Am I a giant pussy?

Am I a giant pussy?

Other urls found in this thread:

>the most cucked personality

Grow some balls and socialize more

not necessarily, but you probably have autism

if the first letter doesnt start with an E you are fucked

Before thread closed, an user asked me if I preferred feeling over thinking, and this was my reply.

I have always been thinking, and was always decent at it, at least during my free time, and school to an extent (school is a bit complicated since I have huge social anxiety and was bullied a lot so sometimes I simply would not study or finish my work in class since people harassed me and so I would have bad grades), and same for ''feeling''. Truthfully, I really enjoy thinking for its own sake, like doing mathematics, studying a science, whatever it might be, natural or human, doing philosophy, etc., but between doing that and being with someone I truly like, I'd choose to be someone, and give up on the rest. I don't know how to word this, but for instance when I listen to music I enjoy what I'm feeling, the sensibility in the air, the emotions it conveys, how natural it feels, its harmony. But, on the other side, I really enjoy also knowing why the music is that way and not another, I like to study music theory in the most abstract sense. I enjoy baroque music and really dislike 19th century music because to me baroque feels natural, while the rest feels artificial, but I also prefer baroque because of a few theoretical reasons.

I am torn, because to me I have inclinations for thinking and feeling, but for my happiness feeling supersedes thinking ; but for my morality, and my ethics, thinking supersede feeling. I would choose to be unhappy if I morally had to.

No but apparently you're the kind of moron who thinks astrology is for reals.

>Not being best personality

we'd probably make great friends if we ever met irl, user.

you seem like a breddy gud guy

Say it to me straight, how fucked am i?

Yeah, that all sounds like INTP to me.

INTP has these functions:


INFP goes like this:

-> Fi
-> Te

INFP has Fi, which means their feelings are very personal and not easily shared. Fi doesn't mind being alone if the alternative is being around people they don't perfectly "resonate" with.

INTP has Fe, which means that feelings are external. Loneliness is a huge fear-- Fe, especially as your last function, doesn't necessarily make you a party animal, but a week without hanging out with at least a few friends is torture.

In fact I don't even think you being INTP is even in question anymore, you're just further analyzing the situation in my estimation.

It's okay, I'm pretty similar.

Consider getting a cat, because that's the only pussy you're ever going to get.

You also suggest another test. I previously posted my results too.

Te (Extroverted Thinking) (55%)
your valuation of / adherence to logic of external systems / hierarchies / methods

Ti (Introverted Thinking) (95%)
your valuation of / adherence to your own internally devised logic/rational

Ne (Extroverted Intuition) (25%)
your valuation of / tendency towards free association and creating with external stimuli

Ni (Introverted Intuition) (60%)
your valuation of / tendency towards internal/original free association and creativity

Se (Extroverted Sensing) (50%)
your valuation of / tendency to fully experience the world unfiltered, in the moment

Si (Introverted Sensing) (95%)
your valuation of / focus on internal sensations and reliving past moments

Fe (Extroverted Feeling) (70%)
your valuation of / adherence to external morals, ethics, traditions, customs, groups

Fi (Introverted Feeling) (60%)
your valuation of / adherence to the sanctity of your own feelings / ideals / sentiment

based on your results your type is likely - unclear

How can you be intuitive but not extravert at the same time?


>not ESTP-A master race
Bruh, c'mon.

It's called experience, maybe you've heard of it

how do i fix this?

I would say the second thing you said does ring more to me : I am terrified at being alone. I don't want to be alone. But I'm as far as a party animal goes, I don't want people to look at me or do anything or feel judged. I'm terrified by what others think of me. However, if I don't get to hang out completely alone, one on one, with a friend or someone close, I feel desperate and sad. I need to be alone one on one with someone, at least once a week, to be happy, you're right about this.

I got the meme personality, didn't I?

Maybe. Depends.

Thanks, what do you like doing?

>Depicts a woman


I hope not, because that's what I got.

Am I the only ENTJ?

> "I like being on a ultra-conservatve board because the outside world and new developments scare me. I hope the world burns some day."

>and new developments
I get the outside world part, but why Sup Forums if this is the case?

The first part is true. I'm a bundle of anxiety. I don't like going out, especially not alone. Though, I don't want the world to burn. I'm just extremely attached to my routines, and feel desperate and anxious if they get altered. What I enjoy is stability, not seeing the world burn. Sometimes, I wish things were still like they were when I was a kid (I'm 22 right now).

ENTP-A masterace reporting in.

5th fucking personality test i've seen in 30mins

I just like the memes user. I'm not actually an altright or anything, I just find the posts funny. I'm mostly either a classical liberal or what you'd call a cuckservative on some issues.

>but for my morality, and my ethics, thinking supersede feeling. I would choose to be unhappy if I morally had to.
Fe, honestly, cares more for others than Fi. Fi may not even think of others at all. You'd have to point it out, and whether they feel bad about it afterwards depends on whether what they did goes against their own pre-supposed morality.

For example, I feel absolutely no remorse in triggering a bunch of self-important SJWs, but I have often made myself feel like shit when I realized that I fucked with someone who had actually been through some bad stuff in their life, and didn't deserve the shit I was dishing out.

I'd give up my own happiness for the greater good, but only if the good was something I really believed in. If it was just because a bunch of people would think I was a cool guy, or because my parents told me, no way in hell would I make myself miserable.

I really think you're INTP with a well-developed Fe.

I'm the opposite, an INFP with a well-developed Te.

i like reading almost anything i can get my hands on, on a pretty wide range of subjects. most of my day is spent reading and monitoring current events and discussing politics with a few very close friends and family

it's actually pretty easy for me to make new friends, but i rarely am the first to initiate conversation... so i don't make new friends very often.

How do I uncuck myself, Sup Forums?
I can barely talk to strangers outside

Why is ENTP the meme personality?

my nigga

Just as I expected-- Fe above Fi. It's not enough to be conclusive, but from what you're saying here, whatever you are it at least has Fe somewhere in the stack.

That Ni is kind of puzzling though-- INFP/INTP have Ne as their information function, and you scored really low on that. You might be something like an INFJ.

Am I fucked

Nigga I got the same personality type, but I ain't even that close to being as autistic as you.

Just keep white knighting until it pays off

cool kids report in.

Because you are analytical enough to hang out with the autists but you don't fit in because you are a disgusting E

I'm INTP and I get laid thanks to my excellent genes. Just go back in time and be born more attractive it's pretty easy.

>All these turbulent faggots

>fitting in
This is why Js always underachieve

Apparently I'm an executive (ESTJ)

Where's my money

My morality isn't based on what others think, to make it simple I'm somewhat of a Kantian. The basic test I go through to see if something is immoral is I check if I universalize the maxim of my action (so I do x becomes everyone does x) ends up in a contradiction. If it does, it's immoral, if it doesn't then I can maybe do it. It's more complicated, but essentially it's the process I go through. No matter what other people say, no matter how bad or anxious I might feel about them judging me, I think morality is objective, and will go through with my actions with this in mind. However, I will do so in a way that best accommodates the persons I am feeling with. For your SJWs example, though I dislike their ideology, I'd try everything to make them feel alright (if they are in good faith) while I explain to them my point of view. I will respect their dignity and make sure they aren't hurt or anything, as long as they are of good faith ; but I won't concede to them because I believe that what they think is wrong. So unlike you I do care about their feelings, but not to the point where I would disregard reason. If the person was of bad faith, I'd care about their dignity, but not their feelings. I often feel horrible at night because I think I might have said something wrong to someone and that they feel bad about it, or that they judge me for it.


ESTP master race

Dunno about that

ENTP literally are the most successful memesters

You're that grinning little shit that always has the perfect joke or pun that enrages people

But is secretly making plans on how to kill everyone they meet, just in case things go south

Honestly, I like you guys.

Just a total moron. MBTI doesn't tell you what you are - it just tells you what you like to think of yourself.

Nice arbitrary sorting mechanism
Got one for happiness?

Haha! I'm already beating the INFP average!

[spoiler]I hate my job and it makes me miserable[/spoiler]

Depends on what you mean by underachieve. I think might be because Ps have less of a tendency to put value on material wealth. Despite that they could still be achieving what they set out to.

This is also kind of true. And your result usually changes fairly regularly.

Does this count? it looks the same

Wow that's pretty cringe


I'm exactly like you. I often just read on subjects that interest me, and I really like talking to a few friends (family not so much), and I rarely get to make new friends. I can't initiate conversations very well or maintain them with people I don't know, so I don't have a lot of friends. I have maybe two or three. It's hard for me to speak in public with people I don't know, but I adore speaking with someone, one on one, in private.

>glorious commander masterace

Exactly me

>MBTI doesn't tell you what you are - it just tells you what you like to think of yourself.

The people who keep having a hair up their ass about these must be the same kind of people who legitimately think they're redpilled

It isn't the terminology or the status it bequeaths, but rather your actions in light of it.


Why would you say INTJ? I've read a bit on that, and if you see my quiz, I'm quite high on the P (78%), and very low on the J (22%).

Hate the description, can't identify, next.

Any other fellow wizards?

We are the chosen ones

>Fucking Alpha

what is that?

>tfw you feel so much everyday, feelings you can't even begin to describe or communicate, that you can't share it with others to relate, so you end up being a quiet loser wallowing about in their own lonely emotions
>tfw so much empathy it hurts to see others in pain, and when you can't do anything about it, you feel even worse

Sometimes I wish I could shut my emotions off

BTW vote Trump this Tuesday

Estp wins nig

Apparently we're just 4% of the population user. I thought more people would think like us honestly.

>Often isolated and alone but just wants everyone to get along

P vs J doesn't mean anything. If you have a well-developed inferior function, or if your F/T functions are in the middle of your stack, it's going to mislead you.

Jungian psych isn't that complicated, but it's very poorly presented by most of the meme tests out there. Incidentally this is the basis on which a lot of people try to debunk them.

Am I the rarest? I am fascinated with Albert Speer. And also I work in IT. This test is pretty accurate though

what does this mean?

INFPs hide really well. In real life, I think people would probably peg me as an INTJ.

For years I tried to deny it, but the truth is I'm a damned INFP and I always was. Hard shell, soft center.

I meant that while reading on INTJs I don't feel at all like that. I have zero confidence in myself. I don't like myself very much, and on some occasions I'm dependent on others. I doubt myself all lot, and I'm not very assertive. I'm not really arrogant, and although I don't like following rules blindly, I do need and enjoy following rules. So I don't know honestly.

You are a cool motherfucker

No, no, I hypothesized you were an INFJ, not INTJ. INTJ uses Te, which does not seem like you at all.


Rate me senpai

2% club INTJ

>all of these "logicians" because Sup Forums is nothing but aspies

We, the INTP are truly the master race of this times, where science and technology are the most important, we have all the advantage in our side. Don't let the E's fool you with "muh charisma", just dont be autistic and you will be fine.

This is probably the most annoying personality type ever

Took test in English.

INTP here.

I've been alone most of my life. Nowadays I've been partying up every week from thursdays to sundays and I feel empty inside. Meanwhile, I was fine before when I only played vidya, watched anime and jacked off to porn every day.

So you seem to be bullshitting or talking out of your ass.

And then in Japanese.

INFPs are more autistic than INTPs.

Fuck off Carlos , tus trips mienten

Last time I took this I was an INTP
Now that I've spent some time in uni and know myself a little more I'm gonna take it again and see if I'm still a gigantic faggot

Why, because you can practically see the oozing potential of their intelligence, and then just as easily see it all get dashed by their obnoxiously gullible self indulgence?

Best personality coming through.

Yes my bad. Read your thing wrong. INTJ, maybe, it feels a bit closer at least to how I think and feel myself. So you'd think the test was just meme for P v J? Any indication it was?

Are you sure you're not an INFP?

Bullshit aside, partying is inherently empty. I don't even think Fe leads really enjoy it at all. I even said as much:
>Fe, especially as your last function, doesn't necessarily make you a party animal

It's called reading comprehension, taco man.


Dude what the fuck I'm still INTP
I put down that I engage every conversation and am comfortable talking around others it could at least call me ENTP
This test is bogus