Current/Recent polling averages

Alright guys, here is the map from the recent polling averages. This may or may not take into account early votes, and doesn't take into account the most recent FBI announcement. Thoughts and predictions on what Trump can do to turn this around? As in which states are likely to flip?

win florida and doesn't losing NV


>florida flips and trump wins

wow it's literally nothing

Florida is going red this year.



maybe if trump went to ny and did a rally they would all vote for him? not sure

>Texas red
Loving this meme

If there is a brexit effect of even just one percent Trump will win florida and the presidency, the MoE for these polls are usually around 3 to 4 percent. That means it can skewed more towards hillary as well but most likely it should mean a trump victory

Gotta watch for NV flipping blue though. Very real chance of it.

Unless of course the fix is in and we have another 2000 election on our hands. The only way Trump wins if if he get 10% more votes than the riggers are expecting.

NH is going red.

even nate bronze knows Florida will go red

how have you not had a war between coastalcucks and the heartland yet? it's fucking ridiculous

>dems ahead in Florida early voting
>only by about 30,000 votes out of nearly 5 million
>early voting is basically done
>republicans always have higher turnout on election day than in early voting


CO and MI would be great, but he's down by quite a few points. MI would have to pull off a Bernie Sanders primary upset. FL and PA look achievable though, especially Florida.

Also this year there is a far larger split between independents supporting Trump over Clinton vs. Romney over Obama. That's going to count for a lot more this year.

Also some signs of some decent sized Democrat crossover.

Civil War soon, friend

>Hasn't went Blue in 40 years
>going red is a meme

wew lad

Good points. I would also imagine democrat crossover far outweighs republican crossover (if there is any).

didnt one of the washington electors already vow to not cast his vote for hillary?

I remember one report that say 28% of republicans in FL switched to Dem. Hopefully that's just BS. There is also the election fraud to take into account however. Idk if they'll sort it out.

There always is some crossover. There is considerably less now that the #nevertrump movement died a painful death.

I would say there is going to be far less republican crossover this year than in 2012 and 2008. The top republicans may have hated Obama quite a bit, but there were a lot of more moderate leaners that liked him enough to vote for him.

There are no moderate learners voting for Hillary.

I'm actually curious to see the topline vote for those democrat ballots. How many left that space blank refusing to vote for either candidate. I'm guessing it's quite a big higher than previous years.

the salt this would generate on reddit would sustain me for a decade

That 28% shit completely goes against every other poll ever taken. I wouldn't put too much faith in it.

Alaska and Hawaii are in the wrong geographical locations.