I just got shamed by my mother for supporting Trump
I asked why, and she said "he's a racist"
After I debunked that, she said "he made fun of a handicapped reporter"
And after debunking that, she just told me that she didn't want to talk about him anymore because it pissed her off
What should I say about Hillary that she won't be able to argue against?
I just got shamed by my mother for supporting Trump
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She's a woman. Checkmate
Better not argue, you wouldn't want to lose your good boy points would you?
Grab her by the pussy and make thrusting motions while chanting under your breath "Drain the swamp, drain the swamp".
I don't know what kinda home you grew up in but she's not a sociopath
>Allowing the other side to control the debate
You done goofed, user, she's got you on the defense. To win this kind of debate you have to be on the offence; explain how Trump will be the guiding light that this nation needs.
May Kek grant you wisdom in the coming days.
Get #WhitePrivilege trending now!
Tell your mother this.
Voting for Hillary because she has a cunt between its legs isn't a vote for democracy, for womyn, for Americas children . It's voting for a cunt.
And if she doesn't like that then you sneer at her and tell her that this is why it took so long for women to get a vote in the first place.
>arguing politics with your mom
Just try and have as many good memories with her before she dies
I am curious to how you "debunked" him making fun of that handicapped dude.
It's pretty cut and dry.
Why do I see so many threads like this every single day? It's like nobody can even explain their political views so they come to Sup Forums to ask everyone what they're supposed to think.
"Guy's I was just talking to a Hillary supporter and I don't know what to say, please tell me why I like Trump."
I'm not just saying it's old only people who support Trump that act like this, there's an overwhelming number of people on Hillary's side as well as Trump's who do this shit. Just don't fucking vote if you don't know why you're supporting someone.
Women were a mistake
Maybe by noting that he has done the exact same gestures before when referring to someone who is flustered.
>What should I say about Hillary that she won't be able to argue against?
Just tell her
>You're shame of me for supporting Trump?
>I'm glad to know that you're not ashamed about the following
>I'm glad you support
>black magic
>child sex
>child slavery
>child torture
Just like Trump I want to take care of my own first and see the prosper. You, my parents (father and mother), be proud of my heritage and grandparents, and be sure that I can be proud of my brothers and sisters. Since what I'm most worried about is the future my children, your grandchildren, and their children will inherit.
Be ashamed of me all you want, I was raised to be above this and for that I'm grateful to you. Maybe one day you'll be able to transcend hate.
I can tell her why I support Trump, I just wanted some dirt on Hillary
calm down
>arguing with your mother
Are you 12? I learn a long time ago to just shut up about everything with my family.
The day you have a family you will able to redpilled everyone
>What should I say about Hillary that she won't be able to argue against?
Hillary receives millions for dollars from Saudia Arabia/qutar knowing that they also support isis financially and logistically, who give gay people the death penalty by law, and allow husbands to correct their wives with physical contact.
Mom tried that shit on me. I told her she's always had a problem with masculine leaders and beautiful women, and she's just being a bigot.
She knew damn well I was right too.
>You, my parents (father and mother), be proud of my heritage
Except that, outside Sup Forums people and probably his family don't give a shit about heritage.
>source: my ass
I'm glad that you underage faggots cannot vote.
OP, your mommy was right. Stop being a faggot, it's 2017.
Who the hell support an american candidat for this election outside the USA ?
This election was a joke. And this last ride of the white man was pathetic. A chair could have won against Trump and a comatose lady against the old corrupted democrat.
Your mom was right. You took too seriously what was the greatest american show of the year.
You think that's bad? My mother was a trump supporter during the primaries and was literally for trump for six months, bought a maga hat etc and literally in August went full Hillary and anti trump because of the "Putin connection". It's torn my normally very republican family apart because me my dad and my sister are all voting trump but my mum and brother are now voting Hillary (she basically convinced my older brother but failed on me and my sis). And every time I try to redpill her using wiki leaks she says "the Russians are faking these emails" or something along those lines. What angers me the most is she can't help but be patronising about it in a way you guys can't imagine, like she says "I know you like Trump sweetie, but he just doesn't have a chance, I'm sorry, maybe next time" and then tousles my hair. It's infuriating because she's also convinced he's going to lose.
Honestly I think if a civil war breaks out it's because the Hillary supporters are going to be smug on levels previously Thought to be impossible.
>me my dad and my sister are all voting trump
Are you on vacation or proxxy?
She's a women. They don't listen to reason. Use emotional arguments that make her look bad for supporting Clinton, and ask question that will force her to experience cognitive dissonance.
Hillary will trigger global nuclear war. Nothing else matters.
>America is so important that third world European citizens are focusing on our elections rather than their own
I love it.
just keep pissing her off and let her know that by voting for clinton she's betraying her own children. no cunt is worth that.
Expat student. Living in Britain four years now.
>there are no American citizens living in Britain
>ameriburger unable to have an opinion on more than one thing at a time
The arm movements weren't even close to the same. Absolutely embarassing damage control
Yea we know. Of course, Hillary isn't going to admit that.