>being a capitalist
Being a capitalist
This is the real redpill
Capitalism is a Jewish scheme. Sup Forums is too class cucked to see the truth though,
Third Position>capitalism>communism
Whether you like it or not, the free market has undoubtedly accelerated the progress of pretty much everything in life. It's not always perfect, but it's pretty damn good when it is. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Okay, let's hear your alternative.
Op is mad that he can't succeed and so wants to bring down the whole system. I thought Sup Forums was against SJWs?
>the free market has undoubtedly accelerated the progress of pretty much everything in life
how so?
yes goy, white people don't deserve to succeed, now work harder, I might toss you some extra shekels... heh heh heh
I'm white and set to make 250k+ a year after I finish medical school. Not my fault you're a failure.
what was your gpa and mcat score?
usmle score?
you probably won't be making 250+, you'll probably end up an internist making 150k with crippling debt.
Who said I was a failure? I am still an undergrad.
What specialty?
The medical field is literally the most overpaid sector in America. Congratulations, the career you're good at is an outlier from the rest of the labor market.
the reason doctors are paid so well is due to the AMA-government incest, and government protections
that's it.
under free market capitalism doctor salaries would go into the toilet asap.
So what's the alternative and "redpilled" way?
515 and 3.8 GPA.
Depends on my USMLE scores. Either onco or neuro most likely.
No, it's because it's a highly skilled profession. If you want a cheap 3rd word doctor there's plenty to go to. Enjoy.
Communism was invented by news and the revolutions were led by Jews, so what is your "third alternative" to Socialism and Capitalism?
(Pic related if you say anything involving hitler.)
Jews* What is typing
>Highly skilled position that requires top performance daily or else people who trust you to intervene into their body die
>12+ years of total training
>undeserving of high pay
Stay mad.
>didn't even take the STEP 1
>thinks he's going to be in oncology or neuro
anyway, I'm going to law school myself. My diagnostic LSATs are coming back extremely well. I expect to break 170 on test day (a year away) and go to a toptier. 3.8 as well.
*going to go to law school
>Thinks I'm not completely capable
>Thinks neuro or onco are the same competitive state as ortho or opto
Congrats on the law. Almost did it myself, but didn't seem as fun and all the top paying disciplines require you to sell your soul.
What does Sup Forums think of Malcolm x?
>Wanted black people to form their own country
>Hated jews
>Hated liberals
First and foremost he was a socialist, so he was not as spooked about race like Sup Forums is, but he believed people had the right to their own culture and to live with their own people. He just believed the primary problem was capitalism, because it affected people of all cultures.
> economics is synonymous of human progress
Kill yourself
capitalism isn't wrong
it's when it becomes crony and in the hands of the elite
communism is jewish
>Be me in may
>Sale on cinema tickets and gift guards, 50% off
>Buy plenty of gift cards
>Resell the cards to friends and family in October and November
Tfw you becomes the enemy... Oy
I did not learn much about national socialism
what's the difference between socialism and national socialism?
Is national socialism less fucked up? Is it feasible?
It looks like socialism and it can be turned into socialism if things go wrong
>it's when it becomes crony and in the hands of the elite
Which it does in the absence of restrictions. Which is why the deregulation meme is being pushed so hard.
You're literally going to be healing jews all day to make money for your corporate masters. You're cucked
the problem don't lay in either capitalism or socialism.
stop looking at each model as an enemy.
the real problem that small business initiatives came to a halt.
>why small buisness
because on average small businesses create more jobs, by alot.
big company's have the means to re-allocate their manufacturing base assuming and other things that allows them to become more efficient.
lets say sony is owned by a Japanese person that lives in japan
sony have a manufacturing base in the US. so they contribute somewhat to the US economy, but any day sony can move their manufacturing base from the US to taiwan. and more importantly the CEO of sony which is probably a millionaire buys japanese products and companies which helps to strengthen the japanese economy, not the local economy.
so in that local businesses have the upper hand.
but there is more. big companies like google have alot of tax relives because they can negotiate, small businesses can't negotiate with the state so they are taxed up the ass which halts their development. plus all the regulations and licenses require to start a new businesses is a huge risk for 20 something person that want to gamble in something that may or may not work.
the government halts the development of these local shops and home based manufacturing and the result is the weakening of the economy as a whole.
there is no leash on the big dogs
sorry for typo its late
>leave it to the jew to explain economics to us
He is right though
Thanks fellow goyim! Hehehe
Way to speak the truth!
There is no way small businesses are going to be able to survive in the future. Bigger businesses offer cheaper products and thats what consumers want. Corporations have already amassed impossible sums of money and they will continue to do so as long as we continue capitalism--there is no justification for private property
>there is no justification for private property
You are fucking dumb
>not understanding that capitalism is necessary until we can achieve post-scarcity
Private property can only exist under protection of a state. Which is of course not justifiable either.
the question is what you rather have.
1 company that employs 1000 employees or 5 companies that employ 1000 in distribution.
if that 1 company a 1000 employees relocate its devastating, if they cut 200 employees its devastating too.
but if one of those 5 companies in example 2 there won't be nearly as much damage done because you still have potential jobs and proper tax returns.
i can get into lobbyists and how they affect money but i don't feel like typing as much. you can find it all online
>Jews exploiting my hatred of them to get me to support communism
Nice try bud
Wow this is a really bad attempt on /leftypol/'s part. I mean, there are valid critiques of capitalism but this is basically insulting. Go back.
what about self protection/?
>tfw too smart to not sage marxist threads.
>people who use "capitalism" and "socialism" as if they aren't blanket terms
the problem is not competition. quite the opposite.
when you have more companies offer the same products the price goes down because production goes UP.
the real problem is merging.
how many company's do nestle own? a 100?
100% Truth. Libertarians are the ultimate good goys.
Early Soviet government was a mess and composition of Politburo that wasn't an all-powerful body doesn't mean shit.
And while there were plenty of Jews in communist regime very few of them were Jews in anything but origin. They happily demolished synagogues and churches alike.
Jews were drawn to communism because it was an escape from anti-Semitism for which they blamed Tsarist regime.
In any case out of named only Zinovyev, Kamenev and Trotsky were relevant. All lost power by late 20's and were murdered on Stalin's orders.
Sverdlov was killed in 1919.
then comes the negotiations.
you don't want nestle in your state? tough luck. no food for you.
there is no company that can keep up with the supply that companies like nestle and tyson offers so it allows them to negotiate for benefits.
no benefits? lemme hire this politician to pass on more benefits then offer him a job in my company after he is done.
this is what trump means when he says "revolving door"
the true red pill is pro-white communism
So national-socialism?
>he doesn't realize jews only have power within the economy because they control the money supply that is empowered by the government
get rid of government in the economy, and jews fall flat
Fucks like you don't deserve to be doctors. Only care about making a profit, degenerate.
Jews have power because they are smart, educated, and look out for each other (nepotism).
Self protection from what? Why choose despotism as a structure to protect yourself?
I'll feel bad later. For this life I'll enjoy and earn my leisure.
I'm being a doctor because I like helping people. Luckily, I'm also smart so i can make money doing it.
not really, jews are greedy fucks.
they create artificial bubbles and force people to buy products at the highest price.
then prices crashing because bubbles won't last. next step is investors lose all of their value. banks lose money and therefore bailed out
federals print money and its like a never ending circle
Louis Charles Delescluze/Paris Commune
György Lukács/Hungarian Soviet Republic
Rosa Luxemburg/Free Socialist Republic of Germany
Nestor Makhno/Free Territory
Kim Chwa-chin/Shinmin Autonomous Region
Buenaventura Durruti/Revolutionary Catalonia
Josip Broz Tito/Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Imre Nagy/Hungarian Revolution
E.M.S. Namboodiripad/Kerala
Alexander Dubček/Prague Spring
Salvador Allende/Chile
France-Albert René/Seychelles
Heng Samrin/People’s Republic of Kampuchea
Maurice Bishop/People’s Revolutionary Government of Grenada
Thomas Sankara/Burkina Faso
Subcomandante Marcos/Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities
Salih Muslim Muhammad/Rojava
All existing socialism until outside force crushed it. Blame imperialism for the collapse of socialist states.
Who were you in June
>tfw 22yo white guy raking in $30k a month by buying cheap shit from China
>work maybe 30 minutes a day if i want to
>bout to start a car wash franchise to rake in dat extreme cheddar every month
>could retire when I'm 30
eat shit beta socialist fags
>gvment shd take care of me wahhh :(
Put your money where your mouth is and move to a real socialist country, but you won't because they're all shitholes
Capitalism is not entirely bad, in fact it's a great thing in many respects. The issue is allowing people to accumulate wealth via snowballing, then allowing them to crush competition with that wealth.
There really should be a maximum wage. There shouldn't be any billionaires in the West - they are far too dangerous to democracy.
>implying I want to move away from my lovely home that is filled with amazing people
I like my country and want to improve it into being a socialist one. Socialism is more about being able to put more work into a society to make it better without worrying about profit margins. The soviets were some of the hardest workers in the world...
As a bonus, you get to receive the benefits that come from rich people not hoarding billions of dollars and instead being put into better societal infrastructure.
This is stupid. Socialism has no problem with the middle class. Socialism has a problem with the bourgeoisie, who happen to be mostly jews but not all of them are. Marxists understand how the world really works, and Sup Forums isn't too far off.
I thought all the arbitrage opportunities were dead or taken by big companies?
How did you do it?
Read a book guyo, central planning doesn't work
>I like my country and want to improve it into being a socialist one.
Except any time, anywhere in any place the government has taken control of the means of production it has been a veritable disaster whether it be shortages, quality, wait times, etc. ad nauseam. Even in the few instances it can be sustained -- for however long it will last -- it is invariably an albatross on the back of a capitalist economy
start with a niche, it helps if you can brand and market. once you wiggle your feet into a niche market it takes time, but from there expansion and temporary loss are possible
don't want to get into specifics for obvious reasons tbqh
>austrians contradict mainstream capitalist thought provoked by jews as well
kinda skipped over that one
do you have a bachelor's degree?
How did you break into it? What kind of starting capital did you need
I wish I was manly enough to leave my house and live in forest
A monetary system controlled by the jews is the scheme. Legitimate capitalism works when you have a loyal, non-multicultural, high iq society, with morals and ethics. But as you can see that will probably never be possible again thanks to the jews and their schemes.
Kek confirms
So you're saying capitalism only works under very specific, carefully constructed preconditions
I would disagree. Capitalist principles such as competition work wonders, but they don't necessarily need to be implemented in a capitalist-style government. For example, Communist China is achieving great success with Authoritarian Capitalism
earned a ba in philosophy when I was 18 and skipped out on law because my "business" was doing so well
Autistically researching and around $500 but you could do it with $200 if you wanted to
Sadly I will graduate at 23. I could have earned my degree at 18 as well but I was a retard and wasted years being NEET.
You were considering law school?
The only good commie is a dead commie
We get taught a false vision of economics in school. Adam Smith's "invisible hand" was not the deified market. It was nationalism. What the criminal multinational cartels are doing in our present age is completely antithetical to any logically consistent economic theory. It's just evil criminals who will do and say anything to convince people to buy into their schemes.
so you're 5 years old and still think centralized economy isnt the most Jewish thing ever
>it's when it becomes crony and in the hands of the elite
You just described capitalism's inevitable end-game.
While I am saying that, I am not necessarily blockaded into that position. What I really mean is that the long term success of capitalism would be dependent upon those standards. I understand the wonders of competition, but my main point is getting rid of a non gold backed fiat currency, ran by the disloyal international bankers. I agree with competition, that's why I believe in a free market monetary system, with currencies competing against each other. To get to my point, you need a strong community for capitalism to not turn crony. It's honestly inevitable in an immoral, divided society. Also communist china fits my standards to a degree considering they are not multicultural, and they are relatively high iq. They do have issues with morals and ethics, especially with an authoritarian government.
without statism, how can they stop competition?
have you really never read the story of bromine?
I don't want "the government" to do that. I want us to form what max stirner called a "union of egoists" and take over the means of production for the betterment of our society. Corporations are an example of central planning.
Controlled by Jews.
Controlled by Jews.
>National Socialism
Controlled by Aryans.
Controlled by Jews.
Controlled by Jews.
>National Socialists
Controlled by Aryans.
Controlled by Jews.
Controlled by Jews.
>National Socialism
Controlled by Aryans.
Notice a pattern?
That you're pathetic and can't come up with your own systems?
This. Plus 90% of lead commies were jews
>National Socialism
>Not our own system.
>hurr durr if you oppose Communism and Capitalism the only thing you can do to counter it is come up with a system you yourself invented!
Yeah. Real intelligent there, fuckface.
You believe the Holocaust happened too?
>Capitalist Central Bank
Ran by jews
>Communist central bank
Ran by jews
>NatSoc Reichsbank
In the end ran by Aryans
lobbied by government grants to israel from the federal reserve, which then uses the money on our elections and to get jews into higher positions
lobbied by government grants to israel from the federal reserve, which then uses the money on our elections and to get jews into higher positions
Ultimate freedom from the banks and influence
Modern day, yes, but thats because they control the media so they make their own political views mainstream.
got me there
A lot of the time things start great and then they get the central bank. Once again, I agree with nationalism, but I don't think capitalism is flawed in the sense that it was automatically controlled. It was the german Mr.Warburg with the help of rothschild who created our federal reserve system.
Capitalism as a goal is cancer. Capitalism as a tool to boost the people and nation first is ultimate.
That's why pure freedom, the raw purple quadrant, is just the Jew, a kike's wet dream.
In Capitalism, the people and the government exist to serve the Economy.
In Communism, the people and the economy exist to serve the State.
In National Socialism, the state and the economy exist to serve the People.
>Goyim don't try to use the government. The government just creates shoahs. Trust the pure free markey goy.
In Fascism, the state is the people because the people are the state.
I agree, but I would say self interest instead of economy for capitalism. That gets back to my point though, you could have a capitalistic society with the values of a natsoc society. Sure you wouldn't have the same policies but with the right demographic, and understanding of group loyalty it would be possible. But this is all theoretical and I don't think we will ever get a chance to see natsoc, or capitalism grow from the roots again.
>you could have a capitalistic society with the values of a natsoc society.
As long as the love for the people overrode the love for money.
>But this is all theoretical and I don't think we will ever get a chance to see natsoc, or capitalism grow from the roots again.
Well this nation is well on its way to collapse and when it does, people will be forced to ally with those they can trust. Their race. So we just might see that happen.
>Implying capitalism requires banks
>implying socialism and communism aren't the same thing
Nationalism seems like a good temporary measure but is certainly not effective in the long run. thats why communism will win
I think regulated capitalism is good. When I say regulated, I mean regulated against what Bernie Sanders currently calls capitalism (which is more like global corporatism).
>Implying National Socialism and Socialism are the same thing.