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holy shit he is winning colorada

fake and gay



very nice

lol ok

This is the future.

>Dems winning early votes
Literally nothing new

Trump has that much support among Democrat early voters? Must be fake.

Stay mad drumpftards.

Wait. So she's only up by 11 in CO among registered democrats?

who are these retards?

It was already over desu

for every dem voting for trump, there is a 'MUH TRUE CONSERVATIVE' voting for clinton

Lol at that Michigan poll. It's 2 days before election and Hillary is there RIGHT NOW. If its safe blue why isn't she rallying somewhere else? Rust belt has Hillary in a panic right now because there is a good chance Trump could take these historically blue states.

No one here believes that.


If this is true the election is over. Might as well crown Trump now.

>clinton only has a 11 percent lead for democrats in colorado

no fuckin way


HAHA trumpfags BTFO'd and he's wasting time in Minnesota xD

Why aren't Independents mentioned in any of these?

good god. i fucking despise that place. I used to browse there years ago for new release news but now it's literally filled with sjw's and fags in a persistent state of butthurt.

Sure there is ;)

Are democrats really that supportive of Trump?

What is this?

because it's a poll of only dems?

>only 11 lead in Colorado
>only 21 lead in Michigan
>among Democrats


Democrats traditionally vote early to a higher degree, and Trump is 10% ahead amongst independents.

Virginia doesn't have early voting kek

I wish this was true but i highly doubt it

Me too senpai.

shoulve bombed you more clintard

Do absentee ballots count as early voting? Because that's what I did and I live in Virginia

No, that's just a lie autistic retards like you unironically told to yourself and now sincerely believe. Republicans have coalesced around Trump, and aside from a few establishment figure neocons, they're pretty much all behind him. Even Ted Cruz.

>No independents


>(D) Among early voters
As in democrats that voted early? Oh shit.

digits of truth

is this really only democrats?

No, those are absentee ballots that are counted on election day. Our state doesn't allow early voting.

How is he getting so much dems? I knew he would win but not by this much.

You're the autist who doesn't realize how bad this looks for Clinton. Hillary is so weak that you have bring up mediocre numbers among DEMOCRATS ONLY to try to prop her up.

He's going pretty well amongst Democrats. Better than I thought he would.

I just screencrapped this entire thread.

You people are so fucking delusional and retarded lol.

Btw, (D) means that poll was conducted by democratic pollster you dumbfucks.

"(D) among early voters"

This isn't a count of the votes though, it's a poll. Probably sent to lots of people, this one was filtered out for only democrats who say they already voted by mail.

Now, is this poll reliable? I strongly doubt it.

Lol. Screencapped this as well.

>early voting


No, as in Public Pollicy Polling is a Democratic polling body.

They just happen to be reliable and in fact were further right than most polls this year.

They're usually abbreviated PPP (D).

The (D) is their full disclosure of the fact that they are partisan.

>tfw you realize Dems always win early voting because that when they get all the niggers to go because they can't trust them to on a specific day

Is this SomethingAwful?

Sometimes these retards will leave personal info on their accounts.

So they're just admitting their obvious conflict of interest then

No way 40% of dems are voting trump. This must be a typo.

michigan here. news radio in the area are painting a grim picture for clinton. early voting is way down, no enthusiasm among blacks for clinton when compared to obama. don't be surprised if michigan goes red this year. i like in oakland county and drive through detroit frequently. just today I was passing through downtown area and went under several overpasses on 94 right near downtown, standing behind the fences on 6 straight overpasses were some black dudes holding huge trump signs up against the fences so everyone passing under could see. i see more enthusiasm for trump than clinton in the run down areas of detroit where it is predominantly black. i had to detour through the ghetto on friday and saw dozen or so trump signs and 0 clinton signs. in 08 and 12 it was similar for obama. where i live in royal oak it's overwhelmingly trump signs. just did a count on my drive home and saw 28 trump and 4 clinton.

So the pollster is a retard who thinks absentee is the same as voting early.

It's not a poll of Democrats, the (D) means PPP is Dem aligned.

Like ballots can be opened before election night...faggots

I wouldf seriously kill therse people.
I would do it, with no joy in my heart, but a sense of duty for my world and country.

What site is that



I don't understand, is this early total voting in general or is it early votes that have only been sent out and returned by registered dem early voters that are voting Trump?

>National Association for the Advancement of Hipsters

>Colorado democrats are only 52% Hillary

Virginia doesn't have in person early voting, so for that state, mail in voting is the ONLY "early" voting

neogaf. it's a cesspool of numale betas. just go to their OT section and final a trump/clinton thread. did that recently and made myself REEEEE pretty hard.

Are you retarded? That's among democrats.

>They just happen to be reliable


>A few pollsters are shameless about their herding. One of them is Public Policy Polling (PPP), a polling firm that conducts automated polls for both public consumption and for liberal and Democratic clients.

>Take a look at this exchange, for example, between The New York Times’ Nate Cohn13 and PPP’s Tom Jensen. Cohn discovered that in 2012, the racial composition of PPP’s polls was correlated in an unusual way with President Obama’s performance among white voters in their surveys. If Obama was performing especially poorly among whites in one PPP poll, it tended to have a higher share of nonwhite voters, which boosted Obama’s result. And if Obama was doing relatively well among whites, PPP projected less nonwhite turnout, keeping his lead in check. As a result, PPP’s polls tended to show an unusually steady race between Obama and Mitt Romney.

>I’m picking on PPP for a reason: They’re the biggest herders in the business. Here’s the chart I showed you before, but with only PPP’s polls highlighted. On average, in states with at least three other recent polls, their polls deviated from the polling average by only 1.6 percentage points. The evidence for herding is extremely clear visually and statistically.


You literally need to use personal info to sign up.

>blue states voting blue
Gee golly billy don't tell me California's blue too!?

No, but this is a poll, and early voters can be polled. Nobody is saying this is how they actually voted.

Holy fuck can you faggots not read? it's a poll aligned with democrats. they polled more than just democrats though.

michigan is 100% going Trump unless Clinton rigs the election. The Dems think they'll get Obama number turnout. Hell no! That's just laugh at loud funny to think that. Blacks DO NOT like Hillary. Fact.

Wait, is this among Democrats only??? Trump is doing well if so. This poll is no longer not legit.

MICHIGAN does not have early voting.


no it's among all voters
(D) means it's ppp polling (a left wing rag).

Wait so it's not among just democrats? This poll is shit then

>(D) Among Early Voters
That means early voters who register as democrat.

This is untrue.

I don't understand these polls, especially the (D).
Does that mean that from the early voting DEMOCRATS at least a third in everyone of those states voted trump instead of Hillary?

Isn't that good?


So the polls are democrats only and Drumpf is winning nearly a third in each state? Is that what i'm seeing here?

CTR here, just curious.


> tfw Hillary and Neogaf wins in the end

No one knows what the fuck is going on in this poll

This can't be right. Are you sure this isn't just all early voting with a democrat bias from a polling organisation so rigged it needs a (D) next to its name? There's no way Trump is even in contention among democrat early voters. I want to believe but that's just a Sup Forums meme.

100% true. I live in Michigan, so I would know.,1607,7-127-29836-202483--F,00.html

I don't see how it isn't good. Means even Dems recognize that Trump is an obvious lesser evil

>Isn't that good?
Yes, but CTR is stupid and think this plays in their favor.


Trump's last stop is in Detroit. His internal polls must have said he has a good chance of winning so he's going there.

I'm vomiting reading this

> Even if whites become a minority they will still be privileged?

> Yes


Have you ever thought that maybe.. just maybe... there might be more democrats than republicans in the USA??

This site makes me want to end myself


How high are these niggas?



They can't open the ballots so how do they know who's winning?