Do women make poor leaders Sup Forums? Is it a step in the right direction to have a women president?

Do women make poor leaders Sup Forums? Is it a step in the right direction to have a women president?

I'm a staffer with the Trump campaign over in DC. The campaign is literally falling apart.

The latest statement by FBI just made Trump and Pence go full panic / damage control made as this was "our" last hope.

Trump and Pence are growing more bitter towards each other behind the scenes, his advisers are all considering jumping ship, and Trump himself is starting to crack under the weight.

He will not admit to losing against Hillary. He will continue to say that the election was "rigged" against him for years to come.

He knows he'll bomb in the elections, he knows his poll numbers are bad, he knows everyone with any common sense in his own campaign is getting the fuck out before it crashes and burns.

I don't want the mainstream media to know about this, so I came here


If they can't be drafted into the military, they shouldn't lead our military.

Some female leaders are good, just as some male leaders are terrible.
It's just that women seem more inclined to be terrible leaders.


It's not because she's a woman, it's because she's an awful human being and therefore shouldn't be president.

south korea is currently protesting against their female leader, and merkel is absolute dogshit, maybe the majority of them are, but not all

Name one nation with a good female leader

Name one good woman president that has improved on her predecessor

what's it like being CTR? Isn't it kind of demoralizing?

the 19th amendment needs to be repealed. woman have no place in politics. prove me wrong

Some of the most powerful and respected leaders in the world have been female.



literally kys

Yeah like Merkel!!

Yes. Women are generally too soft-skinned and overly-compassionate.


Considering this board routinely comments on how evil and ruthless women are, that's an interesting comment.

holy shit trumpfags btfo!!! GO BUY THE ROPE TO HANG YOURSELVES NOW, BEAT THE RUSH!!!

>thatcher and shillary are literal psychopaths
yeah. nah.

nigger you fucking what?