Clinton wins

>Clinton wins
>FBI doesn't indict her
>Your system and institutions become the most corrupt they've ever been
>General public is more wrapped up in Game of Thrones and Star Wars to care about any of this

Is the American republic collapsing paralleled to that of the Roman Empire?

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Well Roman was just destroyed by barbarians. America was destroyed from the inside out.

The Roman Empire fell due to climate change.

Rome was destroyed by Romans turning into cucks and not giving a shit about anything you fuck.

Why don't you read a fucking book?

Some of the barbarians were conquered germanics inside the empire, so considering its niggers and liberals tearing us down, yea, its pretty much a straight parallel.

>Well Roman was just destroyed by barbarians

Well, that will change when Clinton begins importing them.

Amerika will be missed, but I have to pledge allegiance to our overlord and leader Vladimir Putin
Please Putin save us

The roman empire collapsed because people lost their spirit. This in turn led to a litany of problems such as:
>collapsing fertility rates
>government welfare
>soldiers becoming loyal to generals rather than the state
>mass inflation
>increasing government repression
>constant civil unrest/war
>immigration of people that blatantly hated Rome

By the time Rome finally oficially collapsed it was a hollowed out husk. In fact, given the severe oppresion of the productive classes in the provinces, I am sure many were relieved when it finally ended.

Those people didn't hate Rome, they just loved their own backwards culture more than superior Roman way of life and didn't assimilate.

That's not hating Rome, that's being a stupid cocksucker.


No matter who you support, Trump's election because of FBI interference would have meant the end of the republic.

USA as a republic has just survived a deadly crisis.

the western empire collapsed due to an influx of non-christian germanic refugees

the eastern, highly christian, eastern empire survived for another 1000 years

really makes you think, huh?

>Is the American republic collapsing paralleled to that of the Roman Empire?
Its not that bad.

No, you dunce. Watch this:

Western Rome fell because the empire couldn't effectively police its borders and the mechanisms of statehood became weaker and weaker

Eastern Rome continued for another 1000 years while suffering from the same problems so it's not really a good comparison

you forgot the best one
>11 milion ilegal mexicans get the US citizenship in the next 4 years.
>republicans never win again.


All the germanic tribes already were aryan christians (aryan was a type of christian, like orthodox) when they invaded.

Yep, the US is fucked.
Welcome to being a minority in the country your forefathers built, with the added bonus of being used as scapegoat for inevitable failure that comes with it .

If this election hasn't opened your eyes to the decay of the west I don't know what will.

arian. the guy's name was Arian, not aryan

and you're right, i'm a retard. sorry

But if elections are rigged anyways, how does this matter?

US is fucked either way

They've already cleared her

I suppose I must take up fiddle to play while all you degenerates burn.

of course it is... and the chinese are building another fucking walll!!!!!!!!!!!! why are they always doing this

What is sad is that you clearly have a corrupt candidate with a system so ingrained in the goverment that most who are a part of that system are free of any possible prosecution. Couple this with a solid control of all major media and the support of elitist institutions and the ultra rich around the world and you really have a frightening situation. Despite all of this, people are so mentally retarded and just straight up fucked in the head that they see no problem with this because trump is mean.

If HRC wins it will be as close to a totalitarian dictator as you can get without calling it so.

Nuke our shit up senpai

It's the civilization cycle.

Scarcity creates great leaders-> Great leaders bring prosperity to society-> prosperity creates avarice-> avarice creates selfimportance and abuse->leads to moral degeneracy that steadily gets worse-> culminates in peak degeneracy (killing kids, rape, depravity)->people kill the depraved classes-> society implodes->scarcity leads to great leaders

We reached peak degeneracy. Literal child torturers and rapists run the west. It doesn't get any worse than that.

The corrupt have also reached the peak of their influence. They can't get any more powerful, only way to go is down. Society will hunt them down within the coming years and kill them, and the cycle will begin anew.

This time hopefully we can use genetics to prevent genes associated with sadism, pedophilia, and narcissism can be removed.

This is what happens when all you hear is how amazing your country is. It's so amazing that you should stop worrying about it. Look away while they change it. Do it goyim.

rome fell because they were too busy drinking and drilling each other in the ass. and, well, look at what america is doing. makes you think.

Game of Thrones is back on?

All great powers fall. No Exceptions.

You've had your time, America. Let It Go.

>Is the American republic collapsing paralleled to that of the Roman Empire?
Yes. Except of course this time we have nukes.

>Is the American republic collapsing paralleled to that of the Roman Empire?

Yes, but I would rather compare it to Babylon.
Either way they are fucked.
Can't wait to see pictures and videos of dead fat bodies on streets of USA.
I'm ready for celebration.

>your country's collapse contintually gets compared to the fall of rome
>all the other shitty countries don't merit any classical allusions

feels good to be on top

Yes, but they were using barbarians in their army as mercenaries. So later these same barbarians turned against them, so you could say Rome was destroyed from inside out also.

>Yes, but I would rather compare it to Babylon.
Please explain

>you forgot the best one
milion ilegal mexicans get the US citizenship in the next 4 years.
>>republicans never win again.
>and turn the USA into the place they came from.

>Is the American republic collapsing paralleled to that of the Roman Empire?
Absolutely, yes. Trump is pointing out the actual problems our nation faces and people call him a demagogue. The Democrats are the party of "everything is fine, go back to your politically-filtered entertainment and accept more foreigners."

at least Rome was invaded by Germanic peoples who were capable of being domesticated. The US is being overrun by complete savages - Durkas, Somalis, and assorted beans.

Where do we escape to, where is home?

>Its not that bad.
How old are you? Do you remember watching launches of pic related? That's how far we've fallen.

America is not just one place, whites can form their own communities in high wealth areas.