it responds if you say "hey Siri"

> it responds if you say "hey Siri"
> How can it know you said that if it isn't ALWAYS listening??
> Obviously meant to spy on everyone
> What do

are you doing something illegal that you dont want someone hearing?

> what do
do shitpost on other boards and get saged

>Not having a $20 burner phone that only has call and texting ability

Why do you need some $1300 nu-male social media gadget? Get anxious when you can't check your instagram?

if you are worried about being spied on you probably shouldent carry around a GPS/Camera/Microphone/transmitter in your person.

>this guy

Don't buy shitty apple products then.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Noteā„¢ 4

It only does that when it's charging, i think.


Google does the same shit.

It's pretty much required in the modern world for everything

classic strawman


You haven't explained how

I survive fine without one

>buying anything apple
>not running Debian on top of your self compiled Android mod without gapps
>not spoofing your location and running all your ip traffic through tor
It's like you want to be spied on

OK, Google.

Whaaat, i mean OP thinks the world revolves around him and that everyone is listening to him. If hes not doing anything illegal, whats the problem?

Wait, does the 7 actually do this or something? I have the 6 and you have to hold the home button to activate Siri.

>what do?

turn off internet so your voice recording isn't transmitted to apple's server?

Mails, maps, studying, shitposting, networking, playing the n64 etc

6s and above do it. There's an "always on" coprocessor in the CPU of all models after the 6s.

Also "Hey Siri" works on the 6 if you have it plugged into power.

>just let them walk over your rights
>if ur not doing anything illegal what's the problem?

Face it, smartphones are nu male fashion accessories for pathetic beta cucks who can't survive in the modern world

any phone or computer can be used to spy on you. I only use rotary style phones with big fancy handles and cords.

Mine is provided by my firm and I need to use it all the time
Also they like to put these everywhere and on everything

t. undereducated construction worker

A smartphone is a pocket PC bud, why wouldn't you use one?

You're a nerd virgin if you spend time doing this.

Go get laid instead you fucking idiot toothpaste.

>What do
Don't buy a fucking smartphone, dipshit.

I work in an office and I'm at a computer the whole day

I rarely need to use a phone

And then they bug your rotary phone/house just like the good old days

I really dont get it, your not even defending your point and just proving mine.

literally the orwell textbook answer

>Also "Hey Siri" works on the 6 if you have it plugged into power.

I just tried it and it doesn't... This isn't a thing.

Newfags should lurk, not post.


Exactly, I like to make them tail my car like in the old movies.

It was a work of falsehood and fiction. Sorry you got triggered.

i want Tay to be my Siri , post more tays please

If you "okay, google" in an accent, it may respond to you in that accent even if it you're shit at it, e.g. an american using a fake brit accent, it will respond to you in a brit accent. Fucking racist-ass phones.

It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once

*racist-ass phones because they don't do ebonics, that is.

>using a phone 2016
>not using carrier-pigeons

Did you activate it you idiot?

I had a 6 10 months ago and it works when it's plugged in.

No shit. You are literally years behind.
"always on" "always recording" devices have been pushed down our throats for years now.
How the fuck do you think xbox one works?
why do you thinki people are prying the cameras out of their phone? Covering their laptop with tape..
You can find some trace files of conversations in your phone or gmail/apple data collected history sometimes.
One user found like a half hour conversation he had with his mom

Well I'll be god damned- it does work.

That's kind of fucked up.

Settings>Siri>Turn off "Hey Siri"


For voice recording, you can get acceptable quality from a much lower bitrate.

i made a mistake so deleted, but yes 96kbps AverageBR is way too high including sleeping
but still only $8,000 right now to record a humans audio over their entire life, and in 10 years including redundant backups and archival media maybe $200

345 MB per hour
8 GB per day
3TB per year
240 TB over 80 years

For some reason your flag and that pic go so well together....mmmm wonder why

Really making think

Get ready to be fucked haha