What's next?

Many of us are certain that /ourguy/ Trump is going to lose this election.
The republican party will never win another presidential election.
What do we do now?

simple.. if you can't beat 'em, join 'em



we use our guns for their intended purpose

None of "us" are certain he will lose. You're thinking of CTR shills.

The Republicans will win again. They just have to nominate someone who believes in conservative values and supports smaller government, lower taxes and pro-business policies like free trade.

Register as democrats and start fucking them over in the primaries

We lose.

I know it's pessimistic, but that's the reality. This isn't just any other election... this is the last stand for moderate and conservative values and representation in the United States... the last stand against globalism, against multiculturalism, against political corruption, against constitutional and historical revisionism, against thought crime, against the whole fucking damned thing.

Clinton's promising open borders, amnesty, fast-track citizenship for both millions of people here already illegally, and millions more she plans to invite and force upon moderate and conservative states in the US. By the time the next election cycle comes around we'll be a de-facto single-party state. A Democratic president by default in every election, Democratic supermajorities in the House and Senate, a Supreme Court packed with liberal activist judges.

If you think the decline of Europe over the last decade has been something, just wait... within the next decade, life in America will make even the most socialist, multicultural states of the European Union look positively cozy by comparison.

If Trump loses Tuesday, it's over... we lose. Find someplace out of the way to settle down and try to enjoy as much of life as you can while you can.

The same thing we did 150 years ago when it became clear that no simple victory would be achieved.

Sigh.. you do what you should've done months ago.


I voted democrat, but I honestly don't know if Hillary will win so I don't know why Trump voters would be giving up or thinking it's all over.

I feel like this will be one of the closest elections we'll see, which is pretty cool actually.

This is why you will lose.. Because you refuse to do something. Anything. That which needs to be done is still on the table, yet nobody dares to grab the cup.

We know what we have to do.

>this is the last stand for moderate and conservative values and representation in the United States

Nah, this is the last stand for dipship Tea Party fuckheads, fundies and neocons. Clear headed, smart, reasonable libertarians that are not in the Gary Johnson mold will rise as the new mainstream conservative party.

The GOP has been dying for years for its own stupidity and refusal to adapt. The libertarians, meanwhile, will actually get shit back to normal.

Change your policy of sucking the rich people's dicks--tax the rich!

>I voted democrat
Was it worth it, faggot?

>The republican party will never win another presidential election.
I'm sure dumb niggers like yourself were making these kinds of statements back when FDR was elected too.

>If you think the decline of Europe over the last decade has been something, just wait... within the next decade, life in America will make even the most socialist, multicultural states of the European Union look positively cozy by comparison.

The Americas were born to be a mixed shithole desu.

Look at us. We're mostly brown, act like monkeys and have no perspective of becoming a great civilization.
You, on the other, were able to separate blacks from whites, although this is not healthy at all for a empire. It's a matter of time until the new world becomes a big Brazil.

I think it makes more sense to save Europe than anything else.

You're not certain you fucking moron. The election isn't even over.

Hillary is just a puppet.

I'll say it again.

You armchair revolutionaries are so fucking gay.

Do you get hard when you say "nobody dares grab the cup"?

Do you actually talk like this IRL?

Have you ever actually touched a female breast?

The cringe comedy gold on here the past few weeks has been amazing.

Anyone who votes Hillary should literally be charged with treason

Fucking over. Merica is over.

>female breast

As opposed to your CTR moobs?

This election really showcases why America's two-party system is a grisly parody of actual Democracy.

If Hillary Clinton wins I'll laugh; she'll drag America into a pointless war with Russia because she's still stuck in Cold War mode.

Of course all the leftie bleeding hearts don't seem to understand the difference between being rude to some women, wetbacks and sand people, and starting a war between two global powers.

I blame the "Social Justice" movement for making people care more about feelings than lives.