Planning a mass murder? Suicide? Being a responsible adult and moving on in life? Leaving the Republican party forever like an idiot who doesn't realize long term effect? Interested to hear.
What will you do when Hillary wins?
i dont want to post it online
shitpost and hope for more comfy chimpouts
kill mysself twice
aw shet
get ready for the inevitable race war
Wake up from my bad dream and realise Trump won.
Started by alt-right sore loser whites.
Saw through your flesh. The hand of Caullicht commands it!
same. Both outcomes are really comfy.
Mexicucks rekt by the trump wall or WW3 started by Hillary.
Very comfy indeed.
So be it. Good luck Americunts.
Leaving the GOP for good, and becoming a registered Democrat.
Our nation has hit a fork in the road. If Hillary wins, it's over. Pathway to Citizenship/Amnesty will effectively turn America into Northern Mexico and kill any hope the GOP has at the national level.
I'm not going to vote for guys like Yeb! and Marco, as the Republican party attempts to pander to these new "Americans."
The only thing to do at that point will be to vote for the worst Democratic candidate, each election, and hope I can push the country to the brink faster. You know, the whole Marxist concept of Accelerationism.
Daily reminder.
I like how you're offended. Cry for me scum.
There is a difference between calling out a double standard and being offended, Le'monjello.
The funniest part is I'm not even offended by the whole Caitlyn/Bruce thing. I don't like her, I just like Trump worse. If you're offended, please die. Please.
He actually has a point though.
Nobody has said or implied offense except you.
I would venture that you are rather upset.
Did your daddy fuck you? Did you love it Le'monjello? That why you are so salty?
Can we get some backchannels open with New Black Panther Party members?
If they chimp out at the same time we might actually get this civil war happen. Need to start firing up the memes that a white revolt is an excuse for a black supremacist revolt to annex their own ethnostate while we're at it tying the federal government up.
Realizes I won and is now angry.
Kill yourself.
I am already prepared for the inevitable and am currently preparing for a trip out of the country
I was probably going to go on this trip regardless of the election but now seems like a really good time to get away, just to be safe
I'm going to be gone for a month or two so if nothing particularly bad happens I'll just return home and live with it but If things start to escalate I will stay as long as I need to
Please be safe if you're in America
Yep, you are absolutely right. wtf #imwithhernow
you'll see a bunch of an hero livestreams pop up on here or Sup Forums on the 8th
Either way I'm probably gonna move abroad. I like America, but the only major city here I like is New Orleans. Elsewhere I like Glasgow enough to live there. I don't think I'd want to stay in Tbilisi or Osaka longterm, but I like them enough to settle for a little while. Never been to Italy, but I like the Italians I've met so much that I suspect I'd like it. Montreal also seems cool, but I was only there in February so I need to try it again
Dylan is getting that tumblr pussy to this day though
prep for ww3
t. dod
No response? Just gonna forfeit it?
As expected.
Forfeit what exactly? Is this a battle to you?
I wasn't replying because Hilary requested my presence in the shrine.
Anyways, just accept Hilary now, satanism is pretty awesome. Trump is racist and stuff.
stop talking to people, buy a real doll, give up my plans to move to the city, forget ever meeting someone and starting a family
wait for death
But then seriously, if Shillary does win it's time to start packing your bags and heading for Europe. We still have the chance to go full nationalist and need to make establishing a right of return for white Americans and white South Africans a priority.
Demographics win everything, we get Europe back when we flood it with millions of white males from the former colonies.
That's the biggest spoiler for what happens when Hillary wins, biggest white flight in history. We're going to make Europe a white patriarchy again while abandoning all the women and minorities to go down with the US.
Well, I would rather an antichrist than a racist.
Yeah, fuck religious people.
You clearly have ran out of room for your argument, and are resorting to memes and satire to excuse yourself.
You lost, try harder next time.
What argument? Put down the beer bong and the crack pipe for a minute and think about what you are doing with your life Le'monjello.
Just head back to /r/T_D, you idiot.
Also realize nobody will miss you on Wednesday when news breaks of your suicide because your idol didn't win.
Screencapped this shit, so I could throw it back in your face in 2-3 weeks from now, ahahaha. Trumpettes are whitetrash and if they fear one thing, it's change. They would never, ever even leave their state.
I hate democrats. Like with a passion but I'll take Hillary over Trump any day. He's just such an unstable piece of shit embarrassment. Corruption I can stomach but not an arrogant ass clown reality television star who still has an inferiority complex somehow.
You seem to be an incredibly sad person with almost no grip on what is real. I wish you better luck in your endeavors than you have had so far.
= (
I will wait for the call, and I will march
so intimidating
I won't check Sup Forums or Sup Forums for at least half a year.
Which should be my second abstain during those 11 years.
They 'never leave their state' then explain white flight as US sociological trend then because someone is making it exist and the good money is they're the sort that are usually Trump supporters.
We're going to open the floodgates to any and every single white male that wants to leave the US and make Europe a white patriarchal society again. Not just the usual middle class ones that can afford running at the first sign of brown skin but offer assistance to even NEETs to relocate. No only can we make whites a majority of the electorate, we can make men a majority of the electorate too.
You cucks are just going down with the ship, we've still got options.
You're failing in every poll, your campaign hasn't spent nearly as much cash as Hillary's has, it's over for you guys. Just admit it.
It's not over until the fat lady sings, shitposter.
Srsly kys if you sincerely respond to Drumpf threads
>your campaign
Which campaign would that be?
>Being a responsible adult and moving on in life?
Yeah because I am really a child for opposing a corrupt Government that actively seeks to undermine my countries sovereignty, enact changes to immigration and constitutional rights that the majority of the citizens oppose strongly and even outright supporting the rigging of elections and the desire to corrupt the entire Government so that no one can obstruct their rule.
Yeah... I am a child.
Say what you want about Trump but he isn't a direct threat to our actual country, freedom and an honest democracy.
If you really support Clinton and the rest of those scumbags then you're a fucking idiot.
Trump doesn't have to be President but if we let these people run our country then we are fucked.
Grow the hell up.
>inb4 I took the bait and OP doesn't even give a shit about politics
Trump, who you clearly support.
personally I plan to spend the day here on Sup Forums gloating at all you stupid fuck-faces
"Trump won't limit freedom"
Lmao. Like that wall, right?
>Corruption I can stomach
>Trump, who you clearly support
{Citation Needed}
A wall to keep FOREIGNERS from illegally attempting to live and work in our country does not limit the freedoms of our citizens.
Its a good idea though personally if we had the right people in charge it wouldn't even be necessary as we'd actually take a non-pussified approach and deport illegals and make sure they couldn't get work.
So yeah I am not even a big fan of the wall but it certainly doesn't limit the freedom of actual US citizens.
It only limits the ability of arrogant & entitled foreigners who think they have the right to live in America just because they want to.
You seemed very offended by me calling him Drumpf. Clearly you're offended, so you have affection toward him.
It's alright, you'll lose it by Wednesday when the bullet ends your process of thought.
>You seemed very offended
And here we are right back to the start.
Calling out a double standard does not equal offense.
The sad thing is you seem unable to comprehend this.
the drumpfkin is sad :( lol
Won't limit OUR freedom, the people on the outside don't apply.
There is no double standard because I'm not offended by the Bruce/Caitlyn thing, you fucking idiot.
You are offended by me mocking Trump, admit it.
>it's ok for people to call trump drumpf
>its not ok to call bruce jenner bruce jenner
>no double standard
I want Trump to win in part just to piss off people like u
>haha le Drumpkins
>haha an evil cabal of anti-American globalist leftists in bed with the big banks and multi-national corporations are going to continue to divide and conquer your nation, corrupt government, limit personal freedoms and just FUCK your shit up
>haha so funny
go suck Hillarys dick establishment boy
remember the establishment is good and is on your side ;)))
>I just like Trump worse
When did I say that cunt. When. When. When. When.
MADAME hillary
>When. When. When. When.
Careful now, if you get any angrier you are going to have a heart attack.
dude, just fuck off retard.
>hurrr what r double standards?????
Leftists everyone.
Or we can just have Julian Castro, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, or Cory Booker be the highest millennial appealing, minority appealing candidate ever in 2020, right?
So even if Drumpf wins, it's just 4 years of him.
Probably cry tears of joy. Then go on kekbook and Sup Forums to feast on the tears of deplorables.
When did I say it. When.
>It i-it was all satire guys no one ever thought trump could win
pol Tuesday night, I'm bringing lube
getting drafted and sent to russia most likely
Kek knows what you're thinking - don't pussy out on it, and make sure the effects aren't worse. Stealth is key, with Kek's guidance of course.
Disclaimer: Sup Forums is a board of satire.
you cant even speak english properly, ctr outsourcing the work
So much anger in you, the type of anger you expect from a social outcast or a neckbearded virgin.
You have to get out more, get a social life, maybe get a buspass and a cellphone.
honestly reporting you to the fbi.
You forgot to capitalize in your sentence, idiot. Try harder, at least doxx me or something.
Still waiting for when I said I was offended...
Make OC out of pic related and post them everywhere
The style of your posting shows you are offended. It also shows that you are mad as hell.
It's ok Le'monjello- everything will be over for you soon enough.
I don't buy the T_D bait. I keep on you fuckers. If you say I said something, I ask you when I said it. I'm not a bitch to you idiots. When did I say I was offended. When.
I hate Trump and trans.
I do this to spite Sup Forums
That is assuming that Trump doesn't do well.
Maybe you're right but I think 4 years of Hillary may very well corrupt our Government past the point of no return.
Then it becomes 1776 or bust.
Anyway I know its stupid to get emotionally invested in this shit but it still upsets me that so many of my fellow citizens don't see how legitimately evil these leftists are and how they really don't give a shit about any American even the ones who obey them.
Fuck it all... after the 8th I am just gonna stop thinking about politics all together if the evil princess wins.
When did I say it.
>I'm not a bitch to you idiots
Lie to yourself if you must, but do not lie to us.
Sit back and collect my gibs.
>22 posts
>Gets assmad at repliers
Terrible troll. Kill yourself now.
The same time I said I was offended that you called trump drumpf
Explains why I will shoot you in the head if you dare threaten my life after this election. Of course, you idiots won't start this "civil war" you want, but you people want it, and that's what counts.
>Explains why I will shoot you in the head
Reported, enjoy your b& = )
I'm only responding to prior death threats I've received. I've been threatened with civil war/murder hundreds of times by you people.
No, not Ellis Island, or his Grandfather. The name was literally changed before then in the fifteenth century.
If Joe Walsh can do it, why can't I?
When did I threaten your life again?
>you people
How enlightened of you.
There is nothing more American then rebelling against an authoritarian, corrupt and tyrannical Government though who fashion themselves as the elites, the rulers.
The modern day Democratic party is the exact kind of people the founding fathers fought so hard to free us from.
Don't forget what America was mean't to be...
Shitpost on Sup Forums