Mansa Musa

Redpill me on Mansa Musa. Was he really the richest man in history? If so, where did his wealth go? Why is Africa a poor shithole now?

Was Mansa Musa fabricated by the jews to take away from white accomplishments?

>The richest man in history was a black west African king

Sup Forums absolutely BTFO

Yes he was.

That said, he had so much gold that he himself made it literally useless. During his hajj he would shower gold on passing villages and built a mosque in every place he stayed. He spent and gave out so much it caused a huge amount of economic issues for the area. Everyone had too much gold.

Most of the wealth he accumulated eventually made its way to the europeans as their empire devolved into shitty slave trading dindu kingdoms.
t. historian

He was she the reason you have the term 'nigger rich.'

Africa is still one of the richest continent. They are poor for other reasons.

And it's a very hard accomplishment to be born king, retard.

>it's a very hard accomplishment to be born king

Medpack shitposting at it's finest

money is actually completely useless and having a lot of it doesn't mean your country is nice

>tfw almost twice as many unioners died in the civil war than slaves were taken from africa to the 13 colonies


>If so, where did his wealth go?

He was nigger rich.

He was pretty much Nigger Lannister. It's easy to be rich when your house is built on a fucking gold mine. As soon as the gold ran dry, so did his empire. He created almost nothing during that whole run...kind of like WCW and Goldberg. He was their one bright spot.

he lowered the value of gold throughout the Mediterranean & europe because he flooded the market

He had the most gold, but that's because he ruled a country with several gold mines but nothing much in the way of an economy to spend said gold on.

>Born on the biggest pile of gold ever
>Could have created a long-lasting enlighted empire
>Wasted it on useless trips to Mecca and crashed the mediteranean economy, flodding it with "cheap" gold

When when given the heavens, Niggers turn everythig into a hellhole.

Mansa Musa is proof that the idiot thug niggas in the media right now are identical to the idiot thug niggas who existed thousands of years ago.

>obtains empire by promoting violence and theft
>finds himself in possession of a massive source of wealth
>"sheeeeit, im top nigga, im bes nigga, mufugga"
>covers everything he owns in gold
>builds gold temples dedicated to himself in every town
>if rims existed at the time he'd have put them on every horse, camel and donkey he rode
>throws around so much gold and money it becomes absolutely worthless
>goes from king to pauper in the time it takes the average rapper

>Was he really the richest man in history?
Hard to say/measure. He was undeniably rich though and the richest man of his time.

>where did his wealth go?
Until the Rothschilds, no one was very good at keeping their wealth in the family after they died. That and the Songhai demolishing most of the Mali empire, destroying the gold and salt trade they had going in the process.

>Why is Africa a poor shithole now?
Because Mali is just one small part of a massive continent. Asking that is like asking "If New York is so rich, why is Guatemala such a poor shithole?"

>Was Mansa Musa fabricated by the jews to take away from white accomplishments?
How does he take away from white accomplishments?
His wealth was solely derived from owning a literal gold mine (or a bunch, whatever).

Same as Arab wealth, they just got geographically lucky.

I like this analogy

i dont like that he was muslim

>Why is Guatemala poor.
Jungle niggers

Is it true your country is obsessed with obese women?

like liking them ?

Do you know anything about US history? What a retarded comparison.

He is the person who the KANGZ niggers should idolize instead of Egyptians who they hold no relation to. But they don't know any history whatsoever so they don't.

>Redpill me on Mansa Musa

Mansa Musa adhered to Islam and made a pilgrimage to mecca while giving his wealth away. Africa would be better off had Islam never existed and polluted that man's mind. We also wouldn't have had as many rich Islamic kingdoms and probably had a weaker and easier to bust slave trade in the transSaharan and Barbary routes.

kush conquered for a time, and had a similar culture.

the hagrinites may be a variation of negro due to mixing with Semites.

>Redpill me on Mansa Musa. Was he really the richest man in history? If so, where did his wealth go? Why is Africa a poor shithole now?
He went on a trip across north africa and crashed the economy of every country he visited, they still haven't recovered to this day

>Why is Africa a poor shithole now?
European collonizers drew the lines in the wrong places, grouping tribes that hated eachother. Ever since it's been a shithole of Muslims vs Christians, tribe vs tribe, festering tropical diseases, you name it.

>the hagrinites may be a variation of negro due to mixing with Semites


Look at the middle east
It contains one of the most technologically advanced cities, yet is completely socially, politically, morally, etc. Backwards
Money doesnt mean much if your country is shit
Also, he had so much gold and spent so much it lost value
And also
Kingdom of humdreds of years ago
No shit his wealth wouldve dissipated by trade and other things