Guys.. it's over. She's up in every one single final poll

Guys.. it's over. She's up in every one single final poll.
I'm drunk now. I fear for my life. Clinton will nuke us and we will die all together with all you burgers. As always, you took the wrong choice.

Prepare to die. I'm ready. We'll all be victims. The only winners will be SA and UAE. They will be the only victors, those who will gain everything. The new master of the world.

The white world is over. We're dead. Islam will prevail thanks to Clinton. Our life is at stake. We are

>dead men walking

Other urls found in this thread:

>Johnson 6


I don't want to die guys. Fuck you yankee faggots. You doomed us.

>national polling

You that that matters you mongoloid slav shit

Stay strong Ivan, Every poll in Brexit put Remain up. Even on the day. Some with gaps up to +10.
You can only trust time.

Fuck you too monkey nigger. You're a dead mongrel too. No one will stop China from buying your life now. Better start learning Standard chinese fucking nigger

you got plenty of land move to Siberia if you dont want to die

I really hope so Haggisbro. The Brexit outcome is the only thing that keeps me from packing everything and getting the fuck out of here right now

yeah. Siberia. Damn nigger. It's your fault. I spit on you.

national polling doesn't mean anything. only the state polls, and Trump is going great.

that cuts deep russia bro

Don't confuse me for a dirty Scot.
But you won't have to pack up.

Fuck it. I'll stay home and not vote Trump now.


LOOKS OK TO ME..........



its like in the great stories mr dahnald
the ones full of darkness and danger

Why is Russia so pro-Trump and anti-Clinton?

See you in the trenches, Boris.

>We'll all be victims
Fuck you, i'm buying myself a Saiga and move to Siberia. No way sharts would be able to bomb every single spot in Russia.

Because Clinton will start WW3 fucking dumb nigger. Trump just doesn't give a shit about controlling the world. FUck fuck fuck fuck

Ivan, just breathe. We got this. Stay Cheeki Breeki my friend.

Don't lose hope Ivan. Trump will still prevail. None of this factors in the Trump turnout on election day. Black turnout is down. Hispanics are shifting to Trump after the spirit cooking revelation.

Relax, Ivan. There's not gonna be a war. Neither Clinton nor Putin is that stupid. There'll be a lot of tough talk, maybe a few proxy battles like during the Cold War, but that'll be it.

some of them does it but some of them doesn't do it

I have a feeling that the shy tory effect is going to surprise and infuriate a lot of people

>I'm drunk now.

Nothing out of the ordinary then, right?

It's not the Yanks, it's the niggers and the Hispanics.

clinton was +12 in that nbc poll like what 1 week ago? These polls dont mean shit, its all what goes down on election day that count

I'm lol'ling pretty hard right now.

This guy actually thinks he's going to die.


> I'm drunk now...

When are you fucking blockheads not drunk?


Trump isn't threatening to kill Russian pilots for flying over a country they were invited into.

Sup Forums BTFO

Please don't nuke us. I beg you to leave this little dickshaped place to itself

>Russian trolls trying to teach their children how its done

its so cute

Well he's going to...eventually

You should fear for your life, ctr. We have your addresses, ssn, pictures.

I be fucking scared too

Bullshit. If there's one thing Trump fans aren't, it's shy.

That's the whole point, that they're sick of being "politically correct", meaning they're sick of being told not to be assholes to everyone not like them.

Hell, I'm expecting a whole lot of women in red states to vote Clinton without telling their Trump-loving husbands.

You're getting invaded by china if clinton wins.
Serves you right, for releasing boob-ass-water-battle anime with actual plot.

Damn shame I'll never get to try the glorious nippon k̶a̶t̶a̶n̶a̶ puss puss before nukes go down.

nice try shill


should have beaten the us in that race for better missile defense systems then. Too bad you needed to rely on Russian scientists for the last 30 years.

>try the glorious nippon puss

You never had a chance any way Boris, your dick has to go further than your gut

The company that conducted this poll, Hart Company, was paid $42,000 by a Clinton Super PAC:

Using polls to demoralize again, CTR? Typical

Anyway if Hillary's gonna win, no need to go vote for her

>We'll all be victims

The US will tear the ass off your country. You're fucked. Should have done something about putin and now it is too late.


Wait so being a Clinton supporters doesnt imply they want war? Wut?! So why the hell do they vote for her then? Or they are just that dumb?

>. Hispanics are shifting to Trump

dude we created spirit cooking, preying on delicious spring breakers.

It's Ogre for Trumpo

The thing is, wouldn't rigging the polls this way just encourage Trump supporters to show up in greater force? While giving Clinton voters the idea that they are safely ahead and don't have to go to the polls?

It could work in Trump's favor after all.

you yank faggot I really hope this is another Brexit or I'll damn sure get the fuck out of here and pay some gypsies to fucking bomb Dubai and Ryiadh and then fuck those mudnigger corpses until they bleed from any fucking orifice they have damn clinton cronies fuck

>Hell, I'm expecting a whole lot of women in red states to vote Clinton without telling their Trump-loving husbands.

This. This is the true "Silent Majority" and it's the reason Obama swinged so many states.

>are shifting to Trump after the spirit cooking revelation.
citation needed

Man when I was younger I thought 20 cm makes me huge. Serves me right for letting my grandma tell me how much to eat.

Do you have anywhere to run when the shit goes down?

Trump is winning 45% of Hispanics according to the LA Times poll.

Legal Hispanics don't want illegals here.

I honestly think we could build a Republican coalition that lasts with Trump's ideas.

From what I've researched, Trump is winning 60% of whites, 45% of Hispanics, 35% of Asians, and 25% of blacks. That is more than enough to win this election in a 55-45 landslide.

>LA Times poll.

LA Times once gave Trump 20% of the black vote because of a single black man.

Not the black ones. I'm black and feel very uncomfortable wearing my MAGA hat. Good chance I'll be punched in the face by some nigger.

Most blacks voting from Trump probably don't tell anyone.

Also, most polls poll previous voters. New voters aren't counted here.

Also, all these polls assume Hillary will get Obama's voter turnout (absurd)


Please make to sure to hit Prague while launching a second strike

I don't want to live in a mudslime dominated world

Russian literature right here people.

Yes these articulate folks make great allies right pol really the kind of person you want ideologically on your side

Go wash your tracksuit, Boris... You resident in an almost 3rd world country..

They don't want war you dumb fuck. No one wants war, only Hillary and King Nigger
Shut up, potato pedo commie

I'm just telling you dude, look at the yard signs, look at the size of the rallies. There's no way Clinton is winning this.

It will be close due to George Soros trying to rig the election, but freedom will prevail.

I'll apologize in advance for what this will do to the Mexican economy though.

I've never understood the desire to survive a nuclear war, it won't be like Fallout, it'll be worse than Threads. Slowly dying of radiation exposure while trying to find food and water.

Dear Americans,

I never understand why you would not be our friend.

You try to take over our warm water navy bases in Crimea (Ukraine) and Tartus (Syria).

You force millions of muslim migrants on Europe by killing Gadaffi and Assad power.

Why you want to delete white man America?

All we Russia want was to be your friend.

Maybe after nuklear strike, we can be friends in heaven.

Honestly man, I see this as the truth.

Trump could very well get 30% of the black vote. He won't win it - mostly because black women will still go for Hillary in large numbers. But I think a lot of black guys will go Trump.

Either way, I expect lower black turnout, higher white turnout, and slightly higher Hispanic turnout.

tell people she won so they dont bother to vote for her

its not because of spirit cooking. that is a HUGE shift and can only be caused by the pollsters unskewing the numbers. it's a 5 day average poll, so it doesn't move that fast unless they fuck with the methodology.

-Bill Still

I remember when you said this like a month ago. It was bullshit then, and it's bullshit now.

We will die together, my Russian friend.

no, that's not the reason they are rigging the polls.

its for undecided votes that kinda jumped between hillary and clinton for a while now have more reassurance she is going to win

>browses Sup Forums
>still doesn't know why

this poll was the best for the last election cycle. maybe it will cheer you up

meant clinton and trump*

Is ok senpai. Trump will win bigly. Kek wills it.

Emails is a dead issue FBI director compromised.
Trump Kompramat child sex video leaks tomorrow as an olive branch from Putin to $hillz4Hillz.
They have stolen the election, what is our recourse?

And they force the EU to impose sanctions on Russia

Don't ask questions if you're always going to be a stupid fucking retard anyway. Just fuck off and die you nigger loving faggot.

hide CTR threads

>I'm drunk now
You would be drunk anyway

You have the most advanced civil defense system ever built, aimed at surviving a nuclear war and preserving a functioning country.
The best the rest of the world has done in the meanwhile is "Duck and Cover".

Russia's going to survive this. It won't be pretty and you'll spend the rest of your days in a labor army (if you survive) instead of shitposting on Sup Forums, but it beats being in the giant Mad Max reenactment the rest of the nuked countries will become.

But didn't you have - strike or a congestion or whatever traffic jam problem in London so that a lot of commuters couldn't reach the polling places in time?

The Bongs have already been through this level of BS. The difference here is, Hillary and the democrats actually will rig the vote counting if they think they can get away with it. There is also a very strong possibility of attempts at voter intimidation. (I actually hope that happens to me, because I believe that fair fights are for suckers and dead men.)

Serves you right for killing JFK.

Russian military might is vaporware. The russkies are going to get their nuclear asses handed to them by the yanks and it will be glorious. About fucking time too.

Aren't these the same exact numbers from that fake result where the news channels get their sources from? (where a redditor found the hidden link)

We arent gunna get anywhere when you assholes continually get butthurt becausde no one wants work with you. Not even on your own borders. Get with it.

Its not us man. Your average burger does not give a fuck about anything other than consuming burgers. Blame the democrats.

NBC are notoriously shit. They were the only poll to ever show Cruz ahead of trump nationally (when trump was like +20 in every other poll)

>Legal Hispanics don't want illegals here.

You're forgetting that a lot of legal Hispanics have family and friends who are illegal. And they don't want them deported or mistreated.

Look up Prop 187 in California. It's the reason that the Republican Party is basically irrelevant in CA today.

And Trump wants to do the same thing on a national scale. Only a moron would think that Hispanics would get behind that.

No way will he win it, but remember that Obama got something like 98%.

Pollsters pretend Hillary is going to get similar numbers because (((reasons))) but they're forgetting that people voted because he was the first BLACK candidate. It was exciting, even young people voted.

Hillary is boring as fuck, nobody cares about the first female president. Excent womyn,

Jesus Christ you fucking potatonigger! I hope one of those Trident IIs falls short over your little island for that. I live near a major, major target for Russian ICBMs and DO NOT WANT war with Russia.

>Even in the rigged polls she's barely winning
lmao it's gonna be brexit all over again, calling hillshill victory until the last vote is counted for a trump victory

>D+5,000 poll
>Only a +4 lead

Looking good lads.



Nah, bollocks. Jill will get more than 2% from ex-Bernie supporters.

Also the polls are conducted on past voters. There's many millions of first time voters voting for Trump.

He will win.

>Hillary is boring as fuck

But she has such genuine, human emotions!

Look Russiabro,

Over here, everyone was shocked that Hillary called for military strikes against Russia during a debate. We also refused, en masse, to go to war in Syria when McCain, Kerry, and Obama were calling for a ground invasion. The people do not want a war with Russia. For whatever goddamn reason, factions of our politicians do. You have our friendship. Help us overthrow these fucks however you can.

I think it was flooding

Lol man what about the hypersonic multi-warhead transcontinental missiles?

One can level whole of france, or just fuck you potatoes 3 times over, for good measure. Or maybe you're gonna get invaded, so you can cry while your wife and daughter give birth to drunk gopniks.

Not even a solemn memory of your sharts will remain.