How did he get so fat, Sup Forums?
How did he get so fat, Sup Forums?
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Getting old sucks. Happens to most of us.
He's bulking
estrogen in water supply
Stressed out too much and instead of lifting weights for a stress reliever he just ate in a big excess. Might be addicted to food like a lot of fat people are, who knows.
He has old man strength and can beat up 10 men at once. The redpill is highly caloric.
Off by two
hit middle age and stopped lifting to focus on fighting globalist, and ice cream
A woman. He got married.
Recently he got 'JUST'd' and lost 50 pounds. Woman are stressful and make you fat.
200 - 300lbs is the natural red pilled weight.
the you know whos, perpetuate the gym meme because they want to keep you skinny and fragile, so you wont be a problem to deal with when the time comes.
Not enough sleep and too much stress = overeating and weight gain
He filtered all the good stuff out of his water.
He's sedentary. He sits at his office desk looking through documents 24/7 for the past decade or more. Within a year of being sedentary, his muscle mass would've already atrophied highly.
It happens.
He should just get a Tren hookup, or at the least take LGD4033 for a while.
his face is already half dead
tfw no caveman coffee
That's not very nice, young lady
I'm sitting at 12% bf @ 196lbs and powerlift competitively in the 198 class and as low as the 181 class. I guarantee I am a force to be reckoned with if these retards ever try to start a civil war.
The globalists propaganda made him fat
He was so focused on fighting the Globalists he stopped swimming 2 hours a day and lifting weights. In the old days they use to call Alex the "White Bruce Lee"
dont waste your money by sending it to this manlet drug addicted dumbell merchant.
Years of bulking and working out, you can eat pretty much whatever you like. As you get older you work out less due to having less time or whatever other reason but your routine of eating whatever you like doesn't go away.
kettlebell workouts are unironically fun
Is that arties face?
lol dude you fell for the bait
not sure, could actually be him during a heroin binge.
also, fuck, checked dude
Stress, and emotional eating.
I gained 30 pounds, because of this election.
Will Japanese men ever look like this again?
he was a fag and i honestly have no idea how that relates to japanese masculinity. but he is definitely the most nippy jap i know of since the war ended (except for the holdouts)
this pepe is very aesthetically pleasing
he turned 50
Most never did.
better save it, i barely seen it before
are those samurai? look like fukkin ashigaru.
mishima lifted weights as ersatz masculinity, these guys didn't need to do so
Decades long bulk cycle.
But fuck, Alex was making it back then.
hes an alcoholic who takes stimulant drugs. smokes alot. eats fatty foods. etc..
Yeah this gif looks silly but his form is fine
Most people that actually lift with good size muscle mass and legs are above 200 lbs.
I want to film an isis exectution video with this faggot
More like Japanese actors vs. male models. The regular population never looked like either.
He got overfed by redpills
>tfw started wearing a girdle to hide the roidgut
>I don't even use roids but working out has made me look like a middle aged Slavic uncle
top kek
nips have always been malnourished fuccbois it wasn't until glorious western influence and (early) hollywood imagery of masculinity spread that chinks became manly. Mifune was the clint eastwood of elevens, exceeding the standards of beauty by bounds and unachievable for 99.99% of the rest of us.
He extracted all of his male vitality to sell to us to win the fight against hilary.
This. Sometimes I get all fired up and am ready to fight in the revolution. Then I remember than I'm 41, with titanium plates holding my cervical vertebra together, and decide I'll leave the fighting to the young bucks from /k/ and Sup Forums.
You can't consider yourself redpilled if your bf% is above 10
Most likely jizamurai.
and he's doing like 75lbs in each hand
my gym doesn't even have kettlebells that big for you
Damn, I've lost 10 pounds. I have to force feed myself to to keep on the weight.
This guy had high test. check out that fucking jaw.
>genetically superior
>dies from heart condition in 20s
yes good goy make your balls shrink and produce less test
He stopped lifting as much. You have to do it all the time to maintain muscle as well as build it.
Alex Jones is a character that has been played by two different people. You guy shave no idea how many big names in the "freedom movement" are being played by once-famous actors. They fake their death and take on a new identity. Dice, Green, Kokesh, Jones. All are actors that faked their death.
I'll give one away, Adam Kokesh is Jonathan Brandis.
Fucking manlet.
This, it's really a bother to maintain. Hard work and dedication + time consuming. I think the true redpill is steroids.
Tiney testicles almost like a eunic from all the roids he was on as an adolescent.
he looks natty there
>tfw actually getting fitter as I age
m-muh genes
>titanium plates
get more put in then you'll be bulletproof plus we would be fighting niggers and limp wristed leftist it would be hardly a fight
Who is dice?
If him and Ghost got into a barfight, who'd win?
Probably steroids or taking too much protein supplements without working out that much.
>get more put in
Yeah but they make my neck ache when it's cold out. Plus I work with titanium. It really ain't all that.
The frogs
Alex Jones was swole af natty
If i told you, you wouldn't believe me. let's just say, his face looks fake because he had the most amount of plastic surgery. You can see the scars under the right light. Alex Jones and Kokesh had minimal work. All you have to do is add or remove a lump on the bridge of your nose and you become a different person. Brandis hated the idea of surgery, so he got the absolute minimum required for the program.
Death faking is far more widespread than people realize. It's the only reliable way for celebrities and notable political figures to get out of the spotlight.
>I don't even use roids but working out has made me look like a middle aged Slavic uncle
Do you do cardio?
I hope one day they find a way to stop letting people get old.
>saving that image
You gay bruh
metabolism slows down as you get older. YOu have to switch to low fat food in order to stay trim.
I eat veggie bean chili with bread for most meals. And that keeps my weight under control and It's still delicious.
somebody stole his "Super Male Vitality" supplies
Stopped taking steroids and working out, kept eating the same
Yes, most of his day is probably spent on his show/business or kids.
What did Kek mean by this?
>socks with sandals
Calories in > calories out