Tell me Sup Forums, which side are you on?
Tell me Sup Forums, which side are you on?
>le Russians are the good guys meme
hmmm... more flags to make national soccer teams.
>le devil is the bad guy meme
That's not even biblically accurate. The devil is actually the good guy.
>which side are you on?
Neither. Because Jesus & Satan don't exist.
>trusting a green flag
>not on the flag
ill sit this one out.
Well, my flag is green and I'm 100% trustworthy.
LUL kek lel
How can you talk about Biblical accuracy and then say that "the devil was the good guy"?
9/10 if b8. 9/11 if srs dumbass
In the middle. Canada is cucked right?
> Venezuela
> good side
Lucifer was a guy who wanted freedom.
>Hitler is a good guy kikes attack him because he wanted to save us
>Lucifer is a bad guy because schlomo says so
Christcucks btfo
I am on nobody's side because nobody is altogether on my side.
As our flags aren't included, we'll be fine.
Middle too.
Politics are easy here.
They are against USA's imperialism and globalists.
fuck off money
>side of God
>godless gooks, chinks and mudshits
no thanks
I stand with medpack on this one.
Nice trilby you have there.
You did a good job with 2016 Rio, so I'm on your side.
But yet they're a Communist shithole with the two major parties being the Socialist and Communist parties?
At this point i believe that only a nuclear holocaust will save this world so i'm at neither side
Those are just misguided economic policies, that doesn't affect their role in the fight against Evil.
Christ doesn't recognize any kingdom but His own. That's the only one which matters.
>Lucifer was a guy who wanted freedom
maybe do some research on exactly what Luciferianism is and exactly what Lucifer requires of you. You know, because it's a bunch of freedom and shit right?
You're literally fucking retarded and btfo'd. Go back to telling your parents and friends how redpilled and awesome you are
back into your cage little monkey
Lucifer was the one that gave Humanity knowledge of Good and Evil. He was the one that made Eve and Adam eat the fruit of the tree.
And look how the world has been so much better for it ever since....
We just get better and better, year after year.
China is pretty much neutral
Just because they suck at economy, their side is not bad at all.
But they're dumb as fuck
>North fucking Korea
>American education.
Lucifer was not the snake, nor Satan by the way
>North fucking Korea
At least they're not being ruled by a weird feminist occultist group.
Freedom is not free, slave
>good guys
L - U - L
I always try to defend my country but it's always a BR making the shitty fucking threads
One day you will see the light.
>north korea
>on the side of god
they literally kill anyone who practices a religious other than venerating their crappy leaders
>wanted freedom
>Wanted to destroy humanity and make everyone bow down to him
Choose one fag. Satan hates everyone but himself. He hates you too. You nothing but a tool for him. He is the orginal kike. That is why "Jews" worship him.
I dont give a shit who's the good or the bad side.As long as they can keep their hands off my land.
Im always up for another SlavshitCurbstompFest. My people need it atleast once a centuary as a reality check.
>They have tried before, They can try again
Enjoy hell sodomite.
This. Any non-Christian is a traitor to humanity in its entirety and must be purged relentlessly and without mercy.
To quote Vladmir Putin "It is Gods job to judge people, it is my job to send them to him."
Fake quote.
Why dont you try that on african immigrants?