This is what we're up against.
This is what we're up against.
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't even be bothered to watch it
this, at this point I won't even go through that kind of cringe again
>open the video
>immediatly hear screams from a wild animal
>close the video, irritated
If only i could find a single reason to carry on in this life
>that moment when he says "we don't have to hate each other" and it stops them in their tracks because they've been brainwashed to think they're the good guys
heh, you can see the mental gymnastics in their head going
heh heh
Everything is going according to plan
it's actually funny though
I have one, check the comment section. You'll see top rated comments from girls who're mimicking far right comments now for attention. If you want to see the trends of society, look to the women. They absorb the popular message, these women existing means the message is turning in our favor. Don't give up
I never saw it that way, that's a good point.
Women always go sleep with the victors.
Thx m8, have a rare
>dont reason with me shitlord
And yeah holy fuck the amount of attention whores is off the roof
I guess it is because info war is the "coolest" and most popular show of the "alt right" so of course they flock in there
Truly sad creatures
>western women
I live in a shithole but at least we dont have these.
>gay women for trump
is degeneracy genetic with women?
Happy to help user, I've been following this since 2012, and I gotta say, we've come a very long way, I have hope, thank you for the rare, I'll add it to the collection
This guy gets it
Just ignore these retarded chicks. Look around for the good one's.
Women are like pets, once you accept this you will feel so much more at peace. Women, like pets, can be for companionship, they default their mindset to a strong male they respect /look up to, or absorb that of the popular opinion around them. In a healthy society women follow their father, and than are given to their husband whose lead they follow.
More broken homes means more women defaulting to society. Where popularity is determined via media and government. To retake our women, we need to become independant, pillars of strength. It's just not just fit, but a mindset too that goes with it. You need to hold standards and values. Reject immorality, you reward women with attention and good things. They will internalize the values you hold if you reach this place
Men are just as much a victim of the equality meme as women. We've come to expect to much from our women, expect them to be like our male buddies and a wife/house wife
Can you get through this?
Women are just much more pron to degeneracy because they do not tend to form their own opinions or views. Because men were meant to be the protectors / providers, women solve conflict not through projection of power like men, but diplomacy, compromise, if a women feels safe/ protected, she will follow the lead, and support the lead. Women like those in the video have assumed the supporting role of daddy government
Prove daddy government is abusive, or not going to protect them and they'll feel vulnerable, be willing to consider coming back to your side. It's quite simple, just requires you accept the differences of women
Can't wait for the meltdown after November 8th
yeah this 2bh
At some point you realise just watching these creatures freak out after losing is 1000% more enjoyable than another video of some faggot wasting his time trying to reason with them
I know the nature, the problem is that it requires so much work, on ourselves first, we need to learn things that were natural before but were erased and shamed like autority and dominance.
And then they require a lot of work too to lead them back on the right path, the current brainwhas is strong and difficult erase.
On a side note i like how they are really aggressive towards their female colleagues, like:
>Stupid bitches
>scary ignorant
>unlike me though guyz :3
Clearly a way to sink the "competition"
and of course the white knights always orbiting around
>Teach them Alex, yeah you go girl thehe
Women are fickle creatures.
Trips has spoken.
That's true, but once we reach that step we can find easier ways to help other's along in their journey. We can give them infographs or a run down of facts they need to be made away of to help them on their journey for what may of taken us years. We can tell them what actions to take, what values to hold and why, we must work together to lift each other back onto our feet and than once there help lift others up. Become secure with yourself, establish goals, moral foundation, connect with family and close friends and branch out
The more of us reach that point the easier it will be. Just stick with bettering yourself, and helping other men, women will naturally follow along after that
>On a side note i like how they are really aggressive towards their female colleagues
Yeah, women were never meant to make mates universally like men were. Women kept to the family, and a few close friends she considers family. Than extent to tribe, observe modern women in their family and day to day lives and you'll see people they hold close to, and even if they fight with them, they'll defend them if a women from another 'family/tribe' steps in.
Men were the risk takers, despite competition between men we would still need to work with other men later down the road. Conflict, hunting, etc. Men are designed to get along better with each other, especially if we're from similar tribes.
Men will form bonds with each other over pretty much anything, but so will we slit each other's throat if we become a threat, tribes need to be firmly established and stuck to, we can help others in other tribes, such as white nationalists in American helping black nationalists in Africa. But the acknowledgement of being competition is still normally there, and the reality of maybe fighting one day on the battlefield is easier to accept for men
i dont even understand those bitches. like not not what they mean, but actually dont understand a word. just AAHHHNUHFDFKDFJDNARRRRGHGHHH RACIST AAAHHHHH
Depends if they're bound or not, unbound women definately are, bound women will ignore social ques and peers and default to their men if they're the head. I was with a girl during my leftist stage, she had been raised right wing conservative, changed for me. I started shifting hard right, and she switched with me, plenty of shit tests along the way, but hold your ground and they'll provide you with conflicting information or claims not to challenge you, but to give you an opportunity to lead her on what to think of this conflicting information and view. A lot of men cannot distinguish a shit test from this and may lash out, which teaches the women not to look to him for guidance over time. Like I said before, it really is like training a pet or kid
pls go back to elementary, and ask a teacher if he can teach you how to coun to 3 pls
These women are good examples of what happens when you tell women to go off to college to pretend they're the same as men. Instead of picking a husband and fulfilling her role as a house wife / mother early on. These are likely unbound women defaulting to what they hear from their circles. Challenging it, without having a man to lead her on the contradictions provokes emotional reactions because she's confused and doesn't know what to do. In fact I'd wager they would be willing to sleep or be lead by the man in the video holding his ground if he pursued it after shutting them down with cold hard facts
Does anybody else think those chicks got horny while they were arguing? They sounded like they wanted dick.
That mix out of outrage/pretend fear/complete psychosis/random bursts of laughter is truly bizarre
I could only watch a few seconds
>1 post by this ID
>white women
What's this dude's endgame?
>mark cuban
im so mad
>"to vote for the leader of the great world"
>"he's retarded"
they're language proves that they have yet to achieve true leftism. They will apologize to higher level SJW's for their failure
this woman is jewish
piece of cake.
To get within one foot of two women who are preoccupied by one alpha male. Though they are both screaming at that alpha male, by his beta logic at least one of them is open. In his dream world they will turn to him and strike up a conversation with him
i just want my safe space lads, i dont even live in seppo land but this makes me really mad.
my country is fine for the most part but you guys are so important and your voters just get their information from fucking comedians lads.
A+ debating, liberals.
>ad hominem
>ad hominem
>ad hominem
>ad hominem
>SCREEECHING now at the edge of tears
How fucking old are these people?
Mentally two.
>How is Trump racist
I have rarely seen people scream with such conviction of truth, it's baffling teebz, just goes to show how much their world view is based on emotion
Thinking hurts their feefees
Old enough to vote.
>Youre uneducated
>Proceed to scream like wild banshees and cant make actual sentences
damn this is making me think
They literally can't even control themselves in a disagreement and just start screaming. What happens to make someone like this?
Soon user, taking back our countries is an active process, one we're making good headway in
I don't think I have ever had such a strong emotional reaction to anything
To be fair I've never heard of any successful female leaders. The best I can think of is Boudica and she didn't get too far..
Women are not meant to be leaders, they handle stress and leadership very poorly. One of the most famous leaders historically - Cleopatra, sold out her country for foreign dick. It would probably be better to elect a leftist man than a right wing women honestly, but it depends on how leftist / how right.
You see the same thing when women try to lead company's, look at what has happened to HP, or Yahoo for example.
Agreed. Thatcher was an unbearable cunt, Merkel is an unbearable cunt, I was so pissed when Teresa May got in without being elected because she's negotiating our trade. GB is fucked mate, and if Hillary gets in Putin and the Saudis are going to walk all over her. Fucking disgraceful.
but taxes=roads. don't you know that, user?
why are kids bratty? people let them get away with it.