Talking to a girl in Michigan. This is the ultimate red pull opportunity. How can I ease her to Trump?
How can I convince her
say something about money
Vote Trump or this Gorilla Dick Daddy might kill you
Need more details about her so we can personalize it.
>wanna talk about sex? hehehe...
Do you really believe that? No one is still undecided on this election. People who say they are undecided are just closeted Trump supporters who are afraid of siding with him because it's politically incorrect.
She's probably trying to choose between Hillary and Stein.
Just say she'll get more money under Trump, and he won't ship jobs abroad. DON'T PUSH TOO HARD OR SHE'LL SEE YOUR AGENDA
tell her that hillary wants to keep blacks impoverished and dependent on the welfare system and that will make it difficult for her to find coal to burn
say "I'm probably going to vote for trump because my parents are paying like double in healthcare now"
Give her the red pill with no sugar coating. Tell her that Trump will keep the country clean of illegals and put the uppity niggers in their rightful place.
That will immediately make up her mind.
How well does she know you?
If she doesn't know you she's voting Trump.
If she does know you and knows you support Trump she's voting for Hillary.
I read that Michigan is a nice place outside of Detroit.
Tell her it is good to vote for Clinton now that she has been cleared twice from any wrongdoing ever.
She's a Strange girl with daddy issues and is going to college without having a major yet. She's a sub too. Nothing too interesting
who do you trust more? The candidate that wants to bring jobs back to america or the one that called tpp the gold standard. No foreign interests funded Trump whereas Hillary had 25% of her campaign financed by places like saudi arabia which also funded isis. Hillary has been under FBI investigation TWICE and the worst dirt they can get on Trump is him saying pussy
If she wants a job that isn't mcdonald's when she gets out she better vote Trump.
a vote for hillary is a vote for pedos n shiieeeettt
>daddy issues
>probably likes to be grabbed by the pusspuss and kissed without warning by alpha men
Definite trump supporter
Depends on where you go. Lots of Trump signs though. Every farm has one or two huge ones
Redpill her on the jews.
I'm glad your country is being cucked into oblivion, you fucking faggot.
Make it personal, tell her Democrats fail Michigan families time and time again. Come on make Dilbertman proud.
>i could fill your ballot... *whispers in ear* if you know what I mean... hehehe...
just tell her Hillary wants war with Russia. Nukes will fly.
"make America great again"
That's all you need to say.
Why are you a shill?
Get her to vote stein if it's a liberal, a vote that's not Hillary is a vote that counts.
Subtlety, agreement, and concerned questions is the key to redpilling.
You won't win her with "YOU HAVE TO VOTE TRUMP!"
You'll win her with things like
>"It's tough to choose, but all these things they're saying Clinton did.. there's just no end to them!"
>"I haven't looked to much at this wikileaks stuff, but I saw some of them and I had no idea they could get away with stuff like this."
>"I never really thought much about Trump, but all these things the media keeps saying about him don't seem to be true [cite example]"
"send butthole pics"
Don't lie. Be honest.
Show her this video. Then explain that Trump is actually a reasonable moderate compared to the alternatives and clearly the only rational candidate.
>nobody posting persuasion man
Tell her about the Jews
But those aren't lies. Most people here haven't actually looked too deeply into wikileaks.
Listen to the blood clot
He speaks negotiation.
Take the lumps out.
Trump being elected means peace in the middle east
>How can I ease her to Trump?
Gently reach down between her legs and grab her by the pussy.
Same with Hillary.
The difference being with Hillary the peace will be of the "nuclear wasteland" variety.
"I would never tell you how to vote, that's your decision. What I will tell you is that Hillary once laughed about getting a child rapist off. Here's the tape.
Oy, OP, you still here?
Tell her this:
Remember the Million Muslim Mmarch attempted couple years ago on 9/11?
650,000 to 800,000 bikers converged on DC and stopped it.Those numbers are fronm the Maryland and Virginia state police,MSM said only "a few thousand"I tend to believe the cops.
And what if they had been armed??If this election is stolen it will be more like 2 or 3 million armed Patriots.Hell,Simon and Garfunkle turned out over a million people in Central Park.So how many will converge on DC if she tries to eliminate the 2ed amendment and take away our guns???
No long civil destroyed infrastructure .Just a surge of millions joined by Police and Military as they pass thru.And by the end of the day the traitors would hang from the lamp posts of Pennsylvania Avenue.
Of course Im not advocating this sort of thing ,just seems likely based on history.
send her this, she cannot deny the don
call her a low info for still being undecided. She is not informed enough to vote