What is your honest opinion about this man?

What is your honest opinion about this man?

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What movie was he in?

He was a leader that cared about his people, and tried to syand up to American imperialism. He failed.

The wall that stood between Europe and Africa

But of course Israel and the US fucked it up and Europe will be destroyed

fast and furious 7


But he was the one that fucked up Africa.

He was murdered by hillary

It's literally what would happen if you made a Frankenstein out of Michael Jackson, Kim Jong Un, and Donald Trump

horrible leader and dictator but, better then the mad max shit storm that libya has become.

A great leader and hero of the people, like Castro and Chavez and Ho Chi Min. With him gone, Libya is probably going to end up like Sudan and split apart.

I've been reading about him recently and I've just wondered why he was taken out. The country was transformed from a shithole to something that wasn't horrendous as the Western media claimed. He got demonized, for really no good reason

Kept the negros at bay.

We came, we saw, he died.

Legitimately did nothing wrong, one of the greatest leaders of the past century


The surest way to see the character of a man is to give him power and make him accountable to no one.

Suetonius (c. 70 AD – after 130 AD), lawyer and secretary of the imperial palace, wrote of Augustus and his palace:

It is generally agreed that he was most temperate and without even the suspicion of any fault. He lived at first near the Forum Romanum, afterwards on the Palatine in a modest dwelling remarkable neither for size or elegance, having but a short colonnade with columns of local stone and rooms without any marble decorations or handsome pavements. For more than 40 years he used the same bedroom in winter and summer.[4]


He led Libya and like Saddam Hussein was initially installed by the usual suspect nations.

As per usual he was sold out by the same countries and globalists that once installed him. This was mainly due to having the audacity to actually lead his nation culminating in an idea of a gold backed currency called the African Dinar.

He was planning on fucking with the hegemonic reserve currency and ended up beaten, shot and with a broom up his ass for daring to challenge the same power structure currently trying to propel Hillary into the White house...

Vote Trump of may the god of KEK shove a broom up your ass.

Was the only good leader africa has ever had and he suffered as a result

Pretty sure I saw him today at Chili's

Bin Laden is kill.


>he finally got enough GBP for tendies

this fills me with hope, thank you user.

Anyone remember this?
this is some andy kaufman shit


>"Seeking 500 attractive girls between 18 and 35 years old, at least 1.70 meters (5 foot, 7 inches) tall, well-dressed but not in mini-skirts or low cut dresses,"
>Most had expected to attend a party, according to ANSA, but instead were invited to wait in a large hall until the arrival of Gaddafi, who gave them a 2-hour translated lesson on Libya and the role of women in Islam.
> they didn't even give us a glass of water," one woman told ANSA.

Just another of the Western-supported dictators we Arabs have been cursed with. One day we will get rid of all of them just like we got rid of him. Fuck Assad, fuck Salman, fuck Abdullah

From what I understand he had a lot of leftist ideas and opinions? Not necessarily the American Liberal Left, but more socialistic ideals, so why do some of Sup Forums praise him if thy are so opposed to this

2 pure 4 this wurl :(

deserved to be ousted but not killed

As a Libyan citizen he was a real piece of shit. However, to his credit, while he did oppress the people of Libya, he managed to keep the country's political climate relatively stable in his lifetime.

Should have had a fair trial like any other war criminal though, those guys who killed him like an old dog were fucking sick in the head - not to mention the other shit they did to him. Also the US should never have never declared war, and Benghazi probably wasn't an inside job but definitely a show of gross incompetence on Hillary Clinton's part, IMO enough that she should have been fired.

Patsy number ... idk a million

Insane dictator bastard, but he was ruling over even bigger bastards,
net positive.

he was probably the most successful socialist of all times desu

How is that region doing now?

One of the biggest cucks in recorded history.

>"I would like Libya to become a black country. Hence, I recommend to Libyan men to marry only black women and to Libyan women to marry black men" -Gaddafi in 1992

People who defend him are anti-European cucks too

>>"We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades."


So if the prevailing theory among a lot of people that he didn't fall in line with US interests what would be the example of a young country that DOES play into the US's interests?

menein fi libya? ana men masr!

He was a faggot that did alot for his people but was a general asshole to the rest of the world. That's why he had no friends. Not to mention he sponsored the lockerbie bombings so fuck that arab piece of shit.


An idiot.

A useful idiot, though.

Stepped on the wrong toes, though.

Taking him down was one of the biggest mistakes of the 21st century and some burgers are still reluctant to admit that.

Under his rule Libya turned into a second tier country

The reincarnation of Our Leader Adolf Hitler, and the last hope of this world, struck down by the international Jewish-Reptilian conspiracy. There is no hope left.

Libya has been crappy from what I know ever since he had been taken out by the NTC and NATO

The hero we needed but not the one we deserved

No he didn't. It was Father Assad.

Qudebi 3le masr

He was a ruthless dictator who violated human rights on a massive scale and committed genocide on his own people. But Libya had a stable government with him. If our leaders werent so stupid and weak he could have been controlled without destroying a nation

>But he was the one that fucked up Africa.
how? he wanted to unite north africa into a economic superpower but America cant let that happen because thatd ruin our economy

don't care if proxy

Lunatic on a level with Bokassa. Glad hes death. Lybia can become a democracy now.

It's a mess and further south, the region that'll start a world war , that region should be carpet bomb

Haile Selassie was a good leader

spy hard

Better than Hillary.

dindu nuffin or something like that idk shout out to adam curtis

NATO airstrikes against him was just such a mind-bogglingly big mistake that the africans sailing across the mediterranean from the ruins of his broken country are just a hint, or a taste, of the full repercussions of his rule ending

Newfag desu, but did Sup Forums support the bombing of Libya?


It's a shame what (((they))) did to him.

Our southern border guard who raised libya to the most prosperous country in africa.

Hero and martyr, and history will remember him as such. That's my honest opinion.

visionary, he was gonna make the US dollar useless with his new Arab league. And 1 by 1 US took them out.
He was also involved in the biggest irrigation project, which would turn the desert into a green area. Also school, healthcare were free. And when a mother gave birth they would give a substancial amount of money. Basically he was wayyy to intelligent to lead an Arab country to the western eyes

>honest opinon
I've never had one of those in my life

Kosovo and Azerbaidjan

At the just age of 27, he liberated his country from fucking Italians, and transformed the country from desert into one of the greatest country in Africa. He always stood whats right and morale. He supported Mendela when Western world listed him as a terrorist. Dude might have some peculiar behaviours, but he was alpha and based as fuck.

It's in the Wikileaks emails: Khadafi was taken out because he wanted to start a gold-based currency so that the current metro-dollar would rule unopposed.
