If you vote Trump we're not coming to your house to play Mario Kart ever again

>if you vote Trump we're not coming to your house to play Mario Kart ever again

What do you do?


"I'm voting Hillary Clinton anyway"

Fuck off you coalburner cunts

[insert relevent opinion discarded image]

Me(Jamal) off camera

> grab them by the pussy

I don't want any of those coal burning whores at my house anyway

Tell them I voted Clinton, but vote Trump in secret.

in the case that this impossible scenario ever happened, I would lie

but they're coalburning literal whores so fuck em tbqh

I don't want nigger aids, thanks.

Like i gave a shit you all sucked anyway

Well sod off then will'ya? Bloody cunts.

Tell them to fuck off! No girls allowed in my cave!

I think i've seen them before
who are they? are they redpilled?

This thread

Blacked.cum is bankrupt lol


tell the FBI that there's a pedo ring trying to solicit business from me

They're blackpilled now.



Why do the "whitest" girls look so unappealing? They look dead inside.

I'll play video games that aren't shit with some actual JK's that haven't sucked BBC, thanks.

is it really?

they're doing animal porn what do you think nigger

ok i will write in jeb then

(I'm still gonna vote trump tho)

No fucks given still voting Trump

some of the girls on that website are hot, not these girls though,

also dead eyes


Pol are they redpilled?

They look like they are terrible at Mario Kart, voting Trump

>Dyed blonde hair.
Into the trash she goes.

it is too late

it was always too late

there was never an escape for any of you

vote trump and shitpost on Sup Forums


N I gir l ever want s to platyg mry o cart with me though
loosk like too little too late WHORE if i cant lick qtr feet thn you're gonmna have to deal with my shgit niggers

from left to right: kill, marry, fuck

how does vixen/blacked take the best pictures in the industry, theres no other company that does it like them

...Guess you'll just have to come over for my dick instead.

>to play mario kart
thats okay lets just fuck instead

They're porn actresses -- euphemistically prostituted.

if you don't vote for trump, they will be taken by the refugee's lol

I hope you're black mate.

Fucking teenage girls. Good riddance. Annoying as hell.