>UN forces France, UK, Germany and others to give up their colonies
>US is allowed to have Puerto Rico, a Spanish speaking Island the size of Belgium with a population of 3 Million. Oh and hey can't vote for president
>UN forces France, UK, Germany and others to give up their colonies
>US is allowed to have Puerto Rico, a Spanish speaking Island the size of Belgium with a population of 3 Million. Oh and hey can't vote for president
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If the U.N. tried to force us to give up Puerto Rico, would we actually have done it?
france and the uk still have colonies
Germany lost its colonies at the end of WW1 as part of the treaty
you should read a history book before you talk about stuff m8
Good, those nigger spics would vote for trump
74% of Puerto Ricans who move to the USA vote for Democrats.
>letting non-citizens vote
herp derp edgy
Puerto Rico can apply for statehood or leave if they desire
I doubt we had any colonies at the time the UN came to be.
And they didn't even force France to give up Indochina. For some short amount of time the US (=UN) even supported France in Vietnam against the Gommies.
Germany had lost all its colonies after the First World War, so they couldn't give up any.
>Island the size of Belgium
Belgium is 30,528 km2
Puerto Rico is 9,104 km2
Belgium is just over three times as large
>the size of Belgium
>would we actually have done it?
No, we never abide UN rulings because murica
We're born with US citizenship.
Seems very likely that we'll see a new referendum on statehood next year.
UN stopped pressuring the US on PR's status once PR was made into a commonwealth in 1952. And we're not the size of Belgium, ffs.
I'm in favor of letting Puerto Rico go. It's pretty useless desu.
We need a water wall to keep those beans out too
Don't you mean America, destroyers of European civilization since they dumped the tea in the harbour
Too late. Florida is going to go blue because of all the PRs that have been flooding in over the last two years.
Florida is going red mate
Don't you have to get your head chopped off or something
They've already voted for Statehood.
Puerto Rican fag here voting for trump
Puerto Ricans can vote, but only in the general election as far as I know, and the island continues to not vote for independence.
No that referendum was literally a mess and the US can't consider it valid.
postea tu pene!
That referendum was annulled for a host of reasons. Expect a new one next year.
You can't handle it, fag.
We can only vote in primaries. We can't vote in the general.
What is Antilles, Martinique, RĂ©union, French Guyanna, New Caledonia, French polynesia, etc.
I don't even enumerate the British colonnies.
The sun still hasn't set on both those empires.
They do still have colonies though, have you never seen a falkands thread?
Fucking newfag.
Also you are still pretty much a colony of england, and so is NZ.
You have the fucking queen on your money, half your shit is named for the royal family, and you even have them down there on ansec day or whatthefuck ever and several other holidays so they can parade around.
Porfi hombre! :[