Well it looks like the real king nigger is telling the nigs to vote for Hillary
There goes the black vote
Other urls found in this thread:
Lebron is a dumb nigger
nobody cares about niggerball
lol, every white suburb loves basketball
All blacks do
they don't care trust me,
No they don't. Also everyone has already wised up to all this shit, they know that nigger was probably paid a million dollars just to go speak there so he's just a sell-out faggot nigger
Doesn't everyone hate lebron?
>not even reaching into the cookie jar
>Brutes future in the world
He's saying hat she's going to get the electric chair
And I agree
They were pretty pissed with him in Ohio for being a traitor and going to Miami
what would make a rich black guy vote for clinton? seriously, wtf is wrong with these niggers? it's like the idea of voting for anyone other than democratic is beyond comprehension for these people. it's a given, as sure as the sun rises in the east. so fucking retarded.
why are western women so obsessed with nigger dick?
Niggers will do anything for money
who sold their own kind into slavery in the first place?
Plus they have no ability to think forward.. they can't consider the future possible implications of present actions .. so all this coon sees in the millions of sheckels they toss him and has zero comprehension of the disaster her winning would unleash on the world
So much fakeness
Size of crowd there was small. Pretty sad Clinton depends on celebs and athletes to draw more people than she can by herself.
If Clinton wins, inauguration will draw more egg throwers than cheer leaders. She'll probably have to pay friendlies to attend.
Haha, this is a joke right?
>zero comprehension of the disaster her winning would unleash on the world
You talk about Trump the clown? Right?
Sup Forums unironically sucks this niggers dick
coal burner. stay away. she is a worthless whore. or maybe not idk
Yeah right. They're voting for the letter D. They couldn't care less that it's some white bitch running on the ticket. The R stands for Racist for them.
yes, but this is not
Sup Forums has more faggots than /lgbt/
I thought lebron is not the main basketball nigger, but that mulatto the main one now?
Why are serbs so obsessed with land that isn't theirs?
let's do it right
He came back so Ohio swallows his cock like a desperate woman wishing her man would stay.
He's great at basketball, but such a bitch its insane.
>no hips
Whenever someone says "western women" I picture a muslim shitskin saying it.
>looks at flag
>a yurp
Right on the money.
If I'm a basketball superstar like LeBron, I will never endorse a political candidate to not alienate my fans. Come on Bron Repubs buy your shoes too.
Why did she do this in Ohio when its guaranteed Trump's at this point, especially when she pissed off the baseball team from Ohio by going for the cubs or whoever the fuck they were a few days ago?
This is just like how she was actually in Arizona a few days ago, why is she even bothering when so many other states are swinging?
Her Twitter and Facebook have mentioned no policy positions for a long time now, it's just "GET OUT EARLY TO VOTE" spam and feminism appeal to emotion for the 35-65 yr old low information female voter base.
You could chuck a few Sup Forumsacks a few Bitcoins and they'd run a better campaign at this point
>Repubs buy your shoes too.
lol no they don't.
Vote Hillary and make Ohio great again youtu.be
I give LeBron credit for being a thinking person more than anybody else, but I have no idea wtf he was talking about lol. Good to see him politically active though.
>Lenigger gets political
another athlete cursed.
Tom Brady support Trump, it's their freedoms
Everybody love leBron like everybody love Jordan
>Good to see him politically active though.
No it isn't. There's nothing worse than a celebrity using their fame as a platform to push a political agenda.
Much better.
Just saying my shit opinion.
He has a micro dick actually. Really, look it up.
it makes her look like more of a sellout to black people.
>biggest nba player right now
>crowd is 95% white
>crowd is only 300 people
>biggest nba player right now
>once he left, the room started emptying out
whatever you say, CTR.
pictures on infowars of how small the crowd is, sent from cleveland PD.
White trash nigger loving filth.
You look at her and you KNOW she is a peasant, sad!
Also on a related note, he always sounded robotic
dude was reading from a script. He's a puppet like Hillary.
>sent from cleveland PD
>police actively sent pictures
Ya'll only had the one black vote and Donald Trump called him a thug before having him booted out of his rally.
It is not good at all to see him or anyone else use their celebrity status to push political agendas. He's a fucking professional athlete, its bad enough these people are getting millions of dollars to play a fucking sport, now we have to bring politics into the game? Where does it end? And its not like its balanced in anyway, all of it is openly shilling for Hillary. Its fucking ridiculous and annoying. He and other athletes/celebrities should keep their opinions to themselves.
>The brighest future in the world
Why do liberals hate a man for moving to a place to get closer to his dreams? Isn't that like Mexicans going to the USA?
>those sweaty armpits
> USA elections
Where dumb basketball players and entitled actors unironically have an opinion that's meant to manipulate the masses.
> Goodnight, sweet America.
>Good to see him politically active though.
Why is that good?
Why is it good for any celebrity to get politically active?
Jew propaganda.
Man... this year has sucked for me.
>long time partner has mental breakdown and we split up
>I was a big Golden State fan (and hate Lebron) and they somehow blew a 3-1 lead in the Finals and lost to the Cleveland faggateers
>Big Trump fan and now things aren't looking so good for him
I should probably just pic related shouldn't I?
oh look a future billionaire employed by Nike licks globalist boots
It's always dark before the dawn, user.
Trump haven't invaded anybody leaf.
vote first then do it
Damn man, Lebron is fucking baller.
I was undecided til now, but def fin ta vote Clinton now
I will user (though I live in a cuck state so not sure how much it will help).
Because it's soooooooooo progressive
100% underrated comment
LeBron is not the emperor of black people.
>Isn't theirs
Y-you take that back
Lebron sucks.
Manufactured super-star that chokes half the time.
Shaq is 20x more dominant then that fool ever was and he supports the Donald.
Trump is clueless
Most niggers hate LeBronze for his stint with the Heat
inb4 Hillary's black support tanks
He's going to win, but you should kill yourself anyway
nobody here says that
Kek, please tell these faggots that no President will fix this huge complex problem.
Speak for your own country, Canada.
Your Prime Minister spends more time posing for photo ops and doing handstands at LGBTBBQ parades and mosques than actually running your country.
>tfw 49er fan,kangs fan,trump supporter, and a spic
I'm not going to end it, this is what they want me to do. I'm going to live out of spite. I'm going to breed right leaning kids just to spite the kikes. Yes I can get ugly girls. I'll settle with one and breed little deplorables out of spite
>Cheater supports a cheater
where is that from??
Trump know nothing about international politics, just watch the debates Jesus Christ...
>that poor grammar
Are you actually a poo-in-loo, a Muslim or a chink?
>now lebron
how much must it anger shillary on the inside to have to cozy up to smelly niggers to have any chance of winning?
she was probably hoping the fat hambeasts and numales would have carried her to the finish line by this point
NBA finals were rigged like this election. It's ok though. We got KD and the NBA is on easy mode now
libs find nobility in sticking to failure
Learn fucking English you stupid immigrant.
Best file name
I told you fucks the cusb winning was a mistake. He sold out cleveland
And then tomorrow the CF investigation reveals she and Bill helped traffic children in Haiti
나를 괴롭히는 중지 :c
Stupid fucking bitch.
"Im not gonna tell the country a single fucking thing about policy but I will gather up all these famous niggers to help persuade a vote"
She is do desperate it aint even funny anymore, imagine all the money she is shelling out to these dumb niggers.
Fuck Beyonce
Fuck Jay z
Fuck Lebron
Fuck that game of thrones fat fuck
Fuck Dicaprio who didnt even deserve an oscar for that shitty excuse of a movie. THE FUCKING BEAR WAS WAY COOLER THAN YOU
If Hillary wins Im putting cyonide in my families "last supper"
Fuck that bitch, if anyone is gonna kill my family in cold blood it be me.
welp guess I have to stop watching the NBA
Yeah, but he didn't invaded a country so isis could take control of it.
He also thought Cleveland would win the World Series.
Also, who gives a shit what he thinks?
Seriously no sport is safe from this bullshit
Except maybe golf
In the clear?
They chose not to prosecute probably because there's no precedent. She's in the clear, but everyone knows she's a fuckup (if not criminal)
>inb4 "i don't recall" x1000000 under oath
Sure, she's innocent