Easy. I'm a nigger. No self respecting white man or kike admit he is really a nigger. Sup my fellow black Sup Forumsiticians.

i work with my hands.

My nose is naturally proportionate to my face

checked and keked

I worship Jesus Christ, work a 9-5 middle class job, and buy things at retail.

You're not telling me, member of the black Israelites

I am not money and/or power obsessed

I believe in G-d

I don't fear the samurai

>self respecting

Circumcision is a disgusting practice and anybody whose parents were cucked by a Jew-doctor should feel bad.

It's way down there with chink foot-binding.




Or the thing with the women who stretch their neck with loops to the point where if the loops get removed, their necks snap.

My last name is Rosenberg, doh!

i snuck onto my neighbors porch and left an ounce of silver on their bench

Oh God, it's filled with JIDF. How am I gonna survive as the only westerner left on Sup Forums

Tfw your aunt on you mother's side takes a 23 and me and finds out she's 40% ashkanazi jew

Are you the kike police?

Didn't think so, faggot.

If there is anything less than a dollar on the floor, I don't pick it up.

Dad is Jew
Mom is Roman Catholic

according to Jewish law I am not a Jew...

Praise Jesus

I'm stupid

Roman nose shape.

shalom goyim

I enjoy all seafood and have no money

I'm a crypto-kike, but not a kike.

Scotch Irish turned Wyandotte. My family can be traced back to fighting in the American Revolution and even the French Indian war.

I'm a blood descendant of General William Tecumseh Sherman. Say what you will about the civil war, but he was a BAMF


I don't think it's fair to make the goy suffer

I'm broke

זאָלן דײַנע ביינער זיך ברעכן אַזוי אָפֿט ווי די עשׂרת–הדיברות.

I thought it was a map of his hidden jew gold

I am a kike.
Now what?

Also I think Israel should be stronger and the best way to get there is more diversity and immigrants

i pay taxes

So you're saying you need money?


here ya go OP

I saw this, this afternoon.

But I am


I saw a shekel lying on the ground and didnt pick it up.

Why should i?

used to call our one jew friend "the Jew"

Um I do my own taxes but I don't cheat!

>Implying poor 3rd world Czech wouldn't fight each other to the death for a shekel.

i fart a lot. and i survived