also, if Quebec leaves, will the remaining Canada be dividid in two countries? Because really it's be an odd country if not, kind of like Pakistan before it divided in two
Redpill me on quebecois separatism
Other urls found in this thread:
If this happens please annex us USA (im on the east coast)
I'd love to be a part of New-England
Thanks new USA overlords
Also do you think if Quebecs goes independence, the confederation might see even more independent countries coming out of it?
The biggest welfare province wants to bite the hand that feeds it. Unfortunately, Quebec is likely to stay...until Alberta secedes to join the USA. After seeing that it can be done, the Québécois have some decisions to make.
quebec sepratists have been replaced with controlled opposition since a long time ago so it will never happen.
plz explain
The french nationalism in America will never end, fuck those "roi nègre"
As a maritimer can we join Maine if Alberta becomes a state?
>welfare province
You know Canada is pretty much paying Quebec to NOT go independent, right? It's not so much about biting the hand that feeds it as much as it's bribing a dog not to bite you. The Federal government is trying as hard as it can to sweeten the pot.
That's very well said. You're much more on point that I. Also, a huge portion of that money going to Quebec is coming directly from Alberta and their oil boom.
appropriate since Quebec is the Pakistan of Canada
some Albertans might get uppity but no, Quebec is the only province with a relevant separatist movement
it's 2016 not 1876 huehue, Canada is a federation
biggest welfare province(s) is the Maritimes
>the FLQ was a thing
How does Quebec leaving affect the balance of power in Canada? Who wins, who loses?
reminder every open borders faggot politician ike trudeau, mulroney, cretien and martin came from quebec.
reminder quebec has the highest taxes in north america.
reminder that more than a quarter of quebec votes for a far left marxist party every four years.
reminder quebec has the lowest standard of living in canada.
reminder quebec independence has more support outside of quebec than inside.
reminder quebec can't balance a budget 9/10 years despite having 1/3 federal jobs and getting $11b in welfare from the white provinces every year.
reminder that your average quebecor has 15-20% native blood, not much less than most latinos in the usa.
They'll never seperate because Quebec has leecher status, they require large federal handouts in order to survive.
If they were to seperate all those handouts would disappear and their socialism would collapse. For example Quebec has a totally subsidized daycare, which is paid for by other provinces transferring them money. No money, no daycare, no gibs, no benefits, no free healthcare either.
The seperatists have all been replaced by controlled opposition as mentioned earlier too, they ensure payoffs are filtered into quebec society in order to placate the seperatists.
The RoC wins. Don't forget that if Canada is divisible so is Quebec and the natives that control some 90% of their natural resources and their $40b hydro project (that they still owe $44b on 20 years later) made it clear they have absolutely zero intention of being a poor ass mongrel nation. Quebec rioted during both world wars to save and then liberate France. In the 1960's they fake culture around a bastardized language and a potato dish. hey would rather import a french nigger or arab than a 10/10 swedish or german.
Truth is the only way Quebec will become independent is if they finally let everyone in Canada vote on it, and they'll never do that because they know it will pass.
If they did leave (will never happen) then yes, the West would have to be pandered to instead of ignored every single election.
Right now elections are decided by Quebec/Ontario and every other district is laughed at by Trudeau. Most of the groundwork and money all goes to Quebec since you absolutely must have Qc support to get anywhere in a federal party election.
I'd vote yes!
Le canal st-larent permettra de prélever des taxes de passage (point de commerce pour les USA et les blokes) et les chiffres affichés par le gouvernement fédéral sur le support aloué au Québec est truqué. The fact is Canada dont want us to be separed from them cause of the st-laurent
Alberta will never join the USA. I've only met a handful of people that want independence and I work in O&G. When people say they want independence they mean just that, anyone would have to be retarded to give free movement to Americans and to adopt their political system. People in North Dakota doing the exact same job as me make 1/3rd and their state income taxes are higher despite Alberta giving us world class education and healthcare.
Canada loses its second largest province (in population, territory and economy) as well as having to deal with a country split in two. Quebec loses its equalization.
I'd say the biggest loser will probably end up being whoever can outjew the other politically.
>reminder every open borders faggot politician ike trudeau, mulroney, cretien and martin came from quebec.
Mister CURRENT YEAR is Anglo-Canadian though.
>reminder quebec has the highest taxes in north america.
And it has the lowest tuition fees as well as the bet school performance.
How they handle their internal affairs is their own business.
>reminder quebec has the lowest standard of living in canada.
It ranks fifth: squarely in the middle
>reminder quebec independence has more support outside of quebec than inside.
The grand majority of Anglo-Canadians oppose Quebecois independence, which explains why they flip their shit every time it's brought up. Moreso than the Quebecois themselves.
>reminder quebec can't balance a budget 9/10 years
Citation needed
>reminder that your average quebecor has 15-20% native blood,
Citation needed
Why so upset bruh? Are you only allowed to express your frustration towards other white people in THE CURRENT YEAR?
The US also threatened they will not let a hostile actor blockade the St Laurent, which a seperated Quebec would do in order to charge tariffs. It's likely the Americans would just seize that river
>BC and Alberta literally holding the rest of Canada up. West coast independence when? FEDERATION OF BRITISH ALBERTIA.
Our constitution would strip all right from women, kick out the natives and niggers and establish a powerful homeland for the aryan race.
I have a challenge for you guys. Name an open borders Marxist politician that wasn't from Quebec. I've asked this question before and only gotten Mulroney, which although he hid it well was born and raised in a french town in Quebec.
The Maritimes may very well join the US instead.
Mkay fat fuck? You are in delirium tremens for saying that
Trudeau was born and raised in Quebec by a Quebec Prime Minister. He went to a French university and represented a 92% French riding before becoming PM. There's nothing Anglo about him and you know this. Every single open borders marxist came from Quebec including the Trudeau family which if you recall stole untold hundreds of millions and funnelled it into Quebec visa vie the sponsorship scandal which got them ousted for more than a decade.
That's the situation as it exists now. It's about to get a lot worse for Alberta. Taxes on that province are going to go no where but up. A pro-separatist party in Alberta is making gains in the legislature. While American statehood may seem far-fetched, independence is certainly not especially when Ottawa tightens the screws even further. Alberta's position in the federal union as a "donor" province is currently as good at it's going to get.
Joining with the US would solve every problem of that independence would present. In 2030, American statehood may look a lot better.
Don't look down on him. He's got that poutine to eat.
We should have done what the Americans did to their French in my opinion. Our ancestors should have known they would rewrite history and destroy this country.
I haven't much about separatism since the referendum in '95
I think they finally accepted that the majority of them want to stay Canadian
I bet he hangs out with this fine specimen of a Hutt now
Edge lord here
That picture is old, he lost a lot of weight since then.
Quebec will never seperate as immigrants keep pouring in and will systematically vote against it.
Just like if Donald loses this week, there will never be a republican in the white house, like ever
They still speak a bit of Cajun French down in Louisiana, but the lingua franca is English
>It's about to get a lot worse for Alberta.
Our household income is nearly triple the American household income.
>It's about to get a lot worse for Alberta.
Still leagues better than any other place on the planet.
>Taxes on that province are going to go no where but up.
We have zero sales tax and a flat 10% income tax. They literally cannot go down.
>A pro-separatist party in Alberta is making gains in the legislature.
No separatist party has ever gotten a single seat in Alberta. They received literally less than 6,000 votes last election.
>Ottawa tightens the screws even further.
The one thing Trudeau has done is decentralization. He does this for Quebec but it benefits Alberta and is the only benefit of the Liberal party.
>Alberta's position in the federal union as a "donor" province
You don't understand equalization and we would pay FAR FAR MORE under the American federal system. Also next year we will be receiving money.
You literally just bullshitted your entire post.
>appropriate since Quebec is the Pakistan of Canada
I think he meant YOU would be the Pakistan, your territory split in 2 with Quebec being DESIGNATED independant.
>dem waffles
I can imagine her making animalistic noises while she rolls herself in powdered sugar.
Wrong Trudeau, friend.
>Born in Ottowa
>Alma mater is an Anglophone University
>The first PM of Canada to declare it a "post-national country"
And even if your bullshit were true, do you seriously think a man like Trudeau could come to power without the support of Anglo-Canadian voters? The idea that all Anglos opposed him and only Francophones supported him is purely by virtue of demographics much less likely than the opposite. Add to that the fact that Trudeau is aligned to the Liberals, while the most popular party in Quebec is PLQ.
Also friendly reminder:
what an actual separate quebec would look like
Why doesn't Canada do to Quebec what Malaysia did to Singapure then?
Everyone here seems to be in favor of it, and canadians in general too
It's a Dominion not a confederation
>Everyone here seems to be in favor of it, and canadians in general too
Check out the link I posted earlier, practically nobody in Canada favors Quebec separatism. Most Anglo-Canadians oppose it, the Federal government certainly opposes it and even the PLQ wants more autonomy rather than true independence.
Also, I hope I don't have to explain why you can't turn Quebec into a city-state.
Every Frog that thinks they'd get the entire province is a blithering retard that just wants gibs because they are the welfare leeches of our Country
Realistically if they somehow seperated they'd get a tiny slice of land ranging from Hudson bay and curving along the border with Ontario peaking at Quebec City. Anyone that tells you otherwise is an idiot.
It's a confederation (but acts like a federation) you moron
Some 80% of the area of Quebec is controlled by natives that have made it clear they have zero intention of leaving Canada. Quebec has the highest taxes in North America and the lowest standard of living in the country, despite receiving $11b in welfare and 1/3 federal jobs. They literally cannot exist on their own and would go bankrupt overnight as nobody would lend to them.
Quebec would have been independent in 1995 if they let the entire country vote. If you recall they lost some 90% of their banking (Montreal was the capital of banking in Canada nows its the capital of nothing) and more than 70% of their factories between 1993-1995. What little government propped up business they have would disappear overnight if they left, and this is one reason why Quebec independence is supported by a higher percent in Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, PEI, Newfoundland, and the Yukon than it is in Quebec.
Would the US want them? Especially republicans that are already losing demographically?
>coming directly from Alberta and their oil boom
More like "came". Their oil is garbage and became profitable only thanks to the wars you waged and the pre-crisis global growth.
btw you know that Quebec rioted during both world wars to save/liberate you guys right? Anglos went to the killing fields without a peep while your French "brothers" couldn't have cared if you were wiped off the face of the planet. One of the most pervasive myths is that Quebecois like Americans and French from France.
Canada is a confederate state, dipshit.
Fact is: The international prestige comes from Quebec.
Quebec got a Main Ubisoft Studio, ALOT of universities, Jews, The tourism that interests the wealthy europeans, The plane making industries and the Culture that exports well in Europe (nobody listens to Country, albertans)
Pushing Quebec off means blowing up the Island's lighthouse, Nobody will come anymore.
We've been pumping out oil for 50 years. More than half of our oil doesn't even come from the sands but shale plays and nearly half of O&G revenue is natgas.
not a city-state, just independent against it's will
PLQ are crooks, They appointed Judges that denied all charges to their wrongdoing and political corruption.
He was born in Ottawa because his French father was our Prime Minister you idiot. Ottawa is literally on the border of Quebec. Jesus christ.
>The international prestige comes from Quebec
What's prestigious about being fucked by a moose and cucked by a spruce?
I'm okay with that. Then consolidate 'upper Quebec' and the maritimes into a single Maritime Province
>Nobody will come anymore
isn't that what Sup Forums wants?
Trudeau was literally raised in the house he lives in today. 24 sussex the Prime Ministers residence. I've never met one single person here that tried to claim he or his father were anglo. There's absolutely nothing anglo about the Trudeau family.
that's smaller than even most maps I see that take away other parts of quebec.
Why do you think it'd be so small?
You know that Quebecois hate you guys more than even the smug liberals in the GTA? Right?
Well most of that north is inuit so it really should go to Nunavut but the wast coast and south should go to Labrador
>There's absolutely nothing anglo about the Trudeau family.
You mean other than, out of all the universities in Quebec, Justin going to the one university that uses English as the language of instruction?
But you're avoiding the point: even if we can call him French Canadian, it's mostly Anglo-Canadians that support him. If not, he would've never become Prime Minister in the first place.
They're afraid of being cucked by the french. See
What's prestigious about rattling your guitar about how your wife cucked you with your horse and having empty fields for miles?
Atleast we have Celine Dion here, compared to butthurt alberta fags.
The only reason Quebec has 20% of our game studios is because they give retarded tax credits that cost more than the companies bring in. Even still the city of Vancouver will surpass the entire province of Quebec in vidya development by ~2020.
Yeah you read it right. 37% of costs.
Natural resources and expanded fishing grounds
>14 posts by this ID
>Atleast we have Celine Dion
I'm so sorry.
Nobody has ever called Trudeau anglo. There's nothing anglo about him. Fuck off you're just mad that you can't name one open borders marxist that didn't come out of Quebec.
Reminder: You'll be in the dark when we pull the plug.
Natives control the land and Hydro Quebec still owes $44b for that project. Regardless Ontario overproduces, Alberta overproduces, Manitoba overproduces, Newfoundland overproduces, etc.
If Canada is divisible so is Quebec. Let's be honest though the only way Quebec independence is happening is if they let all Canadians vote and Quebec would never allow that because that would mean the $11b in welfare every year and the 1/3 federal jobs would evaporate overnight.
Even back in 1995 there were real concerns nobody would lend to Quebec. You guys already have the highest taxes in North America and the lowest standard of living in the country.
So why is it called "the Dominion of Canada"?
well that seems important
Would quebecois independence severely crippe Canada's infrastructure and defense capabilities (not that anyone is about to invade, but still)?
Canada was a dominion (think autonomous province) of the British Empire until 1982. Most people don't even know that we flew the union flag above parliament while our parents were alive.
that's a lot of bullshit you're spouting
you seem upset. What sparked your vendetta against Quebec? are you mad that Americans like us better? Or that the world knows us as the only Canadian province with a culture and the will to protect it from globalisation?
No but we'd be able to get rid of the french quotas in the military which would drastically improve our upper tier leadership. Quebec riots during both world wars to save France, there weren't even moderate protests in other parts of the country. They straight up revolted.
According to other provinces overproduce, but we still pay electricity well under the national average, And we're the safety net.
real quick rundown from someone who has no real regional attachment and has spent my whole life living in multiple parts of this country
>quebecois are good people
>just like other canadians, faggy opinions on some things, based in others
>rural > urban
>fully support their language laws and protection of culture
>quebecois constitution needs to be ratified by federal government
>but separatists are faggots who want to run away from home with daddy's credit cards and a willingness to leave the door unlocked
>canada needs a 10th amendment
anyone who falls for the anglo/french divide is falling for
it's not gonna matter though. Liberals are destroying this country and the maritimes/quebec are doing their jobs adding to the destruction. So is urban Ontario aka not real canada.
but people opposed annexing parts of Mexico (and the movement to annex all of it was opposed by Calhoun and others, so didn't happen), and there was opposition in congress to every expansion the US ever had. Politicians wouldn't care only about resources
Quebec is better off in Canada.
I hate Quebec because I was raised in a small town near the coast. I moved to Alberta in the early 2000's with three of my good friends and we have never looked back. I finally moved my father out here two years ago.
Also i'm tired of all the faggots spreading disinfo on here and making cuckbeck out to be something that it is not. Quebec is destroying this country and more Canadians want it independent outside than inside.
>Reduced to its historical and juridicial dimensions along the north shore Quebec would be a poor cousin, top on the list for Canadian Foreign Aid.
We revolted when we saw the captured germans eating Omelettes in camps while 'our guys' were toughened up with Oat and crummy bread.
If Sup Forums existed back then, The revolt would have been called 'redpilled' and the conditioning 'broken'.
But woops, Guess that doesn't apply when Quebec does it.
>quebec is the centre of canada
yeah, in 1968.
Toronto is the hub of most of canada.
t. torontonian who hates that fucking city and will never return
every country should have a 10th ammendment
You pay some $4b a year in interest on ONE PROJECT from general revenues. Jesus christ you french faggots are so retarded. You still owe $44b for that one project ($2b more than it was 20 years ago) and now your new bonds have 10%+ interest. You've paid more in interest on that project already than every Ontario resident spend on electricity last year combined.
Quebec loves to rewrite its history. You revolted because you're 20% ethnic native cowards that wouldn't even fight to protect your mother country in either war.
Smaller than that, we are keeping the Eastern Townships.
well that's a oddly shaped country, but at least they have access tot the sea
Of course there has been opposition to every expansion.
If the people of the Maritimes applied for statehood, however, I doubt that Washington would oppose it. It would give us direct access to the other side of the St. Lawrence.
>most people
most torontonians and anti-uk faggots.
there are literally towns, named after uk places, in counties called "loyalist" and "dundee", flying union flags from most homes
agreed. 10th is necessary
You'll negotiate that with Clinton
Even when we lose, WE WIN!
No province is ever applying for statehood. You have 15,000,000 more niggers than we have people. Your middle class is worse off and although you pay fewer taxes (our working class is tax exempt unlike yours) you receive essentially zero services. Ours are always ranked top notch except for Quebec healthcare which everyone points too because it's third world tier.
Reminder that the first anglo prime minister in some two decades scrapped the gun registry and Quebec tried to keep all the records and start their own. Reminder that some 25% of Quebec votes for a far left marxist party every four years. Reminder that I made this post
The truth is Canadians are just jealous of Quebecois for being the only cultured province.
failed because of immigrants.
Guy who called it got shamed publicly by state sponsored media and had to step down.
Its dead since then.
It was the fault of the immigrant voters and now that was 20+ years ago. He was right and now they doubled down on immigration so much that it cucked all the anglo province too.