Remember, remember the, uh.... fuck what was it again?

Remember, remember the, uh.... fuck what was it again?

Some guy dying or something

>what was it again?

7th of November?

Remember to be kind and rewind?

to be the gud boi of november


I remember...the Alamo.

Remember to drink your Ovaltine.



I always remember because it's my sister's birthday


all roasters roast roast

>Guy Fawkes
>was a Catholic monarchist agent of Spain
>Americans for some reason think he was some kind of anarchist freedom fighter

I love how the only reason Guy Fawkes became this edgy symbol is because of Epic Fail Guy.

To be anonimous of course. That's anonimous guy.

You mean V for Vendetta, which is the OP image.

One of the best troll movies ever.

>Americans for some reason think he was some kind of anarchist freedom fighter
It was a britbong's comic that started it.

>newfags don't know he's called Sup Forums Man

It was never used as a protest thing until the Scientology Protests. They were worn because of EFG. Then people misinterpreted this as a edgy defiance.

Regardless it was V for Vendetta that portrayed him as an anarchist.


i member

Yeah, but no one cared about the mask and crap like that until the Sup Forums protests.

Son of a BITCH!

It is the hacker Sup Forums.

>Faithfully styled after members from the anarchist hacker group "Anonymous"

>none cared till we put on the mask

Hey guys, I need to sign my name in a guest book. What's today's date?

unironically one of my favorite movies

The 21st night of September

Another one of Alan Moore's stolen ideas. Did he ever write anything that was original?

Name a better Christmas movie. I'm waiting.

Die Hard.



Home Alone

Remember me


say do you remember