This fucking Nigger just cleared Hillary of all charges. What the Fuck? Do we have to go after our own now? To save the fucking white race.
What the hell is going on?
This fucking Nigger just cleared Hillary of all charges. What the Fuck? Do we have to go after our own now? To save the fucking white race.
What the hell is going on?
Other urls found in this thread:
Possibility #1: he did it on purpose to piss off Trump and Trump-leaning people and as such increase their turnout.
Possibility #2: he just completely lost his fucking marbles.
3. trump had dirt on him and looked like he would win but then hillary had more dirt on him and will successfully rig the election
4. He's trying to stop the investigation so nobody finds out he has had a secret love for "Cheese Pizza" all along.
He's a Russian spy.
>appointed by Obama
>board member of a bank involved with Clitnon Foundation
Gee I dunno OP
This, the only way to get power in western countries is to be a blackmailed pedophile.
Eat shit Drumpfkin. Your head deplorables didn't come through. This election is ours.
fbi not as powerful as they think of themselves apparently if some old lady can get the best of them
I guess Huma's emails were nothing after all, right?
No, not cleared of all charges. Just cleared from the Emails. The investigation into the Clinton Foundation is still continuing.
Again? Link? I don't believe they think they've gone through everything that swiftly.
Probably realized that if he uprooted her entire scandal he would go down with her so he pussied out like a total faggot.
When Trump wins, he should have him thrown in prison too.
I knew this faggot couldn't be trusted.
Oh and wasn't there some Indian guy investigating her as well?
Now is clearly the time for him to speak up with something.
Start flooding fbi tips with pizzagate
5. he dd it 4 the lulz
they're still investigating the clinton foundation
the emails are a distraction
It doesn't matter at this point does it? If we are going to shoot straight this country hasn't done a good deed since like 1990. There is a generation that doesn't even know what the USA is supposed to be.
I don't mean give up tryin, just don't expect anyone in the government to ever nut up for our sake.
Comey is a worthless loser
It leaked that hr only reopened an investigation into Hillary because his coworkers hated him for what he did and his wife called him a pussy
Imagine their disappointment when he cleared her of charges again after not investigating 65,000 emails in one week
His life is living hell now
shouldn't be surprised if they are all just corrupt unethical shits now...
Possibility #3: he's giving anyone else with the data the go ahead to leak everything
The feds went up against every other government agency and lost. If you faggots think this was about anything other than internal pressure from your thoroughly corrupted government apparatus you're wrong.
Your nation has been hijacked by fucking devil worshippers.
The stack of resignation letters just got 10 feet higher.
Maybe we'll get lucky and one of agents will shoot him.
Now we're back to, "well our national security is at risk but being grossly negligent isnt a good reason to arrest her welp free to go no one else do this or we will fuck up your life.
Literally nobody knows or should care. It's obvious the federal executive is either ineffectual or compromised. Either way you get to vote on Tuesday for Trump, write your own script from that point on.
>cleared Hillary of all charges
nice meme
Such truth
She was always guilty and above the law.
It's just that for a moment there was some resistance as some pocket of the FBI still remained pure. That has probably been purged now.
war soon
check it
Legitimate ET Footage. This is making the news in a few hours!
He's a corrupt clown who sold out to the people trying to turn your country into Liberia.
Time for NYPD to make the move
>Sex crimes with children, child exploitation, money laundering, perjury, and pay to play, reads the partial list of crimes that, claim New York City Police Department sources, could “put Hillary and her crew away for life.”
Not a big fan of trump, but would love to see his DOJ put all these fuckers in the slammer.
Because of this gross negligence, the FBI is in with child sexploitation and sedition . Laws for thee, not for me.
I wonder how many cp defendants could make the same claim to innocence?
>tfw nothing will ever happen to Hillary no matter what
>all charges
Her foundation is still being investigated.
>one scandal
Maybe she'll kill herself when she loses. Think about it, she's been moving towards this her entire adult life, imagine the despair she'll feel when she loses her chance forever.
He was blackmailed
Nope! She's not cleared of all charges. These emails are separate from the Clinton Foundation which is still looking at an indictment for Hillary AND Bill.
Appreciate the slightly different version.
Just setting up the server was illegal/treason
Aiding someone who commits treason is also treason
When the law does not work for the people then the people work for the law
so comey's redhead daughter is fine
She's tortured many children to death and there's no way she's getting off on anything. Telepaths will charge her for every single crime she's committed as they're searching.
Probably as far as he could go with Obamas Department of Justice
Who will trump appoint director of fbi and cia?
Most guys marry up for a good looking child. Not this guy. Jeez.
HRC has dirt on Comey in the form of kiddy fiddling videos.
That's how these politicians keep everyone in line.
Rudy and Milo
1) "Let me turn the biggest known scandal involving Hillary into a non-issue... surely that will improve Trump's outcome!"
2) Possible
3) Very likely
4) fucking retarded
5) "Let me just stop this formal investigation being performed by a true authoritative body and leave it in the hands of basement dwelling neckbeards"
Fucking genius
>What the hell is going on?
The emails were duplicates you faggot.
If you want to save the white race start with confronting your mom's black boyfriend or STFU you pussy.
USA needs revolution.
There are more middle class / lower class than Globalist Elite.
They will just rig elections until you die one day.
Pro tip:
Take over the media and radio stations as first move.
Why the clownshow in the first place?
He could've just stayed the fuck out until the election is over.
Everyone knows he is a weasel already.
We'll never know the truth.
>650k emails reviewed in 8 whole days
Anyone got the wikileaks emails on Comey?
>where the fuck is Assange....can someone tell him to release the Bill Clinton Lolita video already...we are running out of precious time.
hope something happens something tomorrow
>being threatened never happens
>coercion isn't a thing
I swear you people are dumb as fuck sometimes.
Possibility #3: He got a big, fat load of cash deposited in his account.
>email charge already dropped (recleared?)
>all charges
clinton foundation called they want their cleared also
they will
I've been saying this for a while now.
yea, i dunno why we have a justice dept if they are just going to conceal evil
This guy gets it. Bobongo got very angry, apparently.
Yeah, she's a multimillionaire now, with a nice 6-figure (for starters, and that's not taking bribes/fraud into account) job waiting for her once she graduates, and tens of millions of inheritance in the future. Being a traitorous scum has its benefits.
Possibility #3: He found nothing worthy of prosecution and Sup Forums is utterly BTFO, thus causing a tiny, trickling preview of the tears to come on Tuesday.
Clinton crimes summed:
(other thread)
Bribed FBI directors to avoid investigations:
FBI is bribed. They will not come out with anything by themselves. They will not find any guilt on Clinton, because they would be implicated too... That is also why Clinton is so sure they will find nothing, while we all have already found a lot...
It was possible, that NYPD will now force them to come out with at least anything...
Or the NYPD will be silenced too...?
So Occam's razor - if chiefs have been expensively bribed, there IS something worth of it, and they not revealing it while being bribed is very understandable...
But this makes the Law Enforcement itself very distrustful...! Which is a worst possible failure of the State itself...
Also there is a possibility to correct the laws, and make exceptions for people "Too Big To Jail". But this is probably not, what is desired by either side...
It's actually quite funny really.
They named it the department of "Peace" in 1984 too.