By now, it's pretty obvious that the election is going to be rigged in Hillary's favour, and she will come to power. If this happens, there will be war, and it will go nuclear. We cannot allow western civilization to crumble without a fight.
In the early hours, 9th of November, there needs to be protests. Not BLM-style chimpouts, not riots, but PROTESTS. You can't do anything to legitimize police violence. Of course, there will be police violence, but this way there will be no excuse.
More protests will be nessecary - you should not go more than a week without one. They should start small - police stations, courthouses, other low-key government buildings, then work their way up. At some point, you should stop announcing protests in advance, and just show up. This will mean the response from the government's forces will be more disorganized, and they are more prone to condmemnable acts.
It is of vital importance that you have leaders. If Trump and Pence cuck out, you will need to produce your own leaders, and quickly. So called 'leaderless collectives' never have and never will achieve anything. These leaders should range from propaganda figureheads to experienced poltical and military leaders. DO NOT INFIGHT. The government will not show weakness, so neither can you.
Depending on your state, you may or may not be allowed to bring weaponary to these protests. If you can, do so.
Of course, these protests will not achieve anything in and of themselves. Eventually, violence will become inevitable. When this happens, all across the country, those in power will take sides. Most will side with the government - but others will side with you.
These are the building blocks to revolution. Use every possible advantage you have. Soldiers are often unwilling to kill their own countrymen - many will defect, and will take with them valuable military hardware and technology. As time goes on, they will probably make up the bulk of your forces.
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tl; dr. I'm just going to sit at home and shitpost on a mongolian antelope-skin painting bulletin board as usual.
Soldier here. Please give me an excuse to purge our government.
Voted Trump but ain't worried. If he wins, great! If not, I'll be fine--albeit lighter in the wallet.
How the fuck is this brit more patriotic than 50% of this fucking country?
>britcuck telling us what to do
Go back to your island
We will help too
We shall gather an army wielding the deadliest spoons you can ever imagine
We shall set sail and land heavy on the East Coast spoons at the ready
Liquid goods shall fear us
Not really patriotic. Just sad to see what your country has become
>memeing this hard
We all know that this is the true thread theme. You can't retake the country you limey cunt.
good thread. can't wait for this happening. and it WILL happen if she wins.
What legal changes would Americans even make after a revolution? Just refresh the leadership? Or establish some new laws and ideologies?
>>peaceful protests only
Good goy.
A protest is a show of potential force. The only protests that "work" nowadays are those that are astroturfed by the establishment and subsequently covered by the establishment media. Want to know what will happen if you protest with 200 people outside your local govt building when standing for anti Globalist positions? Absolutely nothing. Won't even make nightly news.
We have to shoot these people. Violence is the only way. Grow up, child.
>Brits giving US tips on how to revolutionize
>Sup Forums investigating FBI and government for pedophilia
>Actual government cults uncovered in S. Korea and potentially the US
what fucking timeline are we even in any more
The only thing people understand is violence. The question is who will fire the first shot?..... again.
because you are everything we used to be and dont want you to go the same way
It's darkest before the Don:
We're in Kojima's timeline now.
Nice try FBI/CIA
Here in the US we have too much unity around the idea of a republic. You'd be pretty hard pressed to introduce a new ideology here. So it would be less a "revolution" and more a rebellion in the sense it wouldn't really be creating anything new. Basically just hitting the reset button.
Lol, Like American cucks would actually ever do it. They'll whine about it for a while then go back to playing video games, despite massive evidence of corruption in front of them. Screencap this.
I would hope they would at least make some new laws to prevent corruption and stuff.
everyone should filter out the retarded "LE NICE tRY FBI XDDDXDDD" posts. All it does is get between us and what needs to happen.
The wall on which the prophets wrote is cracking at the seams.
Occupy Wallstreet was about as much as millenials and genxers could muster, and we saw how that went.
Maybe. That's assuming any shit ever kicks off. This is also assuming the globalists don't just continue their usual antics without putting American lives in direct danger in any large quantity to justify civil war (drone strikes, troops on American soil, ect).
Honeypot for slaughter of the right wing
Sup Forums is a board of peace
Nothing will happen.
No protests.
No riots.
Just the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
So fuck the fuck off.
calm down jezz, i was going to say something like this but not shittly written
What the fuck makes you think we give a fuck about what some britbong thinks?
We kicked you and your monarchy out, and after you see what we do to Trump, you'll understand how stupid your post is.
There is great public anger and unrest in your country - anyone can see that. All you need is a leader to tap into that.
I just want to tap into this.
Look at those thighs holy fuck I'm obsessed
South Carolina, obviously
If "idiots believing hearsay and propoganda" equals rigging to self important fuckwits with a keyboard and no face have worse problems as a society.
Who would have ever guessed that Kojima was more of a prophet than Aristotle. Hell thanks to Google we even have our own Arsenal Gear.
since this is picking up steam heres a draft of our new flag
I see, I had hoped things wouldn't be getting this bad. I feel sorry for the children that will have to live though this revolution.
>not having a prussrianized flag in 2016
I like it. Be we need to send a strong message too that corruption will not be tolerated.
> Keeping the occult symbolism
Come on mang
>obviously Hillary will win
Ok well in that case I guess I'll stay home and not vote. Thanks for letting me know!
britcuck is right.
purge the gov, drain the swamp.
my body is ready.
I'm going to laugh when all the fat redneck "militias" get royally fucked by the millitrary. The vast majority of the country does not support your "revolution".
The conservative evil that causes these militias to exist is what really needs to be overthrown.
The eagle looks to the arrows in times of war
Hahah, these threads came up earlier than expected
one sec will make a better one
Got it Putin bot, sure will do.
A father always tries to support his son doing the right thing.
It's the guys who are smart and don't talk to anyone who will be the problem. Snipers shooting people smoking a cig or whatever on patrol. Lots of nooks and crannies everwhere to hide things. Really wandering why a sniper hasn't taken the shot already.
I have faith that Kek will smite the evil that has corrupted our government. Trump is the embodiment of Kek; he was placed in this world to save Western civilization from itself. SHADILAY, SHADILAY!
you'll be vaporised by nukes lel
We need to take out Little saint James island
If we are truly living in the "Time Travelling Trump" line, these protests will get us to Dec 21st where the truth will be set free.
Heres my Updated Flag based on the Jefferson Family seal this time.
The Jefferson seal because Washington isnt working.
I'm going to lose it, if nothing happens on Nov 9th.
Coordinates for these locations?
Just so happens that Jefferson's seal has the Norse Gungnir symbol, which was the name of Odin's all powerful spear. Seems fitting.
I'm not too well acquainted with american political geography - where would such a movement have widespread and deep support? And what major cities would be both strategically important and easy to capture?
I kind of like it
>Removing the states
Look her up, it'll come up immediately, need zodiacs and a deployment vessel
>Most Support
Rural Areas in the South and the Midwest. Mormons may be swung either way.
Major transportation hubs, like Atlanta, New York, Washington, etc and key military locations like the nuke bases and such.
Any statesidw locations of interest?
You'll also want Houston, Baton Rouge and New Orleans.
Control of those ports will mean control of the majority of North America's petroleum.
Who's seceding if Clinton """"""""""wins"""""""""" to form a new union?
>Changing the flag
The flag doesn't represent the cunts in charge
The restaurants with symbols, politicians houses. None of these locations will have children, the island most likely will. I assume these children will be victims of abduction cases not solved.
I'm with you in spirit, OP. I really hope people do not accept the legitimacy of HRC's presidency if she wins. The upper echelons of government have been revealed to be engaged in a conspiracy against the american people, and to betray the laws of our own nation.
But with that being said, I really am fearful of the possibility of some kind of armed conflict or mass civil disturbance. I'm still holding out for a constitutional/legal resolution.
Violent revolutions don't seem to work out so well these days in the age of intelligence agencies, and proxy wars.
Plus changing the flag before we succeed is a bad idea and if flown will only make you a target.
Good luck with that
I don't think there will be an outbreak of legitimate civil war to separate from the current country, but I do feel as though there will be a huge spike in resentment and lack of trust in our Federal leadership.
I would argue (and honestly hope for) a big upswing in State's rights and a big overhaul in anti-corruption legislation or some kind of oversight. Congress currently provides oversight to the Federal government, but it cannot prosecute anything -- that's up to the Executive branch (President, DOJ). This is good and bad. Good because it balances powers of the three separate branches of government and prevent legislatures from purging 'undesirables', bad because if there is legitimate corruption or reason to prosecute their hands are tied with an indifferent or uncooperative DOJ.
I'm worried about where we are headed, honestly. There is a HUGE divide amongst Americans now, more than ever before, and this is just another piece of wood on a pile just waiting for a match to put it all up in smoke and flames.
In Oregon atm because I'm making $25 an hour welding but I will move to Wyoming or Montana if we secede. I think Texas and a couple other states should also be apart of it.
Here's my flag, i think the lion might need to be fixed.
Just lookings for those who abuse the children.
State of Jefferson will join
Do you think south Oregon and far north Cali will secede to form Jefferson like in ?
>no violence
Lol you think pedophile child killers are going to respect you if you don't kill them?
Without fear of the masses they will always behave the same.
Reminds me of the Georgian country flag
Stop defending pedophile murderers. You depraved fucking retard.
>absolutely disgusting.jpg
Yeah probably, all the nu-males and liberals are in Portland and Eugene. The south is mostly conservative ranchers. Don't know about northern California.
The island is the best bet as long as we come back with evidence. Otherwise we'd be breaking the law for no reason. There could be children there and we are sitting doing nothing. We need something, proof or at least a good lead. These people need to be brought to the light.
That would be great, as it allows the confederacy have access to the ocean
i feel bad for you america WAKE THE FUCK UP!
What are you?
Some kind of guy that thinks rationally?
If you guys start a revolution I will come down and help, all I want is citizenship when it is over
Death to Tyrants
Praise Kek
Maybe you should ask these guys what juicy false flags they have planned for tomorrow.
based Britain lead us in your ways
How can someone in the UK march on US streets, dingus.
Please don't turn us to monsters again.
>Sic semper tyrannis!
Stay the hell away from Atlanta, please. I have a school I'd like to continue to attend. If I need to give you a reason to avoid it, the majority of the niggers there are very anti-Trump, which you wouldn't want to deal with. Please don't inconvenience me.