You have approximately 48 hours to buy a gun.
If you do not purchase a gun before Hillary is elected, may God have mercy on your soul.
You have approximately 48 hours to buy a gun.
If you do not purchase a gun before Hillary is elected, may God have mercy on your soul.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do I need a gun when we have police? Checkmate atheists
Ur thinking of inauguration day m80
I don't have any money for a gun
Is it possible I could steal one off a dead cop/ solider?
>average response time is 8 minutes
have fun playing hide and seek with tyrone
The US government is planning to attack NY, Texas and Virginia, pls be smart, spread the information to stop them, they'll blame Al Qaeda.
what are you a pussy? steal it when he's still alive
Not if you want to buy hardware, an extra 40%+ markup.
Ask your wife's boyfriend for one
Guns sales are gonna be rocking this Christmas if she wins. AR-15 style rifles will be the number 1 requested gift.
gonna need more than that to spook me, what's the source
Maybe if you were more inclusive of house refugees they wouldn't be so violent
Honestly you only have your white privilege to blame
>>average response time is 8 minutes
my wife's son is actually really muscular for his age, he does a great job as man of the house
>Ammo hardware or a weapon
fucking wireless keyboards
this only helps Trump though
another thread, guy leaked, I have no proof, just save and use it as a meme when it happen, if it happen people need to know the truth
ThisA Hillary win will create the largest panic buy in US history.
no, it would kill the FBI heroes, also he(Obongo) could use it to stop the election
Here is the background check form that needs to be filled out.
The full thing with the answers in the back is here:
Ir's all very simple really. You will need to buy ammo too and ear protection if you have time to practice.
check those dubs...IT'S HAPPENING
I have no money and I live in no guns Illinois. I'm fucked
>live in indiana
>no bg check needed
Where are all my hoosiers at?
A special PSA from your friends up at /k/.... buy with credit or to not buy with credit and not have one?
That is a federal document sonny, that one iis filled out wherever you live.
Hello, Remington. How's your sales quota?
You gun Tards are fucking stupid. Do you really believe that the next president takes office the day that they are elected?
tfw work at a company that sells gun parts
we gonna /20percentraise/ here anons
Aren't sales high enough without gun companies shilling on Sup Forums ?
Go buy a Mossberg 500 right now at your local Walmart. Used by many police and troops. Arguable, aside from Remington 870, the most popular shotgun. Affordable price. No waiting period. Every gun owner, farmer, and hunter owns a 12 guage. Tons of ammo and parts available. In a SHTF scenario, these will be laying around all over the place. Unequaled stopping power. Great for urban combat. Do it.
Out of date now. Specifically the Mosin.
Surplus isn't surplus any more.
Shotguns and handguns will be available for a long time and don't get effected by panic buys. (aside from pistol ammo)
If you're going to buy a gun it has to be an AK or an AR.
having enough money to buy a gun and enough foresight to buy a gun and train with a gun is the baseline for being allowed to live in the new world we are creating.
even better if it's a 590. Thing's indestructible and holds 8+1
also Kek approved
>he thinks gun store owners are immune to federal checks
holy moly
>buying an ak in todays market
Buy an AR, a battle rifle, and as much.223 and.308 as you can
>Out of date now
Agreed, but still pretty useful.
Everyone is all hunkered down right now so no time to update meme...
Get an AR-15 with loads of 30 round mags. Those will be the first things to go. Then get a high-capacity pistol, at least 12 rounds. Also buy a fuckton of ammo.
Most states dont require background checks for private purchases. All states require background checks when going through an ffl
Quick Sup Forums I need liturgies to bless my weapons, give me Christian liturgies to hang from my guns/armor
If youre a law abiding white working man and dont already own guns, and know how to properly care for them, you fucked up.
Most people don't have $1000 handy to go buy one and if Hillary gets elected, good luck finding any ammo. Conversely, any normie could get in their car right now and buy a Mossberg at wally world for $300 with a shit load of 12 gauge ammo on the shelf because of hunting season. I bet my local walmart doesn't even have any 5.56 right now. Just my opinion. ymmv
If you're stocking up now and not for the past decade I have bad news for you.
And learn how to use them well, blasted my own forearm when someone broke in a few weeks ago, guns are being tested and I should get them back but train up boys. When shit hits the fan you want the muscle memory to prevent pic related
Jesus fucking Christ, why I'm living in Russia? I'm looking at the pic and trying not to cream myself with idea that somewhere you can properly own a gun.
I'm an autist
>$50 lower
>$50 parts kit
>some cheapo sights
You just got yourself a ~$450 AR15.
You can buy a quality pre-built AR for $500 or less. If you're an ultra poorfag then buy a $250 used Mossberg/Remington or a used Glock and spend whatever you have left on ammo.
That's 45 acp point blank that did that if anyone curious
how tho.
>Jesus fucking Christ, why I'm living in Russia?
I don't know. Lots of you faggots along with Ukrainians are moving to my area. If you're white you're better than the mexicans though so come on over.
Not all of us are 30 years old
> waste money for gun
> hand it over to the police like a little bitch
> ???????
> don't profit
>using a handgun for home defense
>didnt even actually practice with it
Wew lad
I had left my rifle with a loaded drum out, didn't want it turned on me and I put my 1911 in my left hand. My right finger stays off the trigger, apparently not my left when shaking scared. I'd never pulled it to actually fire on people I was scared.
Here is entry.
my sides.
is this truely what they ask?
I did but not in my left hand. I hit a target just fine.
Yeah. I know. Not many "good" ARs in that price range though. I've been thinking of getting a S&W M&P 15 Sport 2. Gun shops have been hopping in my area. It's nuts. I'll probably order one online and have it shipped to an FFA I know that has a lil shop that sales fishing and camping gear. As for ammo, alot of places are limiting the number of boxes you can buy at a time.
My body is ready.
Lol you retard
>I'm an autist
you're not an autist, owning a firearm and being a responsible owner is an amazing feel.
Yep. Box 10a was added to the 4473 a couple years ago.
>Hillary gets elected
Go to Cabellas or Gander Mountain and apply for a credit card, then use that.
M&Ps are good ARs. Not top-of-the-line but they can compete with rifles with nearly twice the price tag. Just do a little shopping around and don't buy anything straight from your LGS because the markups are ridiculous.
Thx; better than them getting this to use on me, it was in my rifle as I was making adjustments the night before
Come on fags, we're gonna need all the help we can get.
but, but, but how can you be one OR more? is this why US is 58% white? Are they even 2% white?
>get robbed
>shoot yourself so the assailant doesn't feel threatened
this is bongistan tier cuckery
I bought multiple guns in the past few months
Maybe I sell one or two after prices sky rocket to pay for the rest ;)
>drum mag for home defense
>fmj for home defense
>tula/wolf for home defense
>9/11 2.0
They won't be able to pull the wool over normies eyes that easy. too many have been redpilled
9/11 kinda came out of nowhere and any redpilled normies were blow off and buried under a decade of tinfoil
It work again and it work be the starting whistle of revolution
Speaking of, does Al Qaeda even exist anymore ? After osama got capped and the rose of Isis , the have been pretty low key
Last thing I'll say about based 12 gauge is that it won't be affected by a renewed assault weapons ban. It will be the last weapon they try to outlaw. And yes, you can easily find alot of ghost shotguns for sale. Sales of handguns and rifles are tracked thoroughly. Also, you can't have your local CSI guy trace buckshot like you can a bullet. Just sayin.
There is a very very very long long sad story behind every question on that form......................
This one was when they lumped spics in with white people to make white crime look far worse. But they finally got caught fucking with the numbers and this was added in in haste...
Oh, i see. The rifle you were working on, the handgun you kept for defense
>selling ARs
No guns pls
What happens if I lie about pic related?
what whole form is retarded above the charts, but a good laugher.
>If you do not purchase a gun before Hillary is elected, may God have mercy on your soul.
jokes on you i have plenty of other ways to an hero
you're dumb
I forget I even own one of those things. Can never get it to feed reliably through an entire drum.
>You have approximately 48 hours to buy a gun.
You been to the sporting goods store lately negro? Those shelves are clean as a whistle. You can pick up a 3000 dollar HK though.
>What happens if I lie about pic related?
Don't even try... They really are extremely good about finding out the lies....
>Don't even try... They really are extremely good about finding out the lies....
how exactly would they find out?
Just finished my first AR a few weeks ago, also bought a high capacity pistol. I'm all set on ammo and mags for the next few months, though I might put in a new order of ammo or mags again on monday. Haven't checked but I imagine most places are running low on stock now that it's almost election day.
Feeling good though, got my funs and ammo for when the panic hits full swing. Hopefully ranges are empty for the next few months as fudds and retards sit at home and count their bullets.
Aw fuck, I'm the worst kind of procrastinator... Well it's all or nothing now
Do you really not have a spare $200 for a shotgun and couple boxes of buck shot?
>but how can you be one OR more
wow thats racist you transniggerphobe.
>how exactly would they find out?
But I've never even gotten a traffic ticket, how would I even be in that system?
Did OP say AR's specifically, you spastic retard?
havent bought any guns in a while but i did buy 10lbs of gunpowder today.
I would be spending more on ammunition right now tbqh. prices are soon to be through the fucking roof.
1k 7.62 NATO en route
You would not be and you would be fine to go buy a gun!
party time
i have no money
I lost my gun in a tragic boating accident, but I need more ammo and magazines. New optics are fun too.
What did it feel like to get shot?
Like getting stabbed?
I have a feeling all of these revolution threads are just honeypots for a list of people who are deemed dangerous right before the election, it's really really obvious actually.