Gun Control

How does your "second amendment" deal with kids like this?
Everyone has the right to bear arms including this crazy fuck.
Cuckservatives will never leave their echo-chamber of muh guns
gov is tryna take muh guns!!

I'm curious why every country that has guns banned, also has low gun crime...

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>also has low gun crime

But violent crime is still very high.


The vast majority of our gun crime occurs in gun free zones in cities controlled by gun grabbers and consists almost entirely of gang on gang violence.

Stop being a goddamned halfwit.

fucking this.

every fucking gun hater acts like ray comfort & just ignores the evidence and goes on with their script until the end of it, then its just an awkward silence that quickly follows with them disappearing. Fucking dummies.

I'm still here mate, just waiting for an intelligent response.


Countries that commonly have banned guns also are very, very racially homogeneously white. Not a huge leap of logic here anymore.

every country with banned guns also has proportionately less niggers

Odd. No one gets shot in that brilliant little comic.

Mah niggas.

You shoot back because the 2nd amendment grants you the right to bear arms.

Every Country with low gun crime has astronomical knife crime. Ive seen pics of anti-knife rallies in UK. Gun crime outside of black gang members in the US is actually the lowest in the entire world. We don't have a gun problem we have a nigger problem. If the USA simply gassed the niggers and kikes, we would live in a near paradise. You cannot argue with these statements they are entirely fact.

The can't give you one. Deep inside they know how wrong it is that any obscure person can buy rifles and guns. But they will never admit it and a discussion about this always ends in insults towards you and your position.

Because leftists closed down the nut houses.

The reason there wasn't a huge homeless population and so many mass shootings in the past is because we used to lock up crazy people against their will.

Thanks to leftists being so caring the homeless(crazy people) sleep on the streets and freeze to death in the winter. Thanks to leftist being so tolerant the mentally ill walk among us, granting them access to all kinds of weapons.

Change the collector for a child molester and see what happens.

>Backup piece

Nobody calls it that. I've never heard someone in real life refer to a gun as a "piece." It's spelled "peace" anyway because as long as you have one on you, people don't initiate violence.

>How does your "second amendment" deal with kids like this?
By shooting them, besides mass shootings are statistically insignificant
>Everyone has the right to bear arms including this crazy fuck.
No shit, it is called equality. Innocent until proven guilty, you can't preemptively punish someone.
>Cuckservatives will never leave their echo-chamber of muh guns gov is tryna take muh guns!!
Isn't that exactly what you are advocating for?
>I'm curious why every country that has guns banned, also has low gun crime..
No shit dumbass, but it has been proven thoroughly that there is no correlation between legal gun ownership and violent crime

What percentage did Georgia and Florida crime fall following the legislation of concealed carry? go look it up and come back and share shit lib faggot. Its between 700-900% All of the crime in those states happens in the major cities where people are stripped of their gun rights. If i am hard to kill(Kevlar armor & full sized pistol w/ reloads), you are less likely to commit crime around me. fact.

Fraction of the population of the USA, homogenous also. Rape is up 500% since 2013 in Sweden, I've gotten three people to vote Trump in Ohio with these statistics on Sweden alone, and a video of Muslims marching through Germany. It's truly a reality check. No one wants that shit here. I'm personally responsible for 2 dozen early votes in Ohio, I've driven them to the polls myself.

of you take away New York city, Detroit, Los Angeles and Chicago. we would have next to no gun crime. All of these cities have high gun control and are Democrat. Facts are facts

Why do you faggots never adjust for pop size when you talk about gun deaths?

>Implying that anyone that owns a gun is okay with someone just brandishing them.
>Even in the moronic strawman comic, nobody actually dies.

You anti White faggot, you bring up the only white on black violence incident that has happened in 40 years. Blacks kill each other by the dozens each day and you choose to bring up a white perpetrator because you hate white people. I hate you anti white genocidal sick fucks.

Don't forget good old 50% black New Orleans.

I'm curious why the countries that had low crime, suddenly started having an increase in crime since they started importing mudslimes and niggers.

I wonder what would happen to the crime rate if spics and niggers were to disappear. Just from the absence of niggers, the US would have half the crime it currently does.

how many crimes are stopped by people pulling a gun and scaring off an attacker? we will never know the answer, they do not keep records on this. The incidents we know about happen daily and are never reported by the liberal kike media.

>dumb asshole has his gun out, pointing it in a crowd of kids
>user thinking this comic has any truth to it

you people are literally fucking retarded. lmfao.

The second amendment doesnt deal with mentally ill people, thats why we have separate laws, like if we had a law that would keep guns out of the hands of mentally ill individuals.

You shouldnt wait for a response to a shit argument you've posed, stupid non-point maker. We get you dont understand that people can get guns regardless.

>ideal school experience
>lolis with guns are sexy as fuck.

I can, i have, and i would love to make a faggot cuck german look dumber than you've already made yourselves out to be.

fucking new sweden, pretending they're relevant.

Actually most surveys estimate between 500,000 to 3 million defensive uses annually.