How do we get women back in the home?
How do we get women back in the home?
By making men men again
End the sexual revolution.
only a world war can reset things at this stage.
Honestly, a lot of Trump's reforms would do just that.
Renegotiate the trade deals and bring back middle class jobs so men can get back to good wages again to support a family. This way women wouldn't have to work.
By making them dress like women
You can't; otherwise just cause a worldwide economic depression and it will happen automatically.
tell them they're racist unless they convert to islam. everyone becomes muslim. wives must submit in all matters to their husband, or be lashed until they do. if any protest, they're racist. is they try to reform islam, tell them they're western islamaphobic oppressors. resisting is a form of cultural violence.
Chain them to the kitchen sink.
Top cuck
If we could find a way to reform Islam into allowing for innovation and economic growth I would unironically be ok with this
By telling them to
Beta males are the real problem
Double a man's salary.
It doesn't matter how "uncucked" men are you morons. Men can't afford to provide for a family anymore. Women need to work because the bourgeoisie has stolen the wealth.
By finding the right girl. My fiancé is just waiting for me to get my degree and a job and then she wants to be a housewife. They're still out there boys.
They 50s houseweife spent her childhood during the great depression and in the factories during the war. They were poor and had their food rationed.
The 1950s kitchen was the best place to be compared to everything else. It's where the phone was too.
Why isn't Russia literally the best place on earth then?
They've been having a hard time before even Genghis Khan.
It's a lifestyle choice. Maybe affording your wife to stay home is a sign of wealth and success, instead of a big ass house (as your starter home), 2 new cars, all the fucking gadgets, and the expensive vacations, because u deserve them.
With less movies about successful playboy entrepeneurs who live in luxury apartments right by Central Park and more movies about how shitty most jobs actually are.
We save our civilization by putting men back to work. We do so by outlawing the hiring of females for anything other than very limited tasks useful to the community she lives in.This means county and city government work. No higher than that. The rest would pay harsh income taxes unless they were married to a man, and only a man.
Men would return to work at higher wages in the marketplace and for state and federal jobs. Women would be able to work part time city/state, and in roles assisting men in the free market.
>you'll never live in 1950 and marry a good christian woman and make a strong family with strong moral values.
>Instead you're in 2016 where men are women, and women are men, and children arent boys or girls but purple penguins or baby people
>emasculated all the time by feminists and cucks
why live