Sup Forums BTFO

Sup Forums BTFO

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who cares, ohio is red. nobody likes lebron anyway

Might have helped if Ohio was close


Lebron didn't learn the most important lesson from Jordan.

How is she getting literally every last celebrity to endorse and campaign with her? Don't any of them have different political views? Is she paying them off? It's getting really odd at this point given she's been seen with at least 10+ very famous people in the past 3 days.

>i put a ball in a hoop
>listen to me

Fuck off nigger.

>i run a business and was a reality tv star
>listen to me

ofc she is paying them. niggers have no virtue but money. they always end up broke even when they had milions becuase they are materialistic coons with low IQ. i doubt that they can be considered humans.

Did she ask them to shuck and jive like jayz did?

All these artists, medias, sport players, etc. Coming in for Mrs. Clinton. It's almost like as if it's all rigged. Obama is using Air Force One to campaign for her as well. It's almost as if the elite feared Trump would really change things for the best. Too bad he'll end up losing because the very people who are voting against him would actually benefit from him being president. The masses have always been stupid, we don't live in a monarchy anymore but in the end it's the same. I shit on society in general. I also take a shit on you OP.

Over the past 3 days she's had

>Stevie Wonder
>Katy Perry

Am I missing anyone?

That's why they're the perfect race for jews to take advantage of

Maybe successful people who don't live in their mom's basement just prefer Clinton because they don't want to see the country go up in flames.

You had me at
>I run a business

>highschool educated nigger gets told what to do by his handlers for $$

It's a sad indictment when you think apehoop/sports in general make you successful. Sport culture is cancer.

This is fucking ridiculous. She's literally relying on retards with no self awareness.

not everyone

George RR Martin, author or Game of Thrones.

I be dat nigga dat can dunk dat ball. Vot for Bills wife yas. Ya dig?

Lebron James is probably worth over 1 billion. Meanwhile with my math degree from a top-3 school in the country I'm just barely a millionaire. Of course he is more successful than me (or you).

It amazes me how some Basketball millionaire nignog is gonna come out and influence the black vote, and act like he's a voice to the blacks, and the hood, while the hood is still in shit rags, and he's rich so it's nothing off his back. James doesn't care if his race is in chains, because he still makes his contracts. Blacks need to wake the fuck up and realize this.

>i run a multibillion dollar empire
I would totally listen.

Are you a NEET?

>J.R. Smith

likely a Chinese agent

>LeBron James

literally a gorilla

Must be worse than it seems if she seriously has to bring out all these celebrities.

look at that smug bitch.

i hope she dies painfully.

Tom Brady's support cancels out all of that shit and more.

>literally a gorilla
pic related

>house nigga gets in line

Color me shocked.

>hurr durr why dont these niggers support the nigger hating candidate I support

just how delusional can you be?


it's easy to say "let the refugees and illegals in their people too!" when you don't have to deal with any of them in your fucking mansions and private islands

only smart educated people see through this shit and want trump and the welfare leeching niggers eat this shit up


Celebrities live in a bubble.

They don't experience the America me and you do.

lmao what a house nigger.

it's like they are really rich and out of touch with reality and the common man.

Not sure what you expect, when the Democrats have essentially made themselves the Welfare Party. It's why the poor and uneducated consistently choose the Democrats: constant promises that they'll pull the poor, stupid, and destitute out from the gutter and that the Republicans put them there in the first place.

That's a German

Hollywood is getting desperate. Something must be a foot.

>Don't any of them have different political views?



how could you not see that coming? the entire last season was
>lets get rid of old evil white men as our leaders and get stronk women leaders.

the black turnout must be really bad judging by the amount of black celebs + obamas she has shilling for her this week

Who cares about some nigger, that plays a pointless sport

Tens of millions of north american street apes that need someone to idolize.

Can "BTFO" finally be on the banned words list? Or cause a thread to auto sage when it's in the OP. It literally is never used for any non shitposting thread.

Kasich has the fix

>idolize lebron
>voting citizen
pick 1

Protip: successful blacks are basically pets. They're "allowed" to be successful because their success serves some white luciferian agenda.

Face it the halls of power are completely corrupted. The fifth estate is now a cardboard cutout. And any fifth column will be crushed under the sheer weight of this corruption.

It's time for us to accept out fate and get nuked.

that black lives matter?

The faggot is the author of the books and doesn't write the episodes since season 2. However he is a liberal and a cuck. He has a book about a guy who sacrifices himself for his ex-gf and her husband. Cuckoldry.

>LeBron James
Redditors gonna reddit.

>successful blacks are basically pets
Ain't that the truth. Nothing makes me want to vomit more than the sight of hardcore leftists (or cuckservative RINOs) coddling their negro pets.

There's a good article theorising why celebrities lean left, boiled down to them feeling guilt about being so well off while doing so little (play pretend/win sports)

Sauce me up senpai. I could totally see that.

Obama somehow owns these NBA stars.

This shit really grinds my fucking gears

You're a fucking professional athlete, stay the fuck out of politics. There is literally no reason to get involved at all.

Appeal to false authority and basketball is the shiniest sport of them all.


>How is she getting literally every last celebrity to endorse and campaign with her?

Yes, how could a millionaire member of the ruling class have anything in common with other highly paid aristocrats who are also in the business of manipulating people for financial gain?

>Don't any of them have different political views?

The ones that do are booted to the fringe and treated like crazy people.

>Is she paying them off?

Probably not with money but with favors.

>It's getting really odd at this point given she's been seen with at least 10+ very famous people in the past 3 days.

It's not odd at all. It's the only way she can fill arenas and get people to turn out for her events. She could barely fill up school gymnasiums herself, and her VP can't even get triple digit crowds.

Without these famous people to shill for her, everyone would know how unpopular she is.


No intelligent person cares about the oppinion of a useless nigger who's only talent is throwing a rubber ball in a hoop.

Lena Dunham
Robert DeNiro and Louis C(uc)K indirectly.

Wow, they're bringing out the Big Nigs now.

>black man who is good at putting ball in hoop gets payed by white corrupt women to tell other even more stupid black people who are good at nothing to vote for her


Another reason to hate LeBron

I bet he pays more taxes than you.. He has the right to speak his mind.

>Can "BTFO" finally be on the banned words list?

Filter it. That's what I did for threads with "Drumpf" in the OP.



They're all part of the same cult

Doesn't anyone have that one wikileak email that says why she's doing this? Something along the lines of how millenials are stupid and will vote for "things that are cool?"

nevermind... took me 2 seconds to google

The ape represents Germany you dingus. Look at the helmet.

Just another reason why Kobe will always be better.


The look on her face says it all.

>"You like that don't you little nignogs?"


CAA owns all of these celebrities. They are in the oligarchy.

Everything is about PR to celebrities.
They go along with what the MSM says is good, to be on "the right side of history" so they won't damage their brand.

all these celebrities are experts on economics and foreign policies of course they would endorse madam president and not drumpf

>she can't keep getting away with it

Why that's as crazy as some white millionaire pretending they give a shit about the poor or middle class while they're proposing massive tax cuts for the wealthy.

>He has the right to speak his mind.

problem he is speaking someone elses mind, faggot leaf

Says the Russian puppet

>Maybe successful people who don't live in their mom's basement just prefer Clinton because they don't want to see the country go up in flames.
Pretty sure you have a typo: that "don't" shouldn't be there.


>biggest nba star today
>mostly white people
>only 300 showed up
>biggest nba star today

Trump Landslide incoming

trump had ted nugent once

King James is more successful and liked than you will EVER be, faggot.