Hello America

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=M1wLtAXDgqg
Let the games begin: youtube.com/watch?v=6GzUoK8VDAE
What I'm about to say might be a nasty pill to swallow, but swallow it you most certainly will, for this is something you should've known for some time now.
You are fucked, more fucked than you allow yourself to see, for you cherish hope above all and because of that hope, you have blinded yourself to a simple truth.
There is no democracy. There never has been, there never will be. It IS rigged, and although many of you will find that hard to believe, it is the truth.
You cannot win a game that is rigged against you, imagine playing monopoly against the bank, can't be done.
You can however simply stop playing. Flip the table, punch the bank in the face, demand he either play fair or that he stops playing entirely.
I give you your only option.

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Shameless selfbump.

>add to watch list

>only 4 ovens

>double the amount of ovens
>takes 4,800 years

>double them again
>takes 2,400 years

See where I'm going? You'd need a MASSIVE number of ovens operating to even get to the number of corpses cremated in the small time-frame.

>4 ovens
is wrong,
>9,600 years
is probably wrong too

poisoned well

Where are the figures for "modern crematory ovens" from?

You can fit more than one person in an oven. And in Auschwitz, the "ovens" weren't actually ovens. They were chambers where cyanide gas (zyklon b) would pumped in, killing thousands in less than a minute.

Seriously. Read a book sometime.

Why would I possibly care about that, if the world might turn into an even bigger shithole in less than half a year...
Think mate.. You're a burger, sadly there is a rather sizeable part of you that knows I'm right.
You can't argue with a killer, you can only kill a killer.

Harry potter is a book too, doesn't mean it's real

They didn't burn every person. There were mass Graves all over the place.

Could you name more than 5, pinpoint them on a map and show the massive amounts of evidence such an act would leave behind?

>It's another "every death had to be the gas chamber" episode

Does that mean that I no longer need to study for my Calculus 3 exam tomorrow? Sweet. I can just tell the professor that Harry Potter is a book

Zyklon B was a cyanide based pesticide that was commnly used a delousing agent. At the time lice was rampant among Jews and those living in ghettos, so I much easier to send people into a room and drop in a bunch of pellets. That's also why they would shave their heads.

You're thinking of two different things. The gas chambers and the cremation ovens are separate, you disgusting, nigger-loving, 75 IQ kike.

kek - are you unironically retarded

Go on.. give us something, I'm quite sure you've got piles and piles of evidence in favor of a gorrileon jews.
I'll never deny jews dying, I will however be the first to say only a few people know the truth of what happened there..

Do you want to prove that by ordering Zyklon B canisters, dropping them in a room, and locking yourself in it?

The mass majority of jews killed in Auschwitz was by Zyklon B

Prove me wrong

Fuck off with that fake image.

You underestimate what happens when German ruthlessness and German efficiency come together.

You probably know nothing about calculus. Lol

Bro, I understand you're trying to bring some logic to this, but these guys are literally the dumbest shits Sup Forums has to offer. Don't waste your time. Like straight up retarded.

the usa was never a democracy you dumb fucking moslem. democracy is shit and our founding fathers warned us against it. wow, what a great revelation you stumbled upon you redditor fuck

Haha you think they cremated them like we do in modern ovens?

Nope, chuck one in, when it starts to burn a bit chuck another in and lets the first one crumple up a bit, wait till that one starts to burn and chuck another one on.

Haha, they didn't wait the set amount of time before they chucked another one in, they just put them in at every possible opportunity!

>one google search can show you like 50


As in: letting millions of Jews you wanted to systematically exterminate escape unharmed and letting them collect reparations for the rest of their lives?

Okay den.

jewesses are flammable, read the accounts you neo-nazi

I'm not debating that story, you filthy, cocksucking faggot. The standard narrative is that the kikes were gassed and THEN the bodies were cremated, which is why there aren't millions of bodies buried somewhere. OP's picture is meant to illustrate that such a large number of bodies could not have been cremated in such a short period of time. Thus, the absence of mass graves for 6 million Jews indicates that 6 million Jews were not gassed and cremated.

You're literally a fucking retard.

also, why the fuck are we debating the lolacaust here?
r/donald is flooding newfags in

spirit bump

So I guess the claims that Nazis made contact with aliens are real.

Or else how come they had such advanced oven technology?

Dubs have spoken

>merely a coincidence

Also it doesn't exactly have to be a crematorium. Modern day crematoriums are designed in such a way to not have ash from one person mixed in with ash from another person.

Since the nazis don't really care about getting the ashes to the next of kin, they threw them in nearby incinerators and used ashes for fertilizer.

Fallacy after Fallacy after Fallacy just like Clinton's ads.
The burden of proof is on YOU, my dear nigger, so get to work.


Another huge fallacy. Nice personal attack, little cuck.
How about you use your legs and go running, get rid of those cans to your right and behind your monitor and mop the fucking floor, it's so greasy that rats drown in it.

Why don't you do a bit of math, instead of inventing shit?
We show proof, you have to prove us wrong.

Google search after google search after Fallacy.

How about you link 50 articles, no more, no less.
If you don't link 50 your argument is invalid.

Do you have an actual point to make or do you only speak in vague meaningless metaphors?

On an average, it takes about one to three hours to cremate a human body, thereby reducing it to 3-7 pounds of cremains. The cremation remains are usually pasty white in color. These remains are transferred in a cremation urn and given to the relative or representative of the deceased. google

use that for your math

You're so dense, i could cut out of you for 9,600 years and still have to cut.
How about you try to calculate that to, say, 3 million bodies x 4.

auschwitz had 52 ovens you tards.

Check out how many the germans thought they could cremate

Translate the document.
Read it again.

Alternatively, learn german.

>Could you name more than 5
a few hundred actually


1. check the dates of the photos, they died after allies took control.
2. Count the bodies, do they add up to more than 271 thousand, like the red cross already stated??
Your argument falls into ashes.

>muh red cross

>another worthless metaphor

Yeah, that's what I thought.

4,700 a day * 365 days * 4 years of war = 6.8M

numbers add up

That doesn't have anything to do with the Official Document. In that document they talk about a book(by David Irving??).

Find something real.
What do they have in common?
Thing is, the Official Number is 11 Million people, 3 million jews.
And it's not 4700 a day, it's 4700 a month.

>like the red cross already stated
>this dumb brick actually think that the red cross had access to the camps during the war

Everyone laugh at this guy. He literally needs to invent shit to make his retarded arguments

Show me proof that the red cross had access to the camps during the whole war

>inb4 muh Theresienstadt

Also, when look at the death toll of Jews, take note that when the Soviets started sweeping through Europe from the East, unlike the American Allies who were liberating the camps, they basically raped and killed anyone and everyone along the way.

not according to that document (or OP)

The red cross report is AFTER the war. They found 271k bodies, and not enough ash to fertilize 10 plants.
The burden of proof stands on the accuser, that's you.
P.S. Not an argument.

>a document signed by known officials and that the red cross accepts has a official is not good, but a shady "report" that the red cross has already denounced as fake is good
wtf i deny holocaust

>Find something real.

Not an argument

>muh edgy rhetorical question

Still waiting for you to make a point.

>And it's not 4700 a day, it's 4700 a month.
no, it's 4780 a day, you tard. Why are you intentionally lying? Are you roleplaying?

Third one on the top row is a fake kike made fake. I've seen the full rez version its a shoop not an old trick photography. You really should not include it.

the guy is either roleplaying or is a very stupid person. Ignore him

That's not how math works, bud.

Still not rethorical
Still not an argument
Still The burden of proof is on you. Prove me wrong.
I said translate the document.
>kike made fake
Like the 'caust?
Yes, discredit him, don't talk about the proof, goy!!


Like this one?

Or how about this?

All of your arguments have been debunked. Bring real stuff, not political correct propaganda.

Bahahahah project much buddy?


no, its how logic works.

if someone tells you a lie, you don't just accept the next thing they say without question

the 9,600 is almost certainly wrong, and has nothing to do with math


>prove me wrong

I'm still waiting for you to make a point.

>hurrr durrr everyone I'm right, hurr durrr
>right about what, OP?
>hurrr durrr see you can't prove me wrong!


That was an example for 4 furnaces, divide that by the number of furnaces there were.
YOU need to make a point. I already brought enough proof to make my case. You need to debunk every single one of those WITH proof.
> hurr durr i dunno how to use greentext
> hurr durr muh ad hominem


You didn't bring up any proof. You've posted nonsense and incorrectly attributed quotes and pictures that have been debunked hundreds of times over.


>hurr durr I made a case hurr darr
>Make a point OP you sound like an ass
>hurr durr you have to debunk me I made a point

Still waiting on you to make some kind of a claim.

Yesss These are not proof goy, no they are just propaganda by the guys that have nothing to win!

>can't formulate a reasonable counter-point to the fact his garbage has been debunked over and over
>n-n-n-no it's da joos. You're just bad goys! w-w-wake up sheeple!!!!

Claim about what? You're mixing threads CTR.
Quick question: How much they pay you to sell your soul, and how fat you have to be to accept it?

So, how do I go about getting the nice aliens to take me off of this rock before everything burns?

Where the hell did 42 million corpses come from?

There were like, only a million at Auschwitz, and not even all of them were cremated in ovens.

They said 6 Million ONLY for Auschwitz. I guess he added all the original claims up.
WOW you sound so desperate!

Still haven't provided an argument, gypsy. Should I wait until you steal one?

Do you only know Ad Hominems or do you just repeat the same thing like a robot?
Sad thing to sell your soul, it's a one-time thing and you can't go back.

You still haven't made a point or a claim. Yet you are asking me to prove you wrong. You don't understand why this is nonsensical.

Romanian education isn't working out for you, is it?

Are you seriously Retarded? Only ad-hominems? Try another fallacy for god's sake.
Don't they pay for originality too?
Are you too mad to even think?

So long as you constantly dodge the fact that you can't provide a single argument, I'll continue to point out that you're just pathetic. Blame others all you wan't, your failures are your own.

>people lied/got confused about holocaust
>therefore holocaust is a hoax

great logic 10/10 bretty good

Mass graves

My argument is that Jews were never massacred, or exterminated, or genocided, or holocaust-ed.
They died because of the allied bombing. Typhus was actually saving their lives
Never said a hoax, just that it never happened like they said, so they should give all money back and stop brainwashing everyone that Adolf Hitler was a horrible monster.

don't bother with that guy. He is roleplaying, trying to make edgy "ebin trells xDDDDDD master memer lelelel"

>Still hasn't made a point or a claim
Ok, I'm going to assume you are just a terrible shit-poster.

I've asked you to make your claim. State your point.

I'm going to assume now that you don't have one.


Exact same link, exact same debunking:
Dead after war, killed by allied bombing, fewer than 271k.


Pic related.

These are the days. We must not let nihilists and shills like and stop the truth from coming out.


You just put Stop marks on the texts, that doesn't mean they didn't exist.
LOL JEW mad.

P.S. That is a joke infographic made by Sup Forums to trick guys like you, you fell for it, just look at the bottom left.

i now who made this infographic tard. A man who knows more about holocaust then all of us combined itt