Amerifriends, how are you feeling right now?
pic unrelated
Amerifriends, how are you feeling right now?
i feel like a man all alone in space above the Earth inside a spacesuit
Suggestion is strong with this one.
Pretty good, thanks for asking.
Too hungry to go to sleep but too tired to move.
Sick to my stomach at all the depraved shit in this world (pic related)
Like shit.
Cautious optimism
NYC reporting ready to MAGA... one way or an another
Pretty hopeful, tbqh.
pic unrelated
I want off mr bones wild ride
I feel like I wish I was OPs pic. I wish I was in space, away from it all. Even for just a minute, not within the same atmosphere as HRC, statists, and lefty cucks.
I want the election to be over and I want to get someone ready for a realistic Libertarian ticket for next time.
Im tired.
Pretty okay I suppose... Pic related.
Wishing I was in the Ron Paul 08' time line. Praying for a Trump victory because it would at least be cathartic.
I don't want Hillary to win. I don't want to be drafted into a pointless war with Russia. I'm only 18, I want to live, not die for some devil.
Pretty much the guy in your pic if he were slowly reentering and burning up
what the hell happened? did he die?
Excited. We will have woman predisent.
My inner voice is telling me it's all over.
the answer is less interesting, do you still wanna know?
empty suit
russian suit satillite
Pretty fucking pissed.
stop drinking
Not great to be honest.
Always darkest before the Don, bros. Keep the faith.
>2 months of falseflagging trump and kek threads
Just waiting to play Jenga
hopefully this will cheer you up a bit (the excerpt from a great doc, not hcina getting the bomb)
Like a Daniel Powter song.
I'm voting Trump no matter what. I think he can win. I think there will be a big election fraud barrier, and our North Korean US media is out in full force. If he wins, hallelujah, if he loses, I will never again mistake my country for a real democracy, it is a corporate/finance crime syndicate.
I was going to vote libertarian. But I just hopped on the Trump train. Is this what SJW feel like everyday?
This fucking election is giving me anxiety problems.
I feel fine. I am older than most here. I have a better handle on what is going on.
I remember previous elections.
Trump will win, as long as people keep the faith and go out and vote.
It may be a contested election. That is OK. They can commit fraud, but they will be caught.
I'm voting for Trump and I'm praying for him, but it is always at the end of the war when things get the most uncertain. Clinton and her masters are, and I say this with a measure of disbelief, evil. I don't use that word lightly.
I worry that anons that either LARPed or legit, were correct in saying the votes have already been tallied and the election decided. I worry that at the end of voting day, when the doors close and everyone is gone, the tally men will take the stacks of Trump ballots and incinerate them. I worry because Hillary is evil and wants to win, and evil people cheat.
I worry that even if by every law in the land demands Hillary be thrown into a deep dark pit to rot for the rest of her miserable life with the rest of the vermin, she will walk free and sit the seat of power. Because Hillary is evil, so she and her masters ensure no court on earth could move against her out of fear for their very lives and the lives of their families.
I worry that if the election is already stolen, that if justice is already silenced, then evil has already destroyed the country I loved, and the only justice I'll get is from Death.
So I guess I'm easy bait for CTR, but no matter what they say it won't change my vote. I just tell myself they wouldn't try so hard if they were winning, but then I remember they're bullies that just like to kick someone when they're down. I'm tired mostly.
Anxious. It's going to be over soon. I'm confident Trump will win, but I'm still concerned over what's going to happen before then.
This is basically where I am right now
They have it all rigged. Our battle against the evil that threatens all of civilization will not be won so easily as marking a ballot
I'm confident that Trump will win, there are a lot of people afraid to be vocal about their support of him. More than you can believe, and this is coming from Upstate NY. We're not going red but I think the turn out will be something for the history books.
Hell, even my mom tells pollsters she supports Hillary to screw with their numbers.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. The anxiety is near insufferable. I intend to wake up at about 4:00 AM Tuesday (as though my brain would let me get a full-night's rest to begin with, hawhaw), and walk to the polls at 5:15 AM to get in line early. It's a very surreal feeling, being on the cusp of history this significant and participating in shaping it. I hate the creeping dread of knowing some will do everything they can to murder morale in the MSM and rig things at the polls. After Tuesday, the only four words I want to hear are "President-Elect Donald Trump." I'll be taking a very long vacation from Sup Forums, though, no matter who wins. I've actually watched my hair start turning gray since this shit started. Ready to take a long absence.
to all the butthurt fags in this thread
your sense of anxiety has nothing to do with the election or politics
it's the anxiety of someone who has no culture or traditions to give their life meaning. Twitter is not culture and Sup Forums is not a tradition.
just go to fucking church already you massive faggots. is it any wonder your lives are a fucking wreck?
I want off.
Massivelt stressed.
if you are familiar with American Hand Egg picture we are your team .
the Clinton Satanists are on our one yard line .. its fourth down and goal to go
We have held them off for three plays .. we are ahead by six points
The ball is snapped
the quarter back gets the ball...
the electricity has gone out..
Did we stop them?
Did Satan win?
I was in church this morning for three hours, like every Sunday.
Nice projection, though.
No, I need liberty in my life. And I'm not getting it because asshole politicians feel the need to shit on everything because they think it's funny.
If you want the church to be central to your life, fine, do it. But fuck off away from the rest of us who don't care. The Constitution is more important to me than the Bible ever will.
If Trump wins:
Liberal tears, media meltdown, MAGA
If Hillary wins:
patriots will chafe under autocracy until finally, a spark, an explosion.
Either way, the fire rises
Praying that Russia nukes us or a terrorist blows me up because I'm too much of a pussy to pull the fucking trigger
like this
Very tired. The election has been going on for over a year. It's never taken this long for us. The primaries are usually over in a flash and then it's right on to campaigning for the general election.
The most overwhelming feeling right now is anxiety. If Trump wins, it will lead to a torrent of liberal tears that fertilize our crops for a decade. If Hillary wins, the collective anus of blue collar America will condense into thick soup of despair and the anxiety will only continue.
It's a very tense moment for the informed voter, but most of America is grossly uninformed. They are merely angry with the two-party system and apathetic about the future. The fact that no candidate in either party's primaries appealed to the the mass of dumb Americans left the population politically pessimistic. Bernie Sanders was the closest they had. The young people liked him, but he was far too left for blue collar workers.
I just want to go to sleep without being drunk for once.
>I just want to go to sleep without being drunk for once.
I've got the exact opposite problem t b h.
I wasn't able to convince my family that Hillary will doom all of us. It will take much more than scandals to change the minds of people.
"When the military crushes him, then he'll understand but, not before that." Yuri Bezmenov
I feel like playing TF2
Russia will never nuke America. Would be the end of Russia.
Excited. The happening is finally here.
That's the worst feel.
I'm expecting hillary to win but honestly I've felt disassociated with this whole election. maybe because it feels like this has been an online thing primarily. when I get off my computer everything feels like it used to be.
It's sad to watch this. Reminds me of times when I had optimism left and was filled with veneration for the capabilities for humanity. Now it's all gone.
>Literally a jetpack that flies in space
>Woman narrator manages to make it so painfully boring, the video is unwatchable
Is there anything women can't screw up?
my palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy.
Take a rest, and get refreshed, because we will need you for the war once they steal the election
Just stay drunk until the election is over, that's what I'm doing
I want to die but don't want to scar anyone with my death
This 100% is exactly how I'm feeling.
Movie: They Live
like your pic. so far from everyone around cuz they are hill shills
like this
I feel like America is going to be fine either way, and we love making things out to be worse than they actually are.
We'll get through it together like we always do.
this is the same broadly for every developed country, but the overall trend is in a negative direction. Fucking globalists, everything (atm) tends towards more central and larger governmental control, and above that intergovernmental control. Even though for most people shit is okay, It doesn't change the fact that the paradigm is fucked at the moment
I feel like pic related is literally me
y bad
wrong pic lol
Not an American but as pic-related.
Honestly? Nervous as all get out.
yeah you'll get into heaven for sure pal
I feel like this election is a microcosm of my life, disappointing overall; but there is something I can do to fix it and I just want things to finally go my way.
A mellow cocktail of fatigued, on-edge, angry, masochistic, and a little horny.
You crave bull seed in your tight boipucci don't you, cuckboi
What's life like on the ground in the states? Are politics spilling over into your daily lives?
Everybody is sensitive. It wouldn't take much to spark a fluoride frenzy.
Will do, amigo.
Working on it.
Okay, then. Keep on starvin' on, you little sawed-off shoeshine papist.
I don't get it.
She is one of the most blatant corrupt politicians in recent times, but she gets a pass because she's a woman and "Bill was a good president".
She allowed top secret info to be leaked, takes money from foreign governments, hates the same people who support her, and wants to continue the proxy war in the middle east while arming "rebels". The same "rebels" that are regarded as a threat quite regularly on MSM. Because ISIS are true freedom fighters and wartime allies, right?
At the same time, trump gets slammed for being "racist" and having a few failures on his track record. He seems genuine when he wants this country back up off of its knees. He's managed to instill a sense of nationalism i've never seen on such a scale. His plans would greatly help the working man, instead of fucking them more on immigration, taxation, and healthcare.
I really want to take pride in america, i genuinely do. But after this entire shitshow of an election, she still gets votes, from the same self depreciating liberals who circlejerk amongst their own kind, or the lazy able-bodied wank stains that collect tax dollars just for the fun of it.
I Want PC culture to die, this country will too if she wins.
I got a tinder girl coming over in 30 minutes tho so
Ready to die.
we get four geriatrics from this generation to pick from on Tuesday. feels great.
If it all goes tits up, I hope they play this board wide (as is traditional)
I have to work swing shift on election day. If a happening starts I'm going to be trapped at work. Does not feel good at all man.
Happy, excited, nervous, and optimistic all at the same time.
pic kinda related
Nice bebe my friend. Have another.
feelin pretty boss
i'm a winner at life
trump is president
life's good bro
>be me
>just did 2 fat lines of pure blow
>sitting in bathtub with gf and discussing the nature of the redpI'll
>we both voted for Trump day 1 of early voting
Pretty good I gotta say, we are just worried about tuesday. Everything is so fucked as far as polls go so we have no clue as to what Tuesday will bring.
All I know is that we are most likely gonna trip on election day and throw an election party.
Who else here is a conservative degenerate?
Thanks, I fucking love BCS. Kek noticed your generosity, as well.
>Are politics spilling over into your daily lives?
Unfortunately. Election years are usually pretty bad about it, but this year has been... different to say the least. Quiet murmurs of civil war. Some places telling voters to take their business elsewhere if they're going to vote for x candidate. Friendships falling apart, families disowning and what not. Pretty reminiscent of the Jefferson-Adams split only a little less violent desu.
waiting till monday or even tuesday so i can watch the smack down or false flag happen while shit posting with you guys.
Also, I should mention there's always some sort of quiet discontent, but it's usually banter in the vein of "Fuck your party" "No, fuck YOUR party!" Now's it's pretty full on calls of "FUCK YOU AND YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR GREAT DEAD GRANDMA! IF WE LOSE I'M GONNA BURN YOUR FUCKING HOUSE DOWN" type shit.
>trips of sadness
Naah fag have hope, we are starting to get back into doing dank shit in space