What caused the fall of Christianity in the west?
Lack of Crusades.
media brainwashing, and remember who controls the media
Shillary Cunton gets elected as first occult President i the New Empire of Satan!
It failed to provide a meaningful influence on life and was taken over by Jews.
People realizing that fairy tales dont exist
the death of god
Acceptance and tolerance. If Christians murdered people who slander their religion, there wouldn't be a muslim invasion now, trust me.
Christianity is responsible for the fall of the West.
WW1 split Europe apart. Every ethnicity wanted their own country.
Afterwards WW2 started and every ideology wanted to be in charge of their own country.
Europe was less unified, poorer, far more weaker militarily and thus Europe started to lose it's cultural hegemony to USSR and USA, which both had their own ideas of the relationship that church and state should have.
USA wanted it seperate from state.
USSR wanted it to be regulated by the state.
Old Europe married Church and state together.
Since old Europe was completely destroyed in WW2, so too did Christianity lose it's main power base.
The destruction of peoples ability to trust one another.
Very similar to Mr. Morality Man's theory.
the reformation which lead to the enlightenment. thats what did it in. the east never had this problem because they have always had a monolithic dogma from the beginning. read up on orthodoxy. read paul edimokov "orthodoxy". not that eastern orthodoxy with its icon worship and cannibalism is true christianity.
Witness me.
>No President of the United States has yet dared to take his inaugural oath on the open
pages of the New Testament -- the Jews would denounce him. When General Pershing announced that he considered
the morale of the American soldier due to the interest of the Christian men and
women at home, the Jews had him cut out the word "Christian." Various governors of American states, having used the word
"Christian" in their Thanksgiving proclamations, have been obliged to
excise it on demand of the Jews.
The word "Christian" was compelled to
be cut out of the officers' training manual at the Plattsburg training camp. Everything that would remind the child in school
that he is living in the midst of a
Christian civilization, in a nation declared by the Supreme Court to be founded on Christian principles, has been ordered out of the public schools on Jewish demand.
White people apparently.
Look at the pushback to the mel gibson jesus movie, how he was called anti-semitic and then blackballed over something fairly minor compared to other celebs. You already know the answer.
Material abundance
Enlightment, Socialism, Communism, tadah!
jews, of course
> tfw you used to wish Christianity to die out of the West and now that it's gone you want it back
People woke up and realised they were swallowing a kike psyop bluepill.
The past century of American churches teaching that it is true without explaining why. Also their over-dependence on music and lack of emphasis on reasoning.
logic, scientific explanations, etc.
It's called the Enlightenment.
Spotted the jew.
Go away anti- Christ.
sexual liberation
The jews can use porn now
>Religious people forcing their beliefs upon non-religious people
>the fact that most Americans pretend to be Christian but really don't give a fuck
>the yearly "moral panics" up until the early 2000's in which religious faggots kept trying to ban music, movies, vidya, etc.
It backfired heavily and the fundementalist retards are in part to blame for the rise of progressivism. All religion is equally stupid but it's no secret that Islam is the biggest threat and I'd much rather live in a christian country than a muslim one.
megachurches and hollow religion
quantity based religion cannot end well, anything where you just listen to someone who uses a completely De-mythologized version of a powerful religion. It's sickening and hollow.
People actually learned about the world around them rather than being braindead in a system of indoctrination.
the answer was communism and soviet influence btw
Martin Luther
In some very important respect, Christianity did not die in the West. Rather, it culminated in the establishment of liberal-democratic societies. Read Hegel's lectures on the philosophy of religion, specifically the third volume.
I feel like modern Christianity lost a lot of it's soul and instead just became the loudest mouth in the room
American Christianity especially
Hollywood, rap music ... American degeneracy. Porn etc
Tolerance for the Christ killing Jews.
Chritianity itself a religion structured entirely upon a cuck
when Europe started being secular,it slowly started heading downhill
>Rome doing great
>then Christianity comes in
>Rome collapses in
I remember when i was 14 and thought that Nietzsche was a fucking genius XD
Atheism forced onto the youth and pushed by the media and douchebags like pic related. Once they destroyed Christianity, the same liberals then flipped the script on them and said "fucking a white male" and started shoving Islam down everyones' throats. I'd say most of these fedora wearing neckbeards now realize they fucked up and should have respected Christianity. Too late now. I hope you like kebab.
>muh Crusades
Take a look at this picture. This is what your religion is. Suck on them, white boy.
That's one perspective on it.
Journalists and scientists have replaced the clergy. In every possible way. Both are controlled by politics and industry, both of which dislike Christian tenents - how could you have a communist revolution without revolts? How could you have mass consumption of pornography if people were against it? How could you have cheap, foreign labor if globalization was frowned upon?
Now, we have also had a trend of church going for these things as well, but with little success as it goes against all it stood for in history and its core tenants.
All of these are the reasons why xtianity is on the ropes.
Inability to stop Jewry from subverting western society. At this point it seems as though both Catholic and Protestant Christianity were more vehicles for the Judeizing of society than bulwarks against it.
People seriously don't understand the importance of megachurches, they're massively effective recruiting tools not just for Christianity but community outreach and improvement.
>What caused the fall of Christianity in the west?
i think it is because the church went soft.
think about it - they spend over a thousand years telling people that homosex is a sin and must be punished, because god demands it! and then suddenly, they completely change their minds about it, and now they preach acceptance and tolerance for homosex?
they are arbitrarily altering the 'will of god' to adapt to modern social trends. how the fuck am i now supposed to believe them when they tell me about the supposed will of god now? how can i know that they're right and won't just flip-flop again when it becomes convenient for them to do?
i think this is why the church is losing tons of followers.
Who controls the media?
>This is what your religion is.
False, that is what you want my religion to be. You and every leftist, kike and muslim on the planet. Funny how you're so close now...
Yep. Fucking cucked. The Pope gets the rope too.
I blame the rise of smartphones coupled with a decline in the rate of demonstrable miracles.
>History fail.
>i-it's fairy tales
the tune is so catchy...
it makes... it makes me wanna
Jews and Luxury
>Rome doing great
>3rd century
Yeah dude.
read gibbons decline and fall
Rome lost the Republic, which led to the fall of the Roman Empire. Christians got blamed for it. But Augustine in the 'City of God' defended against such accusations.
>because The West would have existed without Christianity
>being this blue pilled
It took Great Britain 250 years to conquer the world, and it isn't even an empire any more. Rome fell for fifteen centuries.
The early spread of Protestants and the eventual moral relativism that errupted. God was killed by the death of a thousand cuts, all of them related to doctrine.
the black death more or less broke the church in europe, because as it turned out religion didn't do shit to protect anyone
the people who were left had a combination of plentiful resources and a somewhat jaundiced eye towards the previously unshakable church authority
cue the renaissance and the gradual decline was already in place
Christianity served an important purpose when teaching barbarians, that not everything needs to be killed on sight. But beyond that it has very little value.
Christians have no ability to deal with the world's problems, because they have these magical ideas that have no meaning in real life.
They care about stupid shit like abortions LOL. At a time when we need to fight for our survival against the invading hordes of savage immigrants. It's quite pathetic. PICK UP YOUR SWORD CHRISTIANS, ENOUGH BEING KEKED ALTAR BOYS.
Globalization and protestanism.
Arguably the Crusades brought this about, in particular the Fourth Crusade in which Catholics sacked Constantinople. Constantinople was the last threshold holding back the muslims from entering Europe, and it was immediately after this that the turks invaded the weakened Byzantines. Following this the Ottoman Empire expanded into Europe and was only stopped in Vienna by Poles and the Caucasus by Russia. Had the west supported the Orthodox instead, this might have been prevented.
I know, the Current Year mentality has no place in any serious faith.
Music and sluts.
>They care about stupid shit like abortions LOL.
Abortion has killed 2 billion babies worldwide. That is what you get when you abandon Christianity and promote (((feminism))).
>Roman Catholic parents who are strict AF force you to go to church till you're 17
>Catholic schooling from kindergarten till senior year of highschool
>President of my school gets caught raping boys in my school, school ships him to vatican to hide
It withdrew from being a meaningful part of life to just being a private affair, instead of being about the community. Then the Jews and other elite groups took it over.
Part of it. People turn to religion most of all to cope with death, suffering, and the existence of evil. Wealth has sheltered us from those things. But now we're seeing the reality of evil, and people may start turning back.
That was a part of why I used to be liberal and an atheist. The Religious Right did a great deal to discredit both religion and the Right. Then the SJWs came along, and made the Religious Right look like a lesser evil. Maybe.
How was Jesus a cuck? Maybe Joseph was, but we're not taught to imitate Joseph.
Maybe Kek is really one of God's angels.
I think it's especially Luther's concept of "Christian Liberty," which pit Christian morality against freedom, and limited the scope of morality to private life. The scope keeps getting limited, and now barely even applies in private life anymore.
Nice dubs, me.
>President of my school gets caught raping boys in my school, school ships him to vatican to hide
Gay people are the worst!
>>President of my school gets caught raping boys in my school, school ships him to vatican to hide
I don't believe you, but Catholic church should fucking burn the pedos. Too bad the 'gay lobby' took over, even changing the pope.
Doesn't change the fact that it's HOLLOW
religion isn't fucking listening to some evangelical fuck yelling at you
It's not fun, it's severe and it fucking should be. Religion should cause you to look at your own soul and take painstaking steps to change yourself towards a better ideal.
I'm not saying that megachurches don't do anything good, but what they are replacing is vital. They are commodifying the mythic element of culture, tell me how this is good again? It's not just that it's sort of a fascistic globalization of religion, it's also a complete and total centralization that is TAX FREE in America. Do you not see the potential for abuse? For the propagation of an appealing narrative rather than a true one because it will make more money?
The Jews weren't content with killing Christ just once.
>Sinners sin.
Don't judge Catholics because of the failure of your school president. You say that your parents are Catholics, but I'm sure you wouldn't say that your parents are bad Catholics because someone raped boys?
The Church's way of dealing with the pedophile problem has been so bad you might almost suspect it was a deliberate effort to undermine people's faith and discredit the Church.
But the Corpus Christi is the whole community of believers, not just the priests.
Only the established ones. Online is pretty chaotic, even with all the shills. Although, sure, paid shills are rare.
>liberals want to accept this
It's always (((them))). Pure coincidence, I'm sure.
The entire world has a seething hatred for God. It shouldn't be a surprise when they reject His Word.
Bella Dodd she had communist and pedophiles infiltrate Catholic and Christian churches
No idea who that is
Sodomites, their enabler, and overall satanic establishment that rules us
Marriage being a joke(catholicism used to keep families together), thus creating a slut society, a hedonistic society, materialistic civilization.
Where is vatican when they are most needed ?
WW1 is what ended Christianity as a serious force, due to them getting personally involved in getting men to go out and fight - then die in their millions.
Darwin was a communist?
l o l
Logic and reason.