What did I mean by this? No Semites allowed btw.
Religion Ranking
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm okay with this
>Not Semitic
>Eating cow shit and drinking cow piss is somehow more intelligent than atheism.
Christfags everyone.
Christianity is a semitic religion you dolt
Christianity is a second wave Abrahamic semite religion
>Truth Tier
The only true religions are the ones that acknowledge the good and evil duality of man is a symbiotic relationship.
confucianism isn't on here, should be under respectable.
pick one
Only one true path OP.
looks good to me
yeah but not all Christians are semites, learn to read freethinker. smh tbh
>goddes religions
don't put fake crap on there
>hating on Zoroastrianism.
lol bet you're a nerd virgin friendzoned by your own sister.
>no semites allowed
>cuckstianity truth tier
Fucking retard.
There is only one true Divinity.
>agnostics cringe tier
Lol, what is Zoroastrianism?
>loo in poo religion "respectable"
What could they possibly mean by that.
>Not having Norse belief on the very top
Shit list / 10
>not a semite
Better than Islam or Goddess Religions.
nigga what?
Fuck off CTR.
I won't say what religion I am.
Prove to me your specific god exists.
I'll wait.
If you can't do this, then I'll be willing to let you squirm into an easier question.
Prove any God no matter how retarded exists.
>norway thinks pic related is truth-tier
>irishman thinks your religion changes your race
What did you say about me you little bitch?
>Prove to me your specific god exists
I've seen her, here is a picture of her.
you can't prove anything with 100% certainty (except maybe cogito ergo sum)
but falling for jewish bullshit makes you american
pretty based list IMO
If the Swedes hung their refugees so Odin could drink their semen the nation would be a lot less cucked now. Think about what you're saying, this is chess not checkers.
>he thinks the beliefs he grew up with are superior than the beliefs someone else grew up with
Lmao at ur life :^)
>jewish bullshit
whoa! hold up, i'm Christian, not atheist.
subjective bullshit all the way around.
Jews are promoting (((atheism)))
And its the default position of bluepilled liberals, sjw's and other degenerates
Even atheist sites admit most atheist are liberals and attack anyone that doesn't share their blue pilled ideas and opinions
These degenerates hate Christanity
Your daughter?
>he's not even a real german
Haters of islam , aka based as fuck
As a person who study this, I could explain to you the symbolism of Odin and the Semen, but You sound like one of those inbred Americans who refuse to learn.
But everybody hates islam. Doesn't make them special.
>Christian not right next to Judaism and Islam
>Hinduism between Taoism and Buddhism
This makes no sense.
It's almost like... you only get information from Sup Forums.
you study the practice of drinking semen?
how progressive
Lmfao that meme has nothing to do with my question.
I gave you the vaguest easiest question.
>Prove to me your God exists
>Prove to me A God exists
What "specific criteria" did I ever mention?
Still waiting.
Come back without memes and serious answers user.
>"i'm Christian"
>i dont fall for jewish bullshit
>Marching to Zion
Definitive redpill which dispels the fiction of Christian Zionism.
>Yuri Bezmenov - Why we need God
Ending of this ex-KGB's "psychological warfare" lecture which you should also check out.
>Father Coughlin: Jews & Communism
Before the Johnson Amendment, Father Coughlin speaks out against The Jew's Communism
Montage of our fashy friends united in Christ against the Jew
>Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America
"Long march through the institutions" explained thoroughly
>Christianity is Not Jewish Pastebin with tons of info
>For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, “Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them.”
Galatians 3:10 ESV
>Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ. Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?
1 Corinthians 1:12-13 KJV
>For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.
2 Thessalonians 3:10 ESV
>"As for you, do not pray for this people, or lift up a cry or prayer for them, and do not intercede with me, for I will not hear you. Do you not see what they are doing in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? "For the sons of Judah have done evil in my sight, declares the Lord . They have set their detestable things in the house that is called by my name, to defile it.
Jeremy 7:16-17 ESV
>/christian/ books
Top tier religions-
Left Hand Tantra , Norse , More sophisticated forms of Satanism and Luciferianism
Middle tier religions
Buddhism, Scientology (only because you get to meet hot celebs), Kabbalah without the rest of Judaism
Bottom tier
christianity, judaism, islam, worship of frogs
My cousin. She's perfect and also a goddess.
It's something of the forefather of Abrahamic religions from Persia that still exists in some isolated pockets. But what I was referencing is that incestual marriage is (historically) considered pious in it.
there is no proof, of anything.
the only thing anyone can offer is evidence.
whether or not that evidence is the right type of evidence or amount enough to warrant belief in a proposition is subjective to the person doing the appraisal and the epistemology they use. in damn near every atheist vs theist debate the atheist falls back on methodology, their subjective opinion on what the beset epistemology is as a soft mechanism for repudiation.
tl;dr: no, i don't feel like it
>christcuck bait thread
too much WEW for one thread
I don't need to, Because Odin did so to partake in Feminine Magic, and thus have the full breadth of Magic at his disposal. Because Odin did so, it means his followers don't need to, Just like his followers would not need to sacrifice their eye or Hang themselves. Odin Sacrificed and did many rituals to ensure his followers did not need to sacrifice or invoke elaborate rituals.
That's why there are no Sacrifices to Odin, merely asking for blessings.
Basically, Like Jesus.
Not all jews are semites either despite knowing hebrew.
t. jew
Why isn't. Scientology on that list? Does it fall into the "others" (cringe) category?
>Worshipping like a prostrate savage
Unga bunga lads.
christcuck means atheist right?
Christians are the bulls?
scientology is an atheist religion, it would go in the cringe-tier
That's what I thought :^) Better meme next time boyo.
>He doesn't understand that the key tenets of folk magic and primitive mysticism are in symbolism and re-enactment of sacred rites
You'll never be a real wizard mate, all because you're afraid to drink a little splooge.
How can you, a finite being, come to understand, know, or even observe anything about an infinite being?
You can't
>there is no proof, of anything.
prove it :^)
How's that Fedora-collection coming?
>daily reminder Christianity was popularized by the Romans to crush multiple Jewish rebellious factions
You could have delved into interesting shit like Pseudo-Dionysius, but nooo...
Because Scientology was a money maker sci-fi meme "religion" by an actual occultist.
Read up and Hubbard's relationship with Crowley and Parsons. Interesting shit. And Scientology becomes so much more funny because of it.
>Atheism is a religion
lol wut?
Daily reminder that post-messiah Judaism is (literally) Christianity, meaning the true Israel is the spiritual body of Christendom.
That modern Judaism is properly called Talmudism, which has its origins in Pharisaism and is the ideological opposite of pre-Christian-era Judaism.
That Talmudism/Pharisaism is the richest ideological firmament for Satanism, which found its purest expression in the act of crucifying Christ as urged and committed by the Pharisees of the time.
That modern "Jews" (actually Talmudists - the spiritual successors of the Pharisees - as per the above) generally originated in Khazaria, but have lived internationally, intermarried, and converted (both in and out) for so long as to have no discernible genetic or familial heritage.
That the "13th Tribe" and "Ashkenazim" racial memes are Hasbara psyops designed specifically to justify the current occupation of Palestine known as "Israel," as well as employ a political parry silencing anyone who names the "Jew" or criticizes their activities as being a racist. There is no "Jewish race."
That the extortion at the Temple - whom Jesus drove out and excoriated - was promoted and conducted by the Pharisees of the day; that the modern day extortion employed by the same "Jews" (actually Talmudists - the spiritual successors of the Pharisees - as per the above) via the Federal Reserve and similar monetary and usurious banking rackets are spiritually identical in form, function, and nature of perpetrator.
That the Holocaust (TM) is designed to subvert Christ as the preeminent messianic sacrifice, and in supplanting Christ as messiah replace Him with Talmudic satanism disguised as "Judaism."
That if you don't know the above, and much more, you have a long way to go before you are "red-pilled."
Lol, Scientology believes in ancient aliens and dropping cryo-frozen ayylamos into a volcano to create evil ghosts.
It's basically on par with Christianity for being retarded, but you're used to one and not the other.
In other news; Religious people are demonstrably intellectually dishonest, stupid, conmen, or some combination of the three, more at ten.
I can understand the concept of infinity just fine user.
We've integrated it into our math just fine.
I'll wait.
>Christianity and Hinduism being any less destructive to people than Islam and Judaism
Taoism is the logical conclusion to Buddhism.
open-minded/neutral agnostic master race reporting in
What KIND of Christianity tho?
Are Catholics and JWs on the same level?
there are Atheist churches, Atheist religious monuments infront of courthouses, etc.
here's a picture of the President of Atheism's next to a monument outlining their statement of faith.
this is blasphemy. go somewhere else with this slide thread bullshit
>our math
Your math states randomness is actually a real concept.
Truth in these dubs. Christianity is a Babylonian/Jewish cuck religion
that's not atheism
atheism is no religion.
at all
>Buddhism and Hinduism respectable.
When will this meme end.
... That's distinctly what Odin did.
See, the Figure of Odin or Wodan as his earlier name is, is interesting because compared to the Older Gods like Tyr, Thor and Baldur Historically, Odin worship shows up out of the blue around the time of the Celtic Invasion of Germania.
Specifically, Odin is credited with the foundation of the Runic Alphabet and his tasks such as removing his eye and hanging himself. Acts of Sacrifice and ritual mostly unheard of for a GOD to commit.
Most Historical Scholars now see Odin as more of a Gilgamesh figure that has mixed with a Skyfather mythos, than of him being purely mythical.
Odin did the mystical rituals, so you don't have to, and imparted his knowledge into the Runes.
>No Semites
>Puts Christianity on top
There is nothing pagan about Taoism. It just makes more sense tbqh
Adult victims of exploitation by clergy often don't see themselves as victims. Without wider public awareness of the extent and impacts of this form of violence, adults who have been victimized by a beloved priest, pastor, minister, rabbi or other clergy will remain the "silent majority" of clergy abuse victims, suffering in their shame and self-isolation.
All of these "faiths" are political, not spiritual.
That's why you're here on Sup Forums.
You hate us but you love to exploit our time, talent and treasure.
>President of Atheism
Just shut up, and someone kill that man if hes real, and thats not a shop
it is here in america, it's what you guys fought for, embrace it, love it.
hmmm I always thought she was older cousinposter. Is that an old picture? have her parents confronted you about your unhealthy obsession yet?
(((Jesus Christ))) was a shitskinned jew, no thanks
Agnosticism isn't a religion
How can jesus have DNA when he was the son of god? checkmate jews
>t. Fedora with a load of pseudo-history making a fool of himself
>no semites allowed
>christianity was founded by a jew
Nigger you what
CTR CTR CTR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cute doggo
>tfw Zen Buddhism combines the best of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism
>tfw the Shobogenzo is the best shit you have read since Russell
>your religion determines your race
you guys, come on.
Christfags are the most idiotic religious group.
We're not a Semite religion. We just worship a dead Jew who based his religion off the Jewish one.
Hinduism is retarded tier.
>Be born unable to poo in loo
>be hindu
>understand reincarnation
>decide to spend this lifetime fucking around having a good time
Either hinduism is wrong in which case nothing bad happens to you, or hinduism is correct and you get to respawn and try to be better in the next life. There's no real motivation for self improvement in this life, logical hindu's should be narcissistic party assholes.
finish reading the gospel, something cool happens after He dies. i won't spoil it.
>what is karma
Christians built western civilization you retarded faggot :)
Maybe you should go to a Muslim country since you think Christians are so idiotic
>muh christianity
>fuck you, strawman
he converted jews instead of killing them. come on.
when will this meme die