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>renting to single mothers

never again

Rather rent to the blacl girl than a self hating white cuck

ill go with the white one thank you very much.

Lets make a realistic choice


Trick question, the white one is dating Dequan who will trash the fuckin place

Don't rent to single mothers at all.
Rent to a working single man with hentai addiction.
He will never fail to miss a payment because he has nothing else better to do.

Fuck you, I want to see some credit scores.

I have no idea what they do, but based on statistics of their likely incomes, and assuming I am renting out the average place in Toronto, I would rent to neither.

right has crazy eyes

>check credit report
>they're both shit
Fuck off.

>fuck incomes, credit and job histories and sheeit
>muh racism is more important

The white one looks university educated and will be a good tenant. What percentage of blacks attend and graduate university? I remember very few when I went. And they were always shockingly stupid. Turned out that they were all there on some kind of special grant for niggers. They honestly operated at a middle school level of intelligence.


The left one legitimately looks better put together than the right, so her

you don't decide to rent to people just by their face
that comes later

Let me see their credit scores

Right. Higher likelihood of education, employment, higher wage, being in a committed relationship, being without disease or parasite, not having a criminal record or criminal relations

Etc etc

Why am I in such a rush to rent a property without doing a credit check and confirming income?


The black one. Reliable check from the gubmint every month. The white one might have a job and get behind on her rent.


>They specifically say that anti-black racism happens, implying that anti-white doesn't, instead of just saying "racism happens"

Can we start Operation ACAS (Always Carry A Sharpie) where if we ever seen one of these we just write "let's see who has the better credit score" and "which one has the better job?" Ect ect on these posters

>it's in Toronto Canada
Nvm leaf this is ur problem not ours

>just moved in to new apartment this summer
>whole building is white and maybe one mexican
>land lord has rule everyone must use trash cans

>THREE days before trash day
>niggers from next building up put a million store bags of trash in front of my building
>same shit every week

Realistically, it would be the one who submitted a tenant application first to me first.

Fucking racists. The black woman contributes far more than any white person.

It's 2016, brother. White people are the devil and blacks can never be racist and are always the victims of whites. Get hip.

Which one is the single mom, and what is their credit score? Oh, they both are and their credit is both shit?

Guess I better rent to you both anyway so I don't get sued for muh discrimination


>renting to single moms
Ahahahaha nope, I'll take the queers in any day of the week, complain and i'll scream homophobic in your face, SJW faggots

>Can we start Operation ACAS (Always Carry A Sharpie) where if we ever seen one of these we just write "let's see who has the better credit score" and "which one has the better job?" Ect ect on these posters

Wrong answer. Because assuming that blacks would have good credit is assuming that they haven't faced systemic racism in a white-dominated society which would inevitably lead to poor credit due to no fault of their own. Blacks are always good people whose problems are always due to whitey. If have to rent to the black man because he has suffered unjustly for so long. She'd have great credit if it wasn't for whitey's schools, governments, media and economy, all of which are RACIST.

The left is a giantess who uses cars as hair decorations. She wouldn't fit in my house.


Based leaf clearing up any confusion

White. I don't do Section 8, we like our property values.

I'll keep it on the market

Who has the better credit history and background check?

is it moral and ethical to smash the glass and pull down such a toxic poster ?