>((la times))
It's USC Daybreak nigger
He's outside the MoE
If Trump was to lose these pollsters would look like complete idiots
Its not going to be a landslide for either candidate. Its going to be a very close race. We might even see a repeat of 2000, where one candidate wins the popular vote and the other the electoral college.
Either way, there's gonna be a shitstorm.
why does this one not match every other poll everywhere?
It's going to be crazy
But god, you can see the parallels with the 2012 one
Could this whole FBI/Comey thing give Hillary an excuse to challenge the results when she loses?
Why hasn't Nate Toiletpaper said anything in the past 5 hours?
Trump surging is due to the campaign spending. Hilldog poured millions in TV commercials during the whole year. Trump started slowly in october to buy air time, then went full blitz in the last two weeks.
Beacuse he doesn't know what to do. I think he is confused by the 3 state tie (FL/NV/NC) and likely under polling in the rust belt.
Not enough days left
It took a week for the FBI starting up again
Same reason as 2012
In 2012 this poll was responded with
>LA Times
>Tracking polls
>Jew newspaper
And things among those lines here in Sup Forums
Because like now, it was considered the outlier
Every other poll (Sup Forums was especially autistic about Politico and Reuters this particular year) was either tied or had either candidate at +1/2
Surprise suprise, LA Times was only off by 0.7 points
IBD is a steady poll too, keeps things quite close
This election is literally gonna be decided by lolbertarians and green commies actually not wasting their vote on meme candidates
It happened in 2012, Johnson polled 5% and at the end didn't even break 1%
It's already over. The FBI trick was so smart to take away everyone's reason to doubt Hillary. She's going to win.
Do people seriously make up their minds 2 days before the election based on propaganda videos
What is even the point of voting if that's the case
Only saving grace was the fact that IBD/TIPP was the most accurate last time
. . . Being the smart man he is. He seems to understand trends & how they affect people in this day & age much better than Hilldawg.
It mobilizes the your voters.
None of the polls are making sense
You have A+ pollsters smashing at radical different ends
I don't see it having any effect at all. If anything, possibly a minimal reverse boost in Trump's favor.
Everything's all fucked up on all the polling websites. I think nobody knows what's really the endgame right now anymore.
wrong. We were already convinced she was a lying criminal. Comey coming out to say the investigation was ongoing just gave us all reinvigorated motivation to drive the point home for 7 days. Lots of damage has been caused by this. #MAGA
So it's okay to go off of historical accuracy when it's pro-trump, but when someone brings up the fact Nate was 50 for 50 last year you guys go
>lel cuck silver xD
last election*
But now there is word FROM the FBI that Hillary is innocent. That's going to be pushed hard these next couple days and it's going to push the votes in her favor.
it's conducted by USC you dumb shill
>the only saving grace
Where did I state anything else?
na, it's going to be a landslide for trump
Because this election will see many first time voters, for both parties.
I doubt you have the authority to speak for all of Norway faggot 0/10
>A+ pollsters
The election is closer than you think senpai. Hard to believe. Independants hardly matter & for the most part they've chosen their sides.
Much better version.
Getting complacent, cocky and confident is what (((they))) want
Ignore (((polls))) no matter if Trump is winning or losing. Get out and vote and get as many people to go out and vote Trump too.
Be aware of the voter fraud, already was reports of some committed in Florida.
That kinda sucks compared to the German one.
The problem is he's been so off in both primaries this year it's hard to believe he'll suddenly be accurate in the general, although he does seem to be pivoting to a toss up position.
post the german one.
They never said she was innocent, also not mention the clinton foundation is still under investigation. No one goes through 650k emails in 8 days, this was a fucking sham and hilary has already been butt fucked. She's on the defensive right now.
This. It took wikileaks a month to release 50,000 emails so an army of autists could go through it and find ACTUAL evidence of criminality. Like do you niggers really believe there is nothing in that stash of emails when we found proof of mal-intent in the podesta and DNC emails? Please.
He ruined that with his primary and world series predictions, friendo.
Reminder that the polls are showing Clinton winning by such a large margin so that they can rig it in a wider margin of error.
Trump needs a landslide. Don't be discouraged. Go out and vote. Make America great again