
Has science gone too far?

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what the fuck is this thing

Bacon wrapped Tur-Crab-Squid??


Bacokeyoctocrab, obviously.

I was actually surprised by how even handed a fucking David Song article was

>linking to cracked

yeah that was my reaction. at first i started skimming looking for the red flags that would alert me to the fact that it's unmitigitaged propoganda, but i didn't find any, and so i read the whole thing, and he's not even being unfair.

City dweller are fucking scum, the worst of the worst, of the worst. There isn't a single person that lives in a major US city that doesn't absolutely deserve to burn in nuclear hellfire.

Massive, widespread killing is coming for them. It's coming. It has nothing to do with "have and have not", these people are actively destroying the United States to jerk off to their transient globalism fetishes. Fucking die, scum. You will not go on to live the peaceful life you thought you would.

Cthurkey, my favourite.

i live in a city and im voting for trump, am i still a bad person?

giving them views
pastebin or screencap

Get out while you still can.


Halfway through the article so far. Pretty god damn truthful at this point.

I stopped giving Cracked clicks three years ago, when their direction became unbearably leftist. You can shove that link waaaay up your fucking ass, my dude.

the article might surprise you.

I don't give a fuck if they officially coronate Trump as Universal Emperor. I won't forget what they've churned out against Trump, white men, and Western culture. Fuck them. I'd give them a rope before a click.

thank you kind user

Just remember to cut their communications and bomb the railroads so they can't escape

run while you can

>To those ignored, suffering people, Donald Trump is a brick chucked through the window of the elites. "Are you assholes listening now?"
haha, slay!

They're pedophile satanists too apparently.

This article is FUCKING BULLSHIT.

It's a bunch of pandering, deflating nonsense DESIGNED TO ENGENDER PASSIVITY in the Republican base because somebody is "listening" to us. FUCKING HORSE SHIT.


READ THIS: cracked.com/blog/how-men-are-trained-to-think-sexual-assault-no-big-deal/


I am NOT some stone aged country bumpkin piece of shit looking for a golden age of America.

I am WHITE. I am PROUD. I am TIRED of the JEWS propping up the FUCKING DINDUS and SAND NIGGERS and fucking up my country so that they can TAKE OVER THE WORLD.



This guy gets it.

Fuck them. They're trying to about-face because they know their little white genocide plan has hit a serious fucking snag, pic very related.

I want to stick my dick in that


Yeah this guy's a fag. The fact that he's still voting for Hillary says everything. If he really understood the plight of the people he pretends to, he would vote for Trump. He's just another city-dwelling faggot voting selfishly instead of for the country's best interests.

>I am NOT some stone aged country bumpkin piece of shit looking for a golden age of America.
I know David Wong is normally a feminist cuck, but that's what he was saying you dumb shit. He was relaying what the city elites tell their followers so they can act holier than thou in their shitty 200ft apartments. For once he was trying to be relatively objective.

As expected, despite having that whole article at their disposal to consume and evaluate, the comments are filled with liberals calling us stupid. Because they can't or won't bother to understand we (you) are not voting for the man, but what he represents.

>Cracked wrote a good article

Is it 2010?

t. flyover cuck

Hillary's snatch.

>tfw you're an inner city conservative

ad hominem



Is... is that an octopus stuffed turkey with some sort of crustaceans legs stuck on the side... with a topping of giant slugs?

Who would create such a thing?


It's it alright to give them views if the article is good? You know, show them that people will actually read shit that isn't propaganda.

I thought crackled was a leftist shit hole now


How did this go from an edgy comic aimed at teenagers to a liberal echo chamber aimed at millennials?

can confirm. everyone in houston is greedy, quick to accuse, selfish, lacks southern hospitality, always arguing, on welfare and brown


Think you'd better look into (((who))) owns them before giving them the benefit of a doubt. Kike rats will say whatever they have to to save their own skin.

What's the name of that hentai?


supply and demand

Fucking liar google didnt pull up shit when i put that name in


I honestly liked the article. Sure it could be a half assed oandering attempt with less than 35 hours till the election, but alot makes sense.

It didnt just write off the other side of the political spectrum as every -ist in the book. It actually called out lena "sister is rock solid" dunham for being a hypocrite.

And addressed trump as a middle finger to the elite which pretty much this place already praises for.

Shockingly this was a good article even if it is pandering

There's a turkey with strips of bacon on top, stuffed with an octopus, sitting on top of a crab.


>Decent article
I'm pleasantly surprised.

I think just not trying to divide things into "good guys vs. bad guys" is a good starting point for most liberals. Even Sup Forums generally understands that leftists are well-intentioned (although taken to such a ridiculous extreme that they need to be counter-balanced), while the other side has trouble understanding that we're not villains.

The nuclear holocaust is coming, get out. Get a remote job if you can. None of it would matter soon enough.

What the hell is going on in MT in the 2,000 nuke scenario? I understand CO and ND but most of the MT nukes should be in SD right?

Minuteman silos. It's all part of the final destruction of the liberal hordes.

(((they))) dont want you to know user but there is still hope...

It just seems there is no good or bad side just which are you willing to fight for or against

>The nuclear holocaust is coming

Good, hopefully my death is quick and painless

>that underlying assumption everyone outside the cities is an unsophisticated racist

fuck this guy desu

>that relatively untouched Idaho

Good thing I'm going to uni there soon.

This article does a good job also explaining this mindset of smug liberalism.



They won't be so smug after the economy crashes,

i was able to sus out what it was, but for something made from such awesome ingredients, it looks pretty unappetizing to me and kind of disturbing. like it should be posted in some fucked up /gif/ thread

>tfw right over my head

>economy crash
That already happened with doompaul.

It's full on 1776 this time. Once America is liberated we can move on to Europe.

Not bad. Would have been better without all the "Evangelical Christians salty their faith is dying" rationale. Sup Forums is a Christian board-meme aside, I am the most secular atheist in existence, the closest I come to religion is the frequency with which I say 'goddamn'. And I'm still goddamn voting for Trump.

J.F. Sargent and Luke McKinney drew SJWs in. They demanded more content like that. Other authors found them easy to pander to, and anyone who expressed displeasure with that content could be dismissed as a racist, sexist, homophobe, or general bigot.

Is this line of thinking common in America? That you shouldn't even maintain your own property, instead relying on 'professionals' to overcharge you for a service you could do yourself?

it was a good article, its hard to keep an article as unbiased as possible

not among conservatives
its just faggot liberals

He's a cuck trying to justify why he's too lazy to youtube how to fix his own shit.

Keep in mind 99% percent of people don't use their brains for anything other than after the fact rationalizations.

This is an intensely disturbing article. If this guy understands us, and is by his own admission one of us, why is he a lefty cuck? He has even explained that he is aware that his own belief system is a product of pressure from his environment.

I cannot imagine being aware of this and NOT being a Trumpbsupporter. What is going through the HillShill's mind?

....No, they will be.
They have the kind of smug that facts just can't touch.

I imagine it's a situation like,
>Cracked.com: 10 reasons why people don't want to be evil (and 1 reason why I don't care) - by Satan

Virtue signaling and/or issues voting. I wouldn't be entirely surprised if he's one of the hypothetical Monster Voters though.
Also, regardless of how much of a cuck he is, John Dies At The End was pretty good and Cracked even used to be alright years ago.


*nod* this word isn't used enough.

John Dies at the End is awesome

What is the eldrich abomination on my screen?

My T420 had a broken screen, if I took it to the laptop shack they probably would've charged me $200. Instead I got a new screen for $40 and went to youtube, cheaper and infinitely more satisfying knowing "I fixed that myself"

I wish we were living in the Hotline Miami timeline.

I read the whole thing. Thanks, OP. I'm not supporting Trump, but that writer summed up a lot of the frustration I feel with the Democrats, their confederates in the media, and the sheep hanging on their every word.

The only person in this thread that isn't a huge faggot

Honestly this is what I think of American culture. This is my stereotype about them.

But overall what the cracked guy is saying. It's true even here in Croatia.

I live in a small city of 100.000 but we have McDonalds and all kinds of other shit. It used to be that villages had their own stores and you could buy anything you wanted there.

Now everyone has to come to my city to buy furniture, electronics, cheap candy, we even have a "home depot" style store that actually mostly appeals to village people yet it's dead center in the city selling shit like wood pellets for fuel and wood pellet ovens or wood ovens.

The villages around a 100 km circle come to by city to shop. Most young people moved ot the cities. Farming in the last 70 years has become a big corporation job not something a guy with 20 hectares of land could do. You used to be able to feed a family, build a house, buy a car and live in luxury with just 20 hectares of land.

Now the villages are full of old people that are dying and my grandmothers house street is empty with at least 40 empty houses that nobody wants to buy and nobody care about evne if they inherit it. You could buy a house and land for 5.000€...

And they too vote right wing like in America because their style of living is DEAD.


Archive that shit, faggot.

Japanese "cuisine".

Cracked is Salon with memes. They were a funny read years ago, then they caught the SJW cancer and became truly cringeworthy.

Please do not bring direct links to their content into Sup Forums again.


This David Wong is either a communist patsy or a fucking brilliant satirist.

Nothing more, nothing less.

I'm pretty sure it is just an artists recreation because if that really were her snatch the tentacles would be moving despite the fact it's not a .gif and I would be hearing whispers from the Dark Gods telling me to vote for her

Why is he blaming Trump for what happened to Bernie?

Why hurt squid?

He's not entirely wrong. Hell, he's circling right around the truth. But he still comes off as a condescending asshole.

But maybe because I'm not really red or blue. I'm purple. Drive a few miles in one direction, and it's corn fields as far as the eye can see. Drive a few the other way, and it's St. Louis. Everyone seems crazy to me.

Missourifag, or just an analogy?

Illinois, actually. Just a skip and a hop from Missouri, though. Can practically see the Mississippi from where I live.

Ah. Springfield here. Hillary signs the closer you get to MSU, but Trump everywhere else. Weather's nice, at least. How's it going on your side of the line?

yep stopped reading 2 years ago. the stories became political and humorless. the writers all seemed butthurt and angry about somthing

Oh look, another David-Wong-shits-on-conservatives listicle.

Cracked stopped being relevant years ago lad.

Actually, I haven't seen any political signs around here, although the area is certainly more conservative. I'm on the Trump train; my immediate family are Democraps.

While reading that article I discovered THIS article from 2015.


I'm too lazy to archive it but don't worry it's just an article about how American democracy is facing structural crisis and here's the part of the article that matters.

>The lessons of the 2000 and 2008 elections make it unnerving to imagine a Bush-Gore style recount occurring in 2015's political atmosphere. The stakes of presidential elections are sky-high. And the constitutional system provides no means for a compromise solution. There can be only one president. And once he's in office he has little reason to show restraint in the ambitions of the legislative — or non-legislative — agenda he pursues. In the event of another disputed election, it would be natural for both sides to push for victory with every legal or extra-legal means at their disposal.

>Indeed, we ought to consider possibilities more disastrous than a repeat of the 2000 vote. What if a disputed presidential election coincided with a Supreme Court vacancy?

>What if a disputed presidential election coincided with a Supreme Court vacancy?


>. If this guy understands us, and is by his own admission one of us, why is he a lefty cuck?
Because being a lefty cuck good goy is literally his job. He can't afford to offend the Hive so he does what he's told.

Most people live in the city you moron.

Kill them all.

Fuck, Oh well. I'd rather die than live i a world without Baltimore

Argumentum ad populum is a logical fallacy for a reason. If all the city people voted to eat the country people in a giant blood orgy, should it be allowed?

Just because there are more city-people does not make them right, nor does it mean that they should be allowed to bully and tyrannize the rurals.

Minority protections didn't use to just apply to spics, niggers, and fagots.