America's greatest author is WithHer
Who does Trump have?
America's greatest author is WithHer
Who does Trump have?
>America's greatest author
Bwahaha no...
>America's greatest author
Who the fuck is that?
Have you seen the show lateley? Course he's voting shill.
He has the people
Kek wills it.
The US government is planning to attack NY, Texas and Virginia, pls be smart, spread the information to stop them, they'll blame Al Qaeda.
Can't believe I wasted precious time of my life reading his first two books. What a fucking overrated shitfest they are
Americans consider him their greatest author?
87 87
thanks Kek for the attention, americucks pls spread, if the information spread fast enough we can stop them
get back to writing you fat fuck.
Clint Eastwood.
glad i never bothered watching skyrim the tv series.
another thread, the guy leaked a lot of stuff, I don't know how to link threads, but remember:
>doing literally anything but his actual job
Fuck this cunt
I mean fuck, change the title to The Winds of With Her if you have to, but just fucking release it
That's not Mark Twain.
>America's greatest author
>this is the best American writer
America actually has no culture, I hope their nation is destroyed when Clinton wins. Nothing of value will be lost
No he isn't
>Greatest writer
>Just kills characters that people don't expect
>Greatest writer
>America's greatest author
He's rich AF. His banker just told him the same thing mine told me (yeah I'm kindoff a richfag). If you don't want your wallet to be fucked in 2 days, Clinton must pass.
This fucker is protecting him money.
>America actually has no culture
its a little obvious where hillarys money has been going to in this election
You mean J K Rowling.
He really does look for any excuse he can think of to not have to actually write, doesn't he.
>No, but guys...i'm with's not like I've written myself into a hole or anything
writer of greatest degenerate tv show is Hillary fan. wow, shocked.
Blaming Islam anything is not part of the agenda.
>wrote some shit books no one read until they became a TV porno
did she actually paid EVERY known person to sing her song?
>that cuck who spends all of his sunday morning watching ''tv shows''
Trump has Trump.
>tfw when I've already received 3 cheques from Soros to vote for Hillary but I'm in Australia and can't vote.
>America's greatest author
>Not finishing his book, shilling for hill.
This fat fuck will die before ASOIAF ever finishes. Does he at least have a talentless cuck of a son to ensure that his fans suffer the same fate as Herbert's and Tolkien's?
>voting for Curse Lannister
>He thinks this is culture
You're just pathetic americucks
America's greatest author is a singer according to the Nobels.
It says enough about the quality of culture in this country.
>greatest author
HP Lovecraft would like a word.
Are you actually retarded?
I'm not surprised that Tolkien is voting democrat. He is dead after all.
Man I need to lose about 20 more pounds so I can wear suspenders without looking like this dumbfuck, but not lose too much so I like like a weak hipster.
Suspenders with a loose belt is some comfy. Belts werent designed to hold your pants up its fuckin hell doing manual labor relying on a belt.
Well the man writes about the corrupt dealings of the elite, why would he not be with his muse.
He has nothing to do with the show. two jew brothers are responsible for that fuckfest.
Not much of a surprise. Mark Twain is dead so I would expect him to vote for Hillary.
Trump has no one but military leaders, and that's because Trump is a better candidate for the military and they aren't stupid.
>Sup Forums and it's fucking nigger-tier numerology
The level of dumb on here is goddamned amazing.
a dumbass redneck who shoots animals for fun
>americas greatest author
a fucking leaf
and trump has clint eastwood, hulk hogan, mike tyson, chuck cool celebrities that are worth following, not femitards like katy perry or beyonce
A brief post-war boom is not culture, thanks for playing.
Massive belly and 70 years old, obviously he is overcome with estrogenic faggotry.
Am I the only one who feels that got is just soap opera dressed as epic fantasy? where is the heroism, virtue, overcoming hardship and adversity? all you get is drama, jewery, vulgarity, homo sex and muh social issues
Cry some more.
I do wonder who Cormac McCarthy would vote for.
>eastwood, hogan, tyson, chuck norris
haha yeah okay tim
Clint Eastwood, don't really need anything more than that
>America's greatest author
You must be crazy to think that, leaf. May Kek curse you with no morals.
G RR Cukin is with her, such a surprise
It wasn't post-war and it wasn't brief. Are you just making shit up?
>mfw I love spoiling his books and show for normies
>Who does Trump have?
Chuck Norris
You describe more the TV series than the books.
But yes, that guy was originaly your usual loosy sci-fi novelist.
why are alice and huckleberry finn in shit tier when those are pretty good books for kids?
> Americas greatest author
> Tolkien
KYS please.
*smacks lips*
jellied eels
*breathes heavily*
*dies of obesity*
Dying of the Light was pretty good.
Never heard of him & chances are if he is alive, he's not a good author. All the legendary authors are dead. Post-Modern is shit. By the way, liberals are gross with their subjective opinions coining people as 'the greatest'. Vote TRUMP, we have Clint Eastwood & Al Pacino. All we need. Fuck Hollywood pedophile celebrities.
America's greatest author is a skeleton at this point. As much as I would like to see a skeleton campaign for Hillary, I don't think it's gonna happen anytime soon.
The American People
Tito Ortiz is laughing at this fat fuck
Buy my books.
>America's greatest author
it had to be a leaf
game of drones writer
one of the biggest cucks in the country
>greatest writer
not even close to true
>greatest author
>only writes about dick and tits.
>nothing more than a fantasybased 50 shades of grey shit
seriously, whenever someone tells me of game of thrones it sounds like nothing else than a highbudged fantasy roleplay snuff porn with dragons
Pynchon probably supports Hillary
McCarthy might vote for Trump but wouldn't surprise me if he voted Hillary either
You're forgetting about the food.
>America's greatest author is WithHer
Philip Roth? Cormac McCarthy?
>Who does Trump have?
Then what does the rest of the world import from the USA constantly? Your fucking government news network covers our elections more than ours do for fucks sake.
>Writes a series of books where a giant wall to keep out savage invaders is a central plot point.
>Supports Hillary
Not that fat over-rated Fuck, oh nooooo.
Damn Hyde, Ben Garrison, Alex Jones, Styxhexenhammer666 (Tarl Warwick)
>America's greatest author
>A fucking leaf
Michael Moore?
That description doesn't really narrow it down
Alice in Wonderland promotes degeneracy because it was written by a pedophile on an acid trip.
Huck Finn is about a white kid helping a nigger get out of work.
lol keep looks like child porn
>FBI sends it all immediately to Bill Clinton
Have you ever read Alice in Wonderland?
I don't know how it is translated to Lithuanian, but it is a god-awful book. I could have written a better story when I was still in high school.
The disney movie adaptation is really great though. See that instead of the book.