When you realize all these "Drumpf on suicide watch" threads are all because they are legitimately afraid and know they...

>When you realize all these "Drumpf on suicide watch" threads are all because they are legitimately afraid and know they will lose.

thanks user, I needed this spirit lift right now, nice dubs

Listening to the radio - Obama commercial is airing at least 4-5 times an hour.

They're desperate.

You understand that it doesnt matter if Trump wins because when he does, all those shills will just say we are fucking retarded and America is doomed and blame anything that happens in America on Trump

>there's trolls making all these threads to rustle our jimmies

People are just that passed at them and they've tried every single one of their tricks. (sal alinsky tact) So everyone is aware or wondering.

>You understand that it doesnt matter if Trump wins because when he does, all those shills will just say we are fucking retarded and America is doomed and blame anything that happens in America on Trump

That would be fine. What they say doesn't matter. What matters is what we can do to fix this fucking mess in 4 years.

As in voter ID, immigration halt from the middle east, and a wall.

After the FBI bombshell I think Hillary is going to win. I fucking pray that's not the case, because if she does America is over.

If he does, then let them call us what they want.

The primary turnout should tell anyone that the Dems are fucked this year

I want stormfags to get out because I will blame them if he loses

We knew this would happen

ctr on suicide watch

I got my bricks and mortar ready boys.


this is basically ctr's last stand. they will push bullshit on every thread as much as possible

Is Trump winning?

I didn't know Norwegians preferred Asuka.

pre-election 2016 facts

> vast majority of polls show Hillary in the lead
> vast majority of anecdotal and personal evidence shows massive Trump landslide. Rallies, home signs, common sense.
> hillary has the unbending obedience of the media. All media even "republican" media has shilled for her like never before
> Trump has the memes. like no other candidate in history.

honestly don't know what will happen on Tuesday but I'm doing my part. Will vote in NV.

I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Everyone prefers her, She's the best character of the show.

CTR all got recalled because of the email leaks tomorrow. Remember the tweet saying attention liberals! trigger warning: push forks in your eyes and don't read the mean things Wikileaks say. It'll hurt your fee fees?

So they are here to counter that and for damage control because the party is fractured and the campaign is busted. And of course the unfuckables from r/politics are here just for fun. They don t know how bad shit really is.

Sit back and watch them talk to themselves. It's amusing.

I honestly don't care about Eva at the same level as most people do. But Asuka best girl.