Isn't it safe to assume that this is going to be the result? I mean, based on polling and all?
First time making a map, btw. Screenshot this, it can't go wrong.
Isn't it safe to assume that this is going to be the result? I mean, based on polling and all?
First time making a map, btw. Screenshot this, it can't go wrong.
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Pretty close
>its a dirty foreigner cares about the US election episode
>light red
Trump is up by like +12 here.
No, Wisconsin will reject Hillary. Sorry shills.
Colorado is out of reach for Trump.
Nevada and New Hampshire are swing states but lean remotely towards Clinton.
I mean, it looks impossible for him to lose.
Colorado is full of stoners, i really doubt that it is becoming red.
FL. is probably swing but other than that, this.
We're more of a medium red. Most like likely will go Trump. Florida and Pennsylvania are toss ups.
We'll get the last laugh when Hillary wins
Virginia isn't red. Northern Virginia has grown in population and it's entirely dependent on federal jobs. Jobs that the GOP wants to eliminate. They're not going to vote for someone who wants to fire them.
>Trump taking Virginia
>Trump taking ANY New England states
Fucking Pennsylvania is more attainable
You won't be laughing when WW3 commences.
you missed 1 vote in WI
Faithless elector will vote trump
Florida is red, 100% believe me
Take away Virginia, 269 v 269, goes to House, Trump or Jeb! wins.
Or, Trump gets a single vote from Maine and breaks the tie.
It's red. Trump will win by 2%. Obama won by less than 1%.
I thought a whole load more spics turned out there since the last time the republicans lost this state in 2012?
Not true. New Hampshire and Maine are more likely than PA by a mile.
He has 1 vote from WI
Faithless elector.
Are you hungry?
Early voting indicates that there is less of a Democratic turnout compared to 2012. Polling has Trump with a 16 pt lead among Elction Day voters. Doing the math, Trump should be expecting to win by 2%.
He has an R after his name on the ballot. That is what most people are going to vote based on. Sure, it's stupid, but most people are stupid.
That's cool, but the elector said he won't vote Trump either.
It could go to Stein for all we know.
I don't think it will matter though, I think Trump has more than 270 at this point.
stay delusional.
your tears will be delicious
As will your blood.
CTR isn't even trying anymore.
Not Mexican in FL, different kind of spic not as loyal to Democrats. Even so they don't make up much of the vote.
Black turnout is down, white is up and independents lean trump. that's all that matters
Is that a threat?
Stupid people might think that Trump took the GOP on assault and that his ideology does not represent the party.
At least shill on a convincing way.
Not any more. She is likely to gain back a bunch after the FBI cleared her. Possibly more than she lost
trade VA and NH for Michigan. Their major metropolitan area (den of snakes) is Detroit but its in far too much of a shambles to effectively organize voting there. The voice of Rural michigan will be heard.
why wouldn't we care about the US election? You guys are electing the leader of the free world
based on early voting in NV, it looks fairly bad for trump. I also don't think he will take VA, but otherwise this map looks reasonable
I think if you switch NV blue, this is the most likely outcome for a trump victory. strangely enough I see NH as possibly deciding the election given how split it is atm in polling.
>stoners can vote
Not to mention we have military bases in Europe and still have a lot of influence there.
A Trump victory would mean that the U.S. wouldn't meddle in European affairs and give them more room to elect national socialists.
Georgia red but Oklahoma blue? Get the fuck out of here.
Oh, and here's your (You)
He cares because once hillary wins all of central and south America will be USA clay in all but name.
Why is Cali blue ? I think it's gonna surprise everyone and be red they hate illegals more then anybody
Yeah, but there's two things to consider. One is that the spics there aren't mostly Mexican like in other places. Second is that black turnout is down a good bit, and they're loyal democrats, 80-90% of them will vote blue, while the spics voting more in their place will vote 60-70% blue.
you may be correct (about MI going red), though polling has pretty much continuously (and more important, recently) shown it to be a strong lean for clinton.
anecdotally a number of my friends who travel for work definitely support your rural michigan claim - it's just hundreds of "vote trump" signs and nothing for clinton.
Nope.avi. Since 1993 they've been strongly blue since all the illegals fast-tracked and hated the Republican Party.
Exactly. A Trump victory is good for European nationalists. No more king nigger 2.0 crying because we elect pro-white political parties. And Transatlantic Overton window shifting and all that.
The ones foreigners make are my favorite maps to look at.
If Hillary wins will have no moral authority to criticize the corrupt governments of South and Central America
The FBI investigation is not going to end before November 8th.
Cali is polling at D+26ish right now.
Honestly, his best shot is 270 to 268 if he gets Florida and Nevada and New Hampshire North Carolina Ohio and Iowa.
I love how he made Iowa and Ohio blue and Michigan and Pennsylvania red. It is a special type of retardation.
Nevada, Ohio, and Iowa are in the bag.
Why would Virginia go red but Florida blue?
I wouldn't be too sure Nevada is in the bag, friendo.
Trump seems to have driven up Latino turnout, bigly!
He's not going to get CO, but that doesn't matter. And remember to knock 2 off her electoral votes because two electors in WA have said they won't be voting for her. So her count in the end will be 266 and Trump's will be 270.
Very close election.
>in the bag
Man, how fucking delusional are you fags? Hillary has an insurmountable 80K voting lead in Nevada from early votes.
Voter fraud
What the fuck?
Because it's going Trump.
shill confirmed, early voting is not a strong enough indicator of actual voting on election day
Va is all in what the coast does, I live in West va and can go days without seeing a Clinton sign (I know of 5 tops in my area)
80k is almost all of NV's population.
Nevada and Florida have seen a massive surge of Hispanic early voting.
>And Comey you tell me has betrayed us. Our list of allies grows thin...
hush, I want to believe
So the polls are all wrong because you saw a couple of trump signs?
lol you haven't been to NH
>They'll get the hispanics in NV to lose their nerve on the day
>They'll rig NC, VA, PA and MI by bussing blacks all around the state all day
>They'll rig the machines in UT to give the state to cia
>And he'll still win as the monster vote in the based cold, northern, white states turns out in record numbers to Make America Great Again
>post yfw
Yeah...? In 2012, about 70% of Nevada's votes were cast early...
Nearly 3 million live in Nevada shill.
Get fucked cuck.
Colorado is tied up in the early votes. He's got a decent chance
>tfw you voted Trump but am convinced he will lose
The media is against it. The establishment is against it. They could literally rig the vote if they so chose at this point and nobody would know. The mere fact that the entire left media including politicians, comedians, interest groups, etc going crazy just seems way too fantastical to happen. I want it to happen, but waking up to that would be indescribable chaos and I just cant picture them allowing it.
Civil War confirmed
>tfw you wake up and realize you hate your country and the majority of the people living in it
nice understatement there
it'd be a shame if someone were to
call you on it
it is in NV. elsewhere, not so.
Its better than most, but for how long?
>And remember to knock 2 off her electoral votes because two electors in WA have said they won't be voting for her
They might back off from the that stance now that Comey has dropped the investigation.
Damn son. That's also how I feel.
Looking at all those maps it occurs to me that you 'mercans just need to kick California out of the Union and enjoy never having a demcuck in office ever again.
California has a larger economy than Russia, friend.
Clinton will definitely win NV and VA. Without a doubt.
She will very likely win NC ,and has a better than 50% chance of taking FL
That's what the best data (including early voting) is showing.
no chance
If there's any state I'd suspect of having a ridiculously strong shy trump voter factor and miseading polls from people scared to publicly support trump, it's California. Is it enough to turn them red? Probably not, but I don't expect California to be so solidly blue either.
I firmly believe that Trump will win Michigan
This... actually looks pretty reasonable. I'm fucking praying it turns out like this or even better. I'm just worried about NV and CO. Those I could see going either way.
Give him 1 point in ME, and give clinton VA
>inb4 no one gets to 270
>it goes to the House
>pic related
fucking hell leaf, you had me in stitches
>tfw oregon
Granted, ive seen far more support for trump and barely any for hillary. Im eugene btw
Who knows.
I'm done. At this point I'm just gonna wait and see if these cowards are willing to do something about it.
>clinton winning ohio
Reading this thread is a burn. White America wants Trump but as blacks and Latinos increase in numbers constantly whites don't have a say anymore. All they got left is hoping that the blacks don't vote in numbers. You're fucked, America