Do you wear one?
Do you wear one?
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Do I not get a ticket to the life boat?
Nah. I'll give them the scraps from the bottom of my pocket if I see them begging in the entrance of the supermarket though.
Hell yeah, still got mine from last year
lmao i never understood this
I've bought 3 this year because I keep leaving home without one.
yes. kinda out of habit, as most of our vets haven't seen a real war and our ww1 and 2 ones are all but dead
its the thought that counts I guess
Yes, and I expect other people to as well but not to the point where I'll argue about it because that's what they want.
Yeah, I just crushed a few in my bolognese sauce.
No, soldiers are despicable welfare queens
Nah. The colour clashes with my scarf. I used to wear them when I was young and gullible.
Absolutely. Got mine for this year as soon as I saw them in my local supermarket.
too scared i will be viewed as a poofter if i wear a flower.
Woman at work got offended when she heard I started putting up some xmas decors because I wasn't waiting until after remembrance day. What will I not be able to do next?
Yes but I didn't buy it. I picked one off the floor from Walmart
you look like a poofter anyway
No. Might wear a white poppy though.
do strayans actually drink those piss-weak little premixed cans? fucking lmao
How is wanting a peaceful and democratic world without war edgy?
Dont put up Christmas decorations untill after Nov.11
fuck sakes... what is wrong with every single dude that was born after 1993
when to stop wearing it is the right question
Of course you won't understand this, you're
after the 11th.
Flanders was literally a Canadian, you yellow-toothed little bitch
>Wearing a flower supporting anti whites when you could be wearing what could have been the savoir of the white race.
you'd get punched within 5 minutes, but go ahead big man
I threw it in the garbage can.
>Implying I would pay to support anything Canadian
Only on an overcoat during the week of the 11th of November.
None of my family died in either of the world wars, but my great-great-grandfather was a Canadian and was injured at Gallipoli.
whats that
A poppy, pablo.
Yes, I wear one.
I live in NI and work with a bunch of taigs, would wearing one make them butt flustered? If so I'll get one immediately
Of course. I have a few in my desk at work, but I buy one to support the legion.
My grandfather took part in the liberation of Holland. He didn't talk about it much except about how he disobeyed orders by giving his rations to the civilians. He said that when he saw starving kids he lost his appetite. He also drove an armoured car looking for holdouts and sympathizers.
He also bought a gambler's pistol from a pawn shop, but he was caught trying to bring it home and it was confiscated as contraband.
Just like the fella who wrote the poem.
>Swear on me nan
I don't wear one, never will. I'm a war vet myself. I don't like to remind myself of me old mates tbqh. And, in the end we were fighting for a society that betrays us at every opportunity and lifelong civilians will never in a million years understand what we did.
She was a woman. I don't understand it.
I respect all the white men that fought on both sides of the war but I think the wrong side won. Probably haven't worn one for over a decade.
How does wearing a white flower make that happen? Useless, same as the red one.
I forgot which day is the relevant one
wtf is that???
Is this some kind of fingerbox meme that I'm not in on?
No something wrong about a chink cadet selling me one.
our grand daddies fought those evil nazi chink sonnafabitches to bring democracy to the Pacific
only if its a white poppy
Same except in my math class.
Damn straight.
No, The sjw's here are starting to harass people who where them
it's just a piece of felt. same virtue signalling as a sjw whining on tumblr.
they always fucking fall off though
Asses. Really? Where when what?