What is a good argument against this? A friend just sent me this link
What is a good argument against this? A friend just sent me this link
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there is no argument
whats the argument? I just see a link
Those "educated" people are the millions of liberal arts, psychology, sociology, urban studies, communications, and gender studies majors.
The ones who go to school for actual careers vote Trump.
Because having higher education does not equate to having more intelligence.
That only poorly educated people love trump, and 'intelligent' people are voting Hillary. The usual argument I see
You have to be highly brainwashed by professors to think that saying politically incorrect things is worse than being a corrupt, lying crook.
Obviously democrats are the party of the privileged elite
is there a source for this?
Oh. That's easy. Education is just codeword for indoctrination. It's cliche, I know. But if they try to say otherwise, ask them why blacks and hispanics support Hillary if it's all about IQ. If it's not about IQ, then why should we care?
Anecdotes are nice too. This probably won't be of use to you, but my girlfriend is an astronomy graduate from UT. When I met her, she called herself a feminist. Now she's practically a nazi. They withhold vital information in formal "education". When the actually smart people see this information, they usually change their opinions. "Educated" people only see the opinions that those in power want them to see.
Furthermore, white males are tied for second highest IQ behind asian males (not counting jews but since they're bluepilled they won't care about that). How would they explain that?
That's the LA times poll.
Degrees in psychology and women's studies do not translate to intelligence.
That's not entirely true. It's only true if they're exposed to the real facts. Some are, some aren't. Those who are smart enough for real degrees and who are exposed to the real facts usually vote Trump.
>What is a good argument against this?
getting a college degree = spending at least 4 years in a literal leftist indoctrination facility.
between 1933 and 1945, universities in germany were full of fanatical nazi supporters. between 1920 and 1990, universities in the USSR were full of fanatical communist supporters
academia always serves to promote the ideology of the ruling establishment.
Colleges are liberal, Marxist, indoctrination centers that YOU PAY OUT THE ASS FOR. And the only thing you get in return is a piece of paper that lets companies think they are hiring someone "smarter".
It's because cum dumpsters lean Democrat and they get brainwashed in college with all their worthless degrees.
It's not education, it's education without making money. Because you realize that you will need a government to suck on the teat on if you will be able to survive, and when the private sector has found you useless at actual value-adding work, you could still get a powerful government job through shaming and harassing people.
That it's literally made up shit?
>implying you ONLY receive post-high school education in liberal arts, psychology, sociology, urban studies, communications, and gender studies
Because engineers, tradespeople, scientists, analysts and business owners are born with their abilities?
I've seen the statistics on "intelligent" people voting for Hillary. Its only about 10-15% higher and that doesnt mean jack shit to me. If they are saying intelligence has to do with getting a degree that extra 15% could be shitty liberal arts degrees basket weaving garbage degrees.
That's not an argument, it's an emotional manipulation trying to get stupid people who want to appear smart to vote for the person all the "smart" people are voting for.
> putting psychology on the same level as womyns studies
This is some American education right there folks.
educated = social climber = conformity
anti-intellectual environment on college campuses
Who gets fucked most by outsourcing jobs AND illegal immigration? The low education worker.
Hence, the low educated people vote against immigration and against outsourcing jobs.
You are fucking stupid and don't know what you're talking about, and it is obvious to anyone who does.
Psychology is a non-degree, but it is one that gives you an enormous education and teaches you how to think correctly--one of the few degrees that does--you just cannot find a lucrative job with the degree until you earn a PhD in it.
Because democrats are not a party for the working classes, they have the most support from well to do that take luxury majors and don't need to work. And college does not equal smart, most STEM majors are republican and most liberal arts are dem. There are just a lot more liberal arts majors than engineering.
They may be more "educated" but in what? Not logic and math. Woo music majors and art.
Because most "education" is merely liberal indoctrination. That was an easy one.
>not a meme degree
German Gymnasium, everyone
But...but...muh real degree! You can get a job in Psych once you get a PhD!
psychology is garbage, and if it didnt have such a long tradition as an esteemed academic field it would be viewed as a pseudoscience along the likes of astrology and homeopathy
Seriously though, most education outside of STEM is just liberal brainwashing.
Remove non STEM degrees
People confuse "educated" with smart.
I've encountered many idiots in school.
The educated are the privileged. A vote for Hillary is a vote for privilege.
They're the minority and they're the "educated" ones that are voting for Trump
More education, but paid less.
Indoctrination, reinforced by groupthink
Why are people on this board so retarded? How can you not debunk this ridiculous non argument?
There are two statements that are implicitly stated as a priori facts, that then go on to implicitly make an argument. No REAL arguments are made.
1. That level of education is directly related with intelligence.
2. That smart people always make better decisions than dumb people.
From this you are supposed to conclude that: Because 55% of people with college degrees support Clinton, she is the better choice.
All you have to do is argue against statement 1 and 2.
>Reading comprehension this bad
37.7% of people college grad and up still supported Trump. Those are the ones who actually research issues and those are the ones making money with their degrees.
Says a guy, on Sup Forums.
If they split it by useful degrees and retarded SJW tiers you'd see it's just that SJW majors churn out a fuck ton of retards that support crooked Hillary cause muh woman president.
They capture the underlying cause which is wanting to "shake things up." They try to break it down even farther but I think that is as far as you need to go. Average Americans getting screwed while the elites and corporations are held to a different standard. Nobody knows what they will be getting with Trump and that has been enough to carry him this far because we know exactly what we will be getting with Clinton.
The answer is that smart people always make better decisions unless they've believe false information.
>Psychology is a non-degree, but it is one that gives you an enormous education and teaches you how to think correctly--one of the few degrees that does-
Sure missy.
College is breeding ground for Marxism school of thought. (((Education)))