GET IN HERE. This FBI thing can be used to BENEFIT Trump

Hillary clearly got off because of her White Privilege. If we make this viral it will help expose:

1) How corrupt she is
2) Hurt her with the minority vote
3) Hurt her with the cuck/ SJW vote

Make #whiteprivilege viral now


got it?

post memes now

privilege bump

ctr slide wtf

Bump for white privilege

could work. good luck anons.

Hasn't Trumps orange privilege helped him just as much?


nice try CTR

It's class privilege and white privilege

Decent idea.

Will never work, Trump is already known as racist Hitler. We would need like Kendrick to come out and diss her in order to get any black turnover

We need to use SJW logic against them. What is intended to hurt Trump can be flipped to hurt Hillary. This is the way

>This FBI thing can be used to BENEFIT Trump

the announcement itself benefits trump

normies don't believe this shit helps hillary, only delusional communists from CTR do

just a week ago those fuckball democrats were demanding comey resign

Only way this works is if it gets seeded out to Black Twitter and they run with it. No Sup Forums memes. Anyone fluent in spearchucker? We must out Jew the Jew.


Are you all forgetting about the TRANSWOMAN that did the same thing Hillary did? COME ON FAGGOTS.


Use a fake twitter of a "black pride" account if needed. This can turn the tide. Jew the fuckin jew.

good point. Trans people do not have the same #whiteprivilege as Hillary

Bumpity Mc Bump Bump

privilege bump

You guys are getting more pathetic with each passing hour

Trump is white too and using their own evil against them seems wrong.
we're better then that


thanks CTR thanks for coming.

aight finna make a fake back twitter account and say how white privilege made her above the law

At first I thought this was stupid. Disenfranchising white people is not a good thing.

But honestly only her voting base cares.

Like Fuck we are!

I want Trump win too but the concept of white privilege disgusts me.
I don't like the idea of even pretending to acknowledge such an evil leftist concept even if its for a good cause.
I also personally don't think it'll be effective so in that sense it might be better to try and think of some other way to help.
If you disagree then feel free to try, I hope it works.
I'll stay out of the thread now.

Forsure. No serious Trump voter will care about this. It will only make millennials and blacks hate her

The concept of white privilege is total bullshit. This is just a psi op to help Trump down the final stretch of the election.

>"B-but Trump is white too!!!"
>I thought you said he was Orange.

This could work.

Low energy

Well if you think it might keep some Clinton supporters from voting for her (black or otherwise) while not hurting Trump then I guess its not a bad idea.
I admire your efforts either way.
Thank you.