Wait, so the FBI just finished investigating... Hillary was innocent the entire time?

Wait, so the FBI just finished investigating... Hillary was innocent the entire time?

Why the fuck are we still voting for this guy?

Other urls found in this thread:


OP and Clintons are owned by the same people; good joke OP

I wonder if the head of FBI investigation is going to disappear and kill himself (like OP should) or disappear with lots of money.

> FBI just finished investigating... Hillary was innocent the entire time
> investigation lead by Podesta's long time friend
> DOJ assisted in investigation
> head of DOJ is long time Clinton friend

yeah she's cleared all right... no conflict of interest here... no sir

Tank you sage mage

>Wait, so the FBI just finished investigating... Hillary was innocent the entire time?

>Why the fuck are we still voting for this guy?

The "probe" is over. Not the investigation. Once again it's media spin. All that means it's they have sifted through the documents. They found multiple documents that they already had which may indicate more charges in along the lines of Huma being privilege to information she shouldn't have. Regarding pay for play and other things that will get Hillary impeached lickity split after Hillary and Humas investigation are over. What the media won't tell you is congress already is holding the FBI accountable for extremely unprecedented investigation procedure. Including but not limited to... Hillary not attain questioned under oath, immunity granted for no reason at all other than hokey shenanigans.

In short, Hillary is corrupt and anyone voting for her has been brainwashed by media, social construct or is in effort to do very bad things to America with or without knowing the real truth.

This a million times. If they were up impartiality they would have questioned such evident conflicts of interest.

>Indoctrinating the youth to such a degree they dress up as propaganda

Really makes you think

>Hillary was innocent the entire time?

One word : Foundation

They are cannibals, right? Now, I can imagine Trump making good deals...


No, she was never found innocent, because they did not recommend attempting to prosecute her.


she was never put on trial. the FBI has just said theres no enough evidence of criminal things going on to start a trial


>Only have a jogging nogging when the children are dressed as republican propaganda and not when they are expressing "progressive" POVs

Thx sage mage

they said there's evidence of criminal wrong doing.
comey just said they don't think they could get a conviction because it would be difficult to prove intent, which is a bullshit cop out

Because babies are mad about SJWs because they don't know how to just flip the bird and ignore them.

Kys. The media is indoctrinating them everyday for evil. This is literally nothing.

They finished combing through 650K e-mails in two days?

FullOfShit Bureau of Investigation

...because the FBI found her innocent. If they found her guilty, then we wouldn't have to vote for him because she'd be in jail.

Probably because you prefer a middle and working class and decent wages.

Probably because you don't want to be Brazil 2.0

Dunno - Everyone has their own interests.

the fbi is still investigating the clinton foundation. they concluded that her email deleting wasn't criminal

kys shill

Threadly reminder that nobody likes Hillary.

>...because the FBI found her innocent.


Then why the fuck are you still voting for the reality TV celebrity billionaire, who wants to cut corporate taxes 70% and who's only redeeming factor is that he wasn't a criminal?

Don't forget

> Finished an investigation in 9 days

This is totally reasonable and the FBI often does this. (They don't)

Because tax cuts stimulate the economy

Surprisingly enough, children having a political point of view deriving from their parents =/= treating dressing up as pure ideology as sane. Do you understand this difference? Would a child dressing up as Stalin and the other a jailed Soviet dissident worry you in the least?

THe FBI doesn't find anyone guilty or innocent. That's what a court of law is for and a jury of peers. They just gather evidence and determine wether there is enough to recommend prosecution.
In this case they said " Hillary did everything wrong she could, is a disaster for the security of our nation, but it is very difficult to prove that she did it intentionally so we don't recommend"

Which is as another user perfectly put it, a cheap cop out.
I won't even mention, that the necessity to prove intend, the way comey exclusively interprets the statute, is questionable as all hell. Apparently only people not named Clinton can do what she did negligently and still be held accountable.

>How to get spotted as CTR the thread

Try starting with

"So she's cleared"

Then follow up with

"The evidence is so-and-so"

Let them get memey about it

"But if you look, this is tenuous"

Then let them doubt naturally

Follow with

"I think we're being manipulated by Trump, did you know he's connected to...."

Support that with irrelevant videos that show him supporting people earlier that he now opposes.

I hate to tell you how to brainwash, you'll get caught anyway but it's just embarrassing how bad CTR is at their jobs.

>Actually want this woman to be president

wew lad

Jesus Christ what is wrong with you?
Trump is not a massmurdering dictator like Stalin you dumb fattie.

If this picture with trump and Hillary was the other way around, you probably would be sitting in front of your monitor clapping and applauding like a retarded seal begging for fish.

>they only took 11 days to go through thousands of emails
>USA is not a corrupt nation

You cunts have guns, rise up.

Isn't it demoralizing to be CTR? Couldn't you do something better with your life professionally?

A lot of people would people would vote for mickey mouse over the orange clown, corporate puppet. Only a literal criminal could be less palatable. I'd take the hildabeast any day.

>t. Only a literal criminal could be less palatable. I'd take the hildabeast any day.

that hypocrisy

>combed through 650,000 emails in 9 days no less

This smells fishy. What are the Dems saying about Comey now? Praising him for doing his job?

Used to be hillary supporter, now voting trump. His policies and energy are superior

at first he was just doing his job, then he was a threat to democracy, now he's probably just doing his job again

sah gey mah gey?

Yeah, now that shes cleared, this should be a no brainer.

>11 days to sift through thousands of emails
>USA is a free country


>Now that she's cleared

No she isn't

The investigation continues.

Quit it.

Why the fuck does CTR even come here? You won't win any converts when everybody here can spot an agitator from miles around.

But chopping off dicks is totally fine!

don't you think you could do something better with yourself professinoally, besides being CTR? Isn't it somewhat demoralizing?

people have been brainwashed and conditioned into believing right wing propaganda (its a huge business and the business owners wanna keep their jobs)

Once you decide all mainstream media is rigged and only visit ACTUAL rigged media (alex jones etc. support trump 100% of the time while fox news maybe only support him 60%)

Any media that is 100% biased in one side is comp rigged, never mind the fake sources they use (if they even bother with sources...) deplorable. GOP are the biggest shills all of them are in it for the money.

I really hate Hillary Clinton, now I fucking hate her even more. The Clinton's are so corrupt I just don't know how anybody could vote for her.

Do you actually believe CRT comes here? You actually believe anyone who doesn't fall for the orange clown's lies are paid by hillary?

>FBI needed almost 18 months to process 30,000 emails from Clinton and now they have allegedly processed 650,000 in 1 week.

Hmmm. Really makes you think.

wait really but there are like 3 right wing sites, liberals have Vox, CNN, ABC, NBC, Huffington post, WaPo, NYT, salon.com, dailykos.com, and like 5000000 others, don't you think it is skewed towards the left more?

>Do you actually believe CRT comes here

They clearly do.

More than a few have been outright caught out.

And only people totally unfamiliar with Sup Forums could so frequently fail to converge to the manner of interaction here. The language is wrong, it has an unfamiliar formality, closer to the way normies or "Nerds XD" speak than a typical Sup Forumsack.

And clearly there are strategic reasons to produce memes here, they influence twitter and the MSM and facebook and the culture more broadly. It's a way of capturing alternative media, basically.

The problem is that you idiots are so inorganic that you stick out like sore thumbs.

The extent of their faults is hardly relevant; it's an attempt to get you to question how you would think about a situation where a wildly different ideology was illustrated in a similar way. You can attempt to appeal to some much greater leftist menace attacking our youth, but this does not excuse the original absurdity; the others do not have to be right for you to be in the wrong. I don't want Trump jailed, and will not be voting for Hillary, but it is not surprising you so quickly jump to a ridiculous caricature. The sheer politicization of having your children dress up like that is terrifying, and your defense of it even more so.

yea its true you can literally spot CTR from fucking miles away they are so obvious its unreal, especially when they post a bunch of dumb shit and don't realize we can just click their IDs to see it was all them

>hispanic housemaid
This isn't how you sway the mexican vote.

>Do you actually believe CTR comes here

I absolutely do. I also firmly believe Sup Forums was significant factor in Trumps success, and the HRC campaign noticed this. The blind fanaticism and dank memes without doubt served as a catalyst for public opinion. r/the_donald has a 250k subscribers, r/hillaryclinton has 35k. This election was defined by shitposting, and it all started here

Because she's a crooked bitch who will take us to fucking war with Russia? Does no one care about this or do they assume that they won't be affected by our nation going to war with another sovereign nuclear power who can stand up to the US and its military? Its like you leftist Hillary fucks are voting for fucking George Bush yet again and acting like it this will be any different because she just so happens to have D next to her goddamned name...

I really wish that people who voted for a president that wanted war were the ones who automatically drafted themselves into the army and the first on the front lines. Our young men and women should not die for these fat, nu-male cucks and the SJW brownshirts.

>that bio
A bit of a glare to that light being shined on the substance of Trump's career, but the shocking thing is not how its all so very true, but how Republicans turned a blind eye to it all and gave it their seal of approval.

Perhaps the single worst candidate ever put forward.

And I have to share a political wing with these people.

>at first he was just doing his job, then he was a threat to democracy, now he's probably just doing his job again
You mean just the opposite of the way Trump people have portrayed Comey in this.

Yeah, it's weird how the only people who think she's guilty of anything are her political opponents. It's most as if they're just desperately trying to deflect our attention from their own shitty track records.

>Tfw Trump was going to be taken to trial over child rape but the case was dropped by accuser because she conviently received a shitload of threats to her life.

Gee, reaaaally mysterious.

Based AF Anderson Cooper is roasting Trumps campaign manager right now.

Ether that or she was paid off, or both. If she pressed on and it took Trump down he would have nothing to lose in trying to get to her.

>The language is wrong, it has an unfamiliar formality,
>yea its true you can literally spot CTR from fucking miles away they are so obvious its unrea

Sup Forums is as suspicious as Hitler's Germany and Stalin's USSR, suspiciously branding anyone who disagrees with the status quo as "CTR".

never change


The emails were to completely kill Hillary's momentum and drag her down in the last moments, which is clearly working based on how desperate CTR Is. Once Trump wins the FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation will get Hillary and the rest of the Establishment locked up.

Soros and his (((crew))) will be promptly BTFO and need to lay low for a good while.

Because they feel whites being marginalized. Both of these people are garbage. I'd rather have the garbage that will not continually toss me under the bus though.

That honestly has to be a lot of people here.

Responded. Praise KEK.

Trump will lose.

Sure its skewed towards the left but that doesnt mean you should start listening to facist russian propaganda websites.

Hillary voters too busy spending this months welfare check.

>Hillary was innocent the entire time?

Don't mistake them not pursuing charges as her being "innocent". It just means there wasn't enough evidence.

In court, there is no "innocent", it's guilty or not-guilty.

Because she is fucking evil incarnate and the FBI really is shit at doing their jobs.

The official story is that she was threatened into dropping the case. I wonder who benefits from this....


>Speak differently
>Try and spread dissent
>Spam said dissent

It's CTR.

No troll is this stupid or committed.

JIDF pls go
>CTR isn't even the first

>You mean just the opposite of the way Trump people have portrayed Comey in this.
Except there is literal proof of high curroption and no one is being checked or prosecuted because she's (((connected)))

The dems and the administration viciously turned on him so he has to make these statements.

guys i'm here, i'm here

>12 months to review 33,000 emails
>8 days to review 650,000 emails

The "reopened" investigation was regarding the 650k emails found on Heiner's laptop. If they didn't indict over the information available to them before this, they weren't going to indict over 650k. It's a farce. There's more than enough evidence to indict for criminal negligence but Comey is a faggot. Anyone who actually thought the 650k was going to go anywhere is a retard.

CTR thread is CTR thread.

>the investigation results

Wow, it's nothing! That's why.

Dub sevens confirmed as truth.

they're still investigating the Clinton Foundation anyway. That's "where the bodies are buried" so to speak...and possibly literally


There is and was no investigation. Pic related from a guy over at the other chan back when the "reopening" was first announced. This was all the fed's attempts to distract from Wikileaks. His timeline and the reasoning for why nothing was changed even lines up with what just happened.


>Except there is literal proof of high curroption and no one is being checked or prosecuted because she's (((connected)))

That's on the people to correct.

Then again, the people backing Trump mostly want yet another branch of the federal government to overstep it's bound.

Explain how that works?


>they dont even fucking try

the clintons dont pay you guys the big shekels to stick out like a sore thumb.

back to CTR training camp, dumb goy

Donald Trump is a meme that Sup Forums can't resist. These people don't care about policy, they just believe whatever bullshit Breitbart publishes.

I knew it, this entire FBI thing was a false flag from the start. timed perfectly so the FBI would "clear" her 2 days before the elections. The funny thing is you all didn't believe me and called me a CTR shill.

CTR sticks out like an erection in the ladies room

They don't, they just want to end corruption.

Do you want to explain how Hillary will do that?

Many are skewed but others like CNN run front page articles about how Trump can win and just today there was an editorial from a Republican who said Obama's foreign policies were a failure and why people don't like Clinton.

Going to Breitbart as an alternative is just retarded.

Politics is but a spook.

>They don't, they just want to end corruption.
In seeking a decision to prosecute out of the FBI or in asking them to take a partisan stand, they are expecting the FBI cross boundaries it's not supposed to and to start acting in a way you wouldn't want in the long run.

>Do you want to explain how Hillary will do that?
She won't and neither will Don They're both amazingly gifted liars and well used to corruption, so at least for this election cycle the people have screwed themselves yet again to have these two people in particular sit atop the major party tickets.

thats a good lad

now let us VOTE

>give greens 5% to reach the threshold of public funding and debate participation

You may be onto something here.

You got emails put front and center a full week before the election in the last week of the election and you're still complaining.