One former U.S. President, living or dead, can come back and serve one term as president.
Who would you pick and why is it FDR?
One former U.S. President, living or dead, can come back and serve one term as president.
Who would you pick and why is it FDR?
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Is it true that conservatives have never worked for anything in their lives? That when you get down to it they are just a product of abusing liberal social welfare that has been setup by FDR and LBJ?
It won't be a tral of tears this time. It will be an interstate.
He's close enough that he won't be blown away with the Tech changes and the guy was a pretty good president imo.
Nice trips faggot
abuse comes from all sides
West Virginia is the worst abuser of govt assistance it's it's over 91% white
Anyone who doesnt pick Coolidge is a dirty commie
William Henry Harrison
George Washington
>He would have full control of legislative and judicial, nobody would dare vote against his commands.
>As the first president he has full knowledge of the beginning of our country
>Our country would be inspired and the world would be terrified of us, our army would be invincible
Pretty much no downsides
Abraham Lincoln
He truly is the greatest president this country has ever had
Based Jackson would send the degenerates back where they came from!
>one term
That fucking fascist wouldn't let death stop him a second time
One right answer
or George Wallace
Fucking this bro
Lincoln so he deports the niggers.
this. praise kek
Barrack Obama. Because cancer/pol/ would hate that the most.
Benjamin Franklin
The only real Democrat.
>giving fdr ANOTHER term
Fuck off
Bring back Jackson
>He was a good president
Of course it takes a foreigner to think this dickwad was a good president.
Our country needs TR again. The ability to empathize with people of Bill Clinton, except that unlike Bill Clinton he was a good president, not just a lucky one.
Benjamin Franklin wasn't a president you retard.
Why is he on our biggest money then?
>"B-B-B-But what you're doing is unconstitutional!"
>The ability to empathize with people
Isn't that anyone who isn't a sociopath.
This is the only true answer.
I'd pick Buchanan so the kids crying how Obama is the worst ever can get some perspective
No it's liberals. Conservatives are republican. FDR and JFK were democrats.
Lincoln or Kennedy
Yep, so anyone who isn't Mitt Romney, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Al Gore, HW Bush...
Come on. We both know blacks don't vote conservative
With nothing to lose and no one to please, he would break the system into a million pieces and finally rebuild it into the country we once were.
>yfw Interstate of Irritation
Americans not saying Andrew Jackson or Thomas Jefferson need to be put down, srsly.
Definitely George Washington. He's the only president that no side could deny was great at his job. Anyone else and someone's going to be pissed
Sorry Yankee, only legitimate President during King Lincoln's tyrannous reign was Jefferson Davis
Whoever was the most isolationist of them all
A whole damn DAPL pipeline of tears.
Was going to say this.
Amen brother
Just about the only posters to not only avoid getting it wrong, but avoid getting it severely wrong. Most every other pick is for meme value or a memeish understanding of that president's historical impact.
Only correct answer right here. Perfect balance between conservative and progressive thinking.
this, not one post to based thomas jefferson.
Most Based of all presidents
Not resistant enough to (((bullets))) needs either to be Based Jackson or acceptable Theodore Roosevelt.
Of course it takes a bluepilled faggot to not realize Nixon was based.
Thanks for taking us off the gold standard and giving us the EPA. Dick.
George W.
>You did WHAT to the Constitution!?
>Whose backside do I kick into their brainpan first?
Or Jefferson. He himself advocated for occasional civil uprising to keep the government in check. needless to say we've got quite a bit of fat to cut and cobwebs to clear
FDR redpilled my japanese father in law. their entire family was interned and had all of their world shit stolen. the entire family never voted democrat again....
I like Ike
I knew a guy in cali who was a sergeant in the US army. And they still put him in a camp. Last name was Kakimoto.
>>He would have full control of legislative and judicial, nobody would dare vote against his commands.
So he would be like the king he was revolting against, then?
Carter was an idiot. Quit shitposting.
Lyndon b johnson
a white version of obama
Lincoln. So he could see how well his policies have turned out. Also the dude could handle the Civil War so I'm sure this can't be THAT bad..r-right guys?
Bring back Teddy.
They offered to make him King. Or at least lifelong President. He said no. And he stopped the Continental army from killing congress after they refused to pay them.
Barack Obama.
Calvin Coolidge
Andrew Jackson
James Madison
I don't know.
In all honesty, if he saw how insanely corrupted our shit is now, it wouldn't be out of the question that he'd prefer a temporary dictatorship to sort things out.
>They offered to make him King
Yes, I seem to recall that...
The American Revolution wasn't about monarchy. The patriots briefly considered inviting a Prussian prince to be our king and, separately, changing our national language to German.
JFK, he gonna name the jews that killed him, end the fed and drain the swamp.
Kek be blessed.
Make Hiroshima Great Again
>Puerto Rico
Grover Cleveland.
Jefferson Davis
>The only reason we are paying farm corporations to grow way more corn than we could possibly eat, export, burn as fuel, or feed to animals
You picked the wrong Roosevelt. Theodore will make America great again with his big stick.
You know that FDR wanted to be a communist dictator and almost reached that goal?
He fucked everything up
He can fix it
Based FDR created the framework for an American middle-class.
Van Buren, I like his hair
>communist dictator
implzing that's something bad
This. He's The Meme President We Deserve.
thinking about it, we are so fucking lucky we had a George Washington instead of the type who would accept "president for life"
>kim il sung
Obviously Andrew Jackson