Is Wikileaks a big fat fucking red herring? They keep promising cake, but deliver nothing worth a fuck .
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Wikileaks is a foreign entity trying to control our election with propaganda.
That have proven that our government is a shill for global banking and finance. The multiple FBI investigations are still on-going. What did you want, them to hand western civilization over to you?
Pic related.
Spirit Cooking
Wikileaks deliberately kept you from figuring out that Russia is behind the tampering of America elections, and Sup Forums is so goddamned stupid you fell for it.
You know all the clickbait that says they made crazy promises is a CTR psyop to discredit them right?
Oh. The vast right wing conspiracy. Do you have a single piece of evidence? Just one will help your argument.
Meanwhile, your candidate is still under multiple investigations for election rigging, collusion, pay-for-play, arming terrorists, and only Comey knows what else.
Assange and their Twitter account has said over and over that Hillary will win
>source: my ass
Is that why people got fired over stuff found in wikileaks?
along with the pedophile accusations
they release damning information, but the media, whether its on the tv or "credible" news sources, don't cover it.
Yes OP
Again Wikileaks was fed all the emails it has by the Pentagon who set this all up with the Clintons in order 2 protect all the illegal shit thats been going on. 9/11 - Saudi Arabia - Qatar - ISIS all of it.. Do you understand?
Assange is the guy who controls the flow of information, giving us garbage leaks.
Pizza pasta hotdogs is literally the best shit we've got.
Fuck him he's a pedo rapist just like the clintons
Even fat ass kim dotcom got his money laundering charges dropped 2 play along.
>those tabs in pic
Did you even read the fucking emails?
Under her watch as secretary of state we increased arms flow to saudi arabia.
She gets like 25+ million a year from gulf states
Thank you for correcting the record!
I researched that "spirit cooking" thing. it's actually some artsy fartsy cookbook thing
>Pizza pasta hotdogs is literally the best shit we've got.
That's retarded.
Pizza hotdog is flimsy at best and few will buy it unless she gets convicted.
Even the young turks covered it.
They're delivering mountains of evidence that Hillary et al are literally guilty of treason (SAPs, etc.) - but none of it matters. It's not Julian's fault that the whole system is so corrupt it won't act on it, and we as a people are so complacent and lazy that we expect the government to police itself. Turkroaches would stage another coup if evidence like this came out there.
Julian Assange is a Russian spy but the twist is the Russians have wanted Hillary to win all along
Mountains of... nothing. Nothing in those emails is worth a damn.
I didn't correct nothing. im just frustrated
But nothing was done..
I say pizza hotdog pasta is the best because the Pentagon was in on everything the entire time.
The one thing they never expected was us 2 start calling them satan loving child rapist & actually making stuff stick.
It's literally the only thing we have that will be able 2 get stupid fucking nazi leftist 2 listen.
i like to think most people realise its not real/"""""art""""". but its still really weird that youd go to a dinner where its believed they bleed and jack off into your meal
>red herring?
ok OP - maybe you should start a publishing house that literally puts their life on the line to get a greasy slob like you the real news - fucking great time to be alive.
Honestly it isn't wikileaks that keeps promising stuff, it's these shitty "alternative" news sites that say "these new leaks from wikileaks will surely be the end of clintons campaign" and include a picture of assange.
yeah! i'll start my own publishing house with blackjack and hookers
>'s not Julian's fault that the whole system is so corrupt it won't act on it, and we as a people are so complacent and lazy that we expect the government to police itself.
This. Watch the latest Julian interview. People giving him shit for helping trump... He says TRUMP ERIK NOT BE ALLOWED TO WIN
Assange knows more about Big Power than any civilian here. Trust him. Take the fucking black pill and raise a traditionalist family. We are the new Jews, white straight men. Our homeland is already lost
On PBS today a woman said adhesive needs less "male, pale, stale" people
Government funded radio.
We've already lost people. We lost a long time ago. Fight and survive.
Sup Forums is a red herring for expecting mountains of illegal shit but there was almost nothing.
Theres a few things that should make people not like her, but not a lot of illegal. Accepting bribes from Qatar should be illegal but it's not because it's not tit for tat. It's business as usual.
The only illegal thing we've really seen is the private server which normally gets people a 10 year prison sentence.
They've delivered proof of multiple crimes, strong evidence of bribery, and proof of knowingly accepting huge sums of cash from state sponsors of terrorism.
It's not that wikileaks hasn't delivered, OP. It's that our disgusting ruling class hasn't done anything about it.
Funding ISIS is a pretty big fucking crime dude
i guess information is useless if you don't act on it.
Maybe look into mining and timber. I understand Frank Gustria is looking for new virgin rain forests to strip.
>great time to be alive
Nah, this is the time it sucks.
Better to exist when they are telling stories about this instead of during.
Maybe its me, maybe its you but this era is seriously lacking a Boothe, Burr, Oswald...
The passive aggressive is not working.
Spot on post on GLP a few hours ago by a Medpack:
>wall of text worth reading
Wikileaks is an Intelligence psyop & confession tool to openly absolve government crimes without judicial consequences (its all "illegal" hacks?!) and therefore cannot be processed for prosecution of war criminal government unofficials.
Wikileaks is like bloodletting or intestinal flushing, to free misleader and elitist war criminals from dangerously fermenting and poisonous liabalities and slags to prevent negative side effects and consequences for their careers, to ready them for new lies and crimes of the rapidly fading old world order ...
Its like when Churchians go to their churches and confess their sins, to continue the same sinful way next day ...
Its also used to distract from the real culprits in shadow government, the inner most secret layers can never be exposed, because it would be a real disaster for the puppet masters of the west ...
These leaks further increase the consciousness of dictatorsheeps in limited and homeopathic doses ...
Just my 2 ounces
>almost nothing
>funding isis and conspiring to hide evidence from the FBI
The emails ere important, did you fuckers even read them? You don't react to evidence that proves deception of the public and rigging of the primaries, but you would react if an email would contain the word "penis". Your whole fucking society is degenerate.
show me the email.
You all do realize that something is not right, correct? It is not like Assange to say he will deliver something and then just NOT do anything.
There is something going on here that we're not hearing about. And there is a reason Clinton was cleared so quickly by the FBI before the Monday rush.
Everyone knows it but nobody knows what is going on. Give it time... it will all come out.
It's so bloody infuriating this is ignored. It's like the US population are zombies only concerned with what celebrities say.
What I hope is happening is the FBI doesn't want to be seen as intefering with an election. They're hoping that Trump really is going to win so then they can charge her. It complicates things if she wins so they're playing it safe.
While they should still be able to arrest her that's difficult it 40% of the country thinks she did nothing wrong AND she's the next president.
Why give you 1 email?
Here's 1700 emails
"So, those Hillary Clinton emails, they connect together with the cables that we have published of Hillary Clinton, creating a rich picture of how Hillary Clinton performs in office, but, more broadly, how the U.S. Department of State operates," he continued. "So, for example, the disastrous, absolutely disastrous intervention in Libya, the destruction of the Gaddafi government, which led to the occupation of ISIS of large segments of that country, weapons flows going over to Syria, being pushed by Hillary Clinton, into jihadists within Syria, including ISIS, that's there in those emails. There's more than 1,700 emails in Hillary Clinton's collection that we have released, just about Libya alone."
yeah but doesn't everyone already know that? democrats should be outraged but they're not. so it doesn't matter.
>snowden releases leaks that confirm government spies on all of us
>it becomes new normal
>wikileaks releases leaks that confirm the government is corrupt as fuck
>it becomes the new normal
Honestly, if you try to analyze why that is, you could say it proves that democracy doesn't work. You are trusting complete idiots to decide the fate of your country? In an authoritarian system where only the best are allowed to rule, things like that wouldn't even happen.
They are arming terrorists, not deliberately Isis (in most cases). It is a complete fucking catastrophe, and it is the fault of western globalist governments. That is why the war is happening in Syria, and why the war is STILL going on in Libya.
To what end? They haven't been proven to release false info ever
Democrats don't seem to mind when the foreign entity is controlling our elections from within by illegally voting.
ya I expected some daggers
basically got mild stuff that doesnt really hurt Hillary
such a tease
Plus Shillary having those SAP programs is treason in itself. Selling them overseas is high treason. That cunt should be executed.
it's because bernie supporters are the biggest cuckolds out of all cuckolds in the world. There's a fuckton of evidence everything was rigged against their candidate by hillary and they're just going to go ahead and vote for her anyway.
not to mention "anti-war" democrats don't care the least that she's a war monger.
It doesn't matter what 40% of the population thinks. Look at police shooting/etc. A crime is a crime.
But I agree. The FBI are under some pressure here. I have a feeling Assange is planning to drop something still, though. He may be having Internet problems (read: gov shut down his connection).
watch more movies
all those leaks did nothing more than achieve karma neutrality for those evil doings.
The system is just, it is in balance, it resides in perfect karma neutrality.
We are being played by TPTB with universal laws.
The one terrifying conclusion that I'm starting to grasp.
>In univerversal law:
Hence it's always steady as she goes on this planet.
>the wars
>the corruption
>the violence
>the crime
>the horrors
It's sickening.
Simple formula:
You recognize perceived evil
You exercise ignorance and apathy to this evil
By free will this evil has now become universally agreed upon
Karma resides in balance now.
Fuck this shit....
That wasn't in the emails
Are you retarded?
I guess this won't be able to go on for too long.
Sooner or later, the reality will hit the people in the face and things will change.
Don't you think that, let's say, two world wars and countless other military conflicts in the past 120 years should've brought humankind up to speed as how to treat eachother and to re-evaluate what is necessary for peaceful cooperation and co-existance on this planet?
Just think about it.
After 2 f'n World Wars we're at this point.
Humanity hasn't moved an INCH. Maybe some percentile of an inch but close to unmeasureable.
Honestly, right now... I'm in despair.
Assange: "I'm totally on your side dudes!"
Alt-right: "How do we know?"
Assange: "Because I said so! And look at these cool e-mails! No way I could have fabricated all of them!"
Can't fabricate DKIM, moron.
Top Kek
Well, concerning wars the modern world is a ton better than the past, where wars were part of everyday reality. I could write now a 15 pages essay why that is.
I mean, I do agree with you to an extent. But I think of it like excessive smoking. You can do it for some time and not give a fuck about the consequences, but reality will punish you and you will have to either change or face lung cancer.
>Wikileaks is russian haczors
100% bullshit.